2009-01-13 19:01:56 +01:00
# == Schema Information
2009-01-29 01:57:51 +01:00
# Schema version: 20090120184410
2009-01-13 19:01:56 +01:00
# Table name: articles
2009-02-02 16:35:43 +01:00
# id :integer not null, primary key
2009-01-13 19:01:56 +01:00
# name :string(255) default(""), not null
2009-02-02 16:35:43 +01:00
# supplier_id :integer default(0), not null
# article_category_id :integer default(0), not null
2009-01-13 19:01:56 +01:00
# unit :string(255) default(""), not null
# note :string(255)
2009-02-02 16:35:43 +01:00
# availability :boolean default(TRUE), not null
2009-01-13 19:01:56 +01:00
# manufacturer :string(255)
# origin :string(255)
# shared_updated_on :datetime
2009-02-02 16:35:43 +01:00
# price :decimal(, )
2009-01-13 19:01:56 +01:00
# tax :float
2009-02-02 16:35:43 +01:00
# deposit :decimal(, ) default(0.0)
# unit_quantity :integer default(1), not null
2009-01-13 19:01:56 +01:00
# order_number :string(255)
# created_at :datetime
# updated_at :datetime
2009-02-02 16:35:43 +01:00
# quantity :decimal(, ) default(0.0)
2009-01-20 19:37:15 +01:00
# deleted_at :datetime
2009-01-13 19:01:56 +01:00
2009-01-06 11:49:19 +01:00
class Article < ActiveRecord::Base
2009-01-29 01:57:51 +01:00
acts_as_paranoid # Avoid deleting the article for consistency of order-results
extend ActiveSupport::Memoizable # Ability to cache method results. Use memoize :expensive_method
2009-01-20 19:37:15 +01:00
2009-01-29 01:57:51 +01:00
# Associations
2009-01-06 11:49:19 +01:00
belongs_to :supplier
belongs_to :article_category
2009-01-29 01:57:51 +01:00
has_many :article_prices, :order => "created_at"
2009-01-18 17:42:51 +01:00
named_scope :in_stock, :conditions => "quantity > 0", :order => 'suppliers.name', :include => :supplier
2009-01-29 01:57:51 +01:00
# Validations
validates_presence_of :name, :unit, :price, :tax, :deposit, :unit_quantity, :supplier_id, :article_category_id
2009-01-06 11:49:19 +01:00
validates_length_of :name, :in => 4..60
validates_length_of :unit, :in => 2..15
2009-01-29 01:57:51 +01:00
validates_numericality_of :price, :greater_than => 0
2009-01-06 11:49:19 +01:00
validates_numericality_of :deposit, :tax
2009-01-29 01:57:51 +01:00
# Callbacks
before_save :update_price_history
before_destroy :check_article_in_use
2009-01-06 11:49:19 +01:00
# Custom attribute setter that accepts decimal numbers using localized decimal separator.
2009-01-29 01:57:51 +01:00
def price=(price)
self[:price] = String.delocalized_decimal(price)
2009-01-06 11:49:19 +01:00
# Custom attribute setter that accepts decimal numbers using localized decimal separator.
def tax=(tax)
2009-01-06 15:45:19 +01:00
self[:tax] = String.delocalized_decimal(tax)
2009-01-06 11:49:19 +01:00
# Custom attribute setter that accepts decimal numbers using localized decimal separator.
def deposit=(deposit)
2009-01-06 15:45:19 +01:00
self[:deposit] = String.delocalized_decimal(deposit)
2009-01-06 11:49:19 +01:00
2009-01-29 01:57:51 +01:00
# The financial gross, net plus tax and deposti
def gross_price
((price + deposit) * (tax / 100 + 1)).round(2)
# The price for the foodcoop-member.
def fc_price
(gross_price * (APP_CONFIG[:price_markup] / 100 + 1)).round(2)
2009-01-06 11:49:19 +01:00
# Returns true if article has been updated at least 2 days ago
def recently_updated
updated_at > 2.days.ago
# Returns how many units of this article need to be ordered given the specified order quantity and tolerance.
# This is determined by calculating how many units can be ordered from the given order quantity, using
# the tolerance to order an additional unit if the order quantity is not quiet sufficient.
# There must always be at least one item in a unit that is an ordered quantity (no units are ever entirely
# filled by tolerance items only).
# Example:
2009-01-29 01:57:51 +01:00
# unit_quantity | quantity | tolerance | calculate_order_quantity
2009-01-06 11:49:19 +01:00
# --------------+----------+-----------+-----------------------
# 4 | 0 | 2 | 0
# 4 | 0 | 5 | 0
# 4 | 2 | 2 | 1
# 4 | 4 | 2 | 1
# 4 | 4 | 4 | 1
# 4 | 5 | 3 | 2
# 4 | 5 | 4 | 2
2009-01-29 01:57:51 +01:00
def calculate_order_quantity(quantity, tolerance = 0)
unit_size = unit_quantity
units = quantity / unit_size
remainder = quantity % unit_size
units += ((remainder > 0) && (remainder + tolerance >= unit_size) ? 1 : 0)
2009-01-06 11:49:19 +01:00
2009-01-29 01:57:51 +01:00
# If the article is used in an open Order, the Order will be returned.
def in_open_order
order_articles = OrderArticle.all(:conditions => ['order_id IN (?)', Order.open.collect {|o| o.id }])
order_article = order_articles.detect {|oa| oa.article_id == id }
order_article ? order_article.order : nil
2009-01-06 11:49:19 +01:00
2009-01-29 01:57:51 +01:00
memoize :in_open_order
2009-01-06 11:49:19 +01:00
# this method checks, if the shared_article has been changed
# unequal attributes will returned in array
# if only the timestamps differ and the attributes are equal,
# false will returned and self.shared_updated_on will be updated
def shared_article_changed?
