47 lines
1.4 KiB
47 lines
1.4 KiB
%h1=_ 'Invitation'
=_ 'You are invited to join:'
%b= @invite.group.name
%p=_ 'If you accept the invitation and want to join the foodcoop please fill out the form.'
.edit_form{:style => "width:25em"}
- form_for(:user, @user) do |u|
- if flash[:error]
%p= flash[:error]
= error_messages_for('user')
%label{:for => 'nick'}=_ 'Nickname (for log in)'
= u.text_field 'nick', :maxlength => 25
%label{:for => 'first_name'}=_ 'First name'
= u.text_field 'first_name', :maxlength => 50, :size => 25
%label{:for => 'last_name'}=_ 'Last name'
= u.text_field 'last_name'
%label{:for => 'phone'}=_ 'Phone'
= u.text_field 'phone'
%label{:for => 'address'}=_ 'Address'
= u.text_field 'address'
%label{:for => 'password'}=_ 'Password'
= password_field_tag 'user[password]'
%label{:for => 'password_confirmation'}=_ 'Passwort confirmation'
= password_field_tag 'user[password_confirmation]'
%h3=_ 'Settings'
- for setting in User::setting_keys.keys
= check_box_tag "user[settings][#{setting}]", '1', @user.settings[setting] == '1' || @user.settings_default(setting)
%label{:for => "user[settings][#{setting}]"}= User::setting_keys[setting]
= submit_tag _('Send')
= javascript_tag("$('user_login').focus()")