# skip early if the timestamp hasn't changed
unless self.shared_updated_on == self.shared_article.updated_on
# try to convert units
# convert supplier's price and unit_quantity into fc-size
new_price, new_unit_quantity = self.convert_units
new_unit = self.unit
unless new_price and new_unit_quantity
# if convertion isn't possible, take shared_article-price/unit_quantity
new_price, new_unit_quantity, new_unit = self.shared_article.price, self.shared_article.unit_quantity, self.shared_article.unit
# check if all attributes differ
unequal_attributes = Article.compare_attributes(
:name => [self.name, self.shared_article.name],
:manufacturer => [self.manufacturer, self.shared_article.manufacturer.to_s],
:origin => [self.origin, self.shared_article.origin],
:unit => [self.unit, new_unit],
2009-01-29 01:57:51 +01:00
:price => [self.price, new_price],
2009-01-06 11:49:19 +01:00
:tax => [self.tax, self.shared_article.tax],
:deposit => [self.deposit, self.shared_article.deposit],
# take care of different num-objects.
:unit_quantity => [self.unit_quantity.to_s.to_f, new_unit_quantity.to_s.to_f],
:note => [self.note.to_s, self.shared_article.note.to_s]
if unequal_attributes.empty?
# when attributes not changed, update timestamp of article
self.update_attribute(:shared_updated_on, self.shared_article.updated_on)
# compare attributes from different articles. used for auto-synchronization
# returns array of symbolized unequal attributes
def self.compare_attributes(attributes)
unequal_attributes = attributes.select { |name, values| values[0] != values[1] }
unequal_attributes.collect { |pair| pair[0] }
# to get the correspondent shared article
def shared_article
@shared_article ||= self.supplier.shared_supplier.shared_articles.find_by_number(self.order_number)
# convert units in foodcoop-size
2009-01-06 15:45:19 +01:00
# uses unit factors in app_config.yml to calc the price/unit_quantity
2009-01-06 11:49:19 +01:00
# returns new price and unit_quantity in array, when calc is possible => [price, unit_quanity]
# returns false if units aren't foodsoft-compatible
# returns nil if units are eqal
def convert_units
if unit != shared_article.unit
if shared_article.unit == "KI" and unit == "ST" # 'KI' means a box, with a different amount of items in it
# try to match the size out of its name, e.g. "banana 10-12 St" => 10
new_unit_quantity = /[0-9\-\s]+(St)/.match(shared_article.name).to_s.to_i
if new_unit_quantity and new_unit_quantity > 0
new_price = (shared_article.price/new_unit_quantity.to_f).round(2)
[new_price, new_unit_quantity]
else # get factors for fc and supplier
2009-01-06 15:45:19 +01:00
fc_unit_factor = APP_CONFIG[:units][self.unit]
supplier_unit_factor = APP_CONFIG[:units][self.shared_article.unit]
2009-01-06 11:49:19 +01:00
if fc_unit_factor and supplier_unit_factor
convertion_factor = fc_unit_factor / supplier_unit_factor
new_price = BigDecimal((convertion_factor * shared_article.price).to_s).round(2)
new_unit_quantity = ( 1 / convertion_factor) * shared_article.unit_quantity
[new_price, new_unit_quantity]
# Returns Articles in a nested Array, grouped by category and ordered by article name.
# The array has the following form:
# e.g: [["drugs",[teethpaste, toiletpaper]], ["fruits" => [apple, banana, lemon]]]
# TODO: force article to belong to a category and remove this complicated implementation!
def self.group_by_category(articles)
articles_by_category = {}
ArticleCategory.find(:all).each do |category|
articles_by_category.merge!(category.name.to_s => articles.select {|article| article.article_category and article.article_category.id == category.id })
# add articles without a category
articles_by_category.merge!( "--" => articles.select {|article| article.article_category == nil})
# return "clean" hash, sorted by category.name
return articles_by_category.reject {|category, array| array.empty?}.sort
# it could be so easy ... but that doesn't work for empty category-ids...
# articles.group_by {|a| a.article_category}.sort {|a, b| a[0].name <=> b[0].name}
2009-01-16 02:17:49 +01:00
def update_quantity(amount)
update_attribute :quantity, quantity + amount
2009-01-29 01:57:51 +01:00
# Checks if the article is in use before it will deleted
def check_article_in_use
raise self.name.to_s + _(" cannot be deleted. The article is used in a current order!") if self.in_open_order
# Create an ArticlePrice, when the price-attr are changed.
def update_price_history
if price_changed?
:price => price,
:tax => tax,
:deposit => deposit,
:unit_quantity => unit_quantity
def price_changed?
changed.detect { |attr| attr == 'price' || 'tax' || 'deposit' || 'unit_quantity' } ? true : false
2009-01-06 11:49:19 +01:00