
95 lines
3.5 KiB
Raw Normal View History

- content_for :javascript do
$(function() {
2013-02-09 02:01:31 +01:00
- title t('.title', order:
2009-01-06 11:49:19 +01:00
// Order summary
2013-02-09 02:01:31 +01:00
%dt= t '.supplier'
2013-02-09 02:01:31 +01:00
%dt= t '.note'
%dd= @order.note
2013-02-09 02:01:31 +01:00
%dt= t '.ending'
%dd= format_time(@order.ends)
2013-02-09 02:01:31 +01:00
%dt= t '.order_sum'
- if @group_order
= number_to_currency(@group_order.price)
- else
2013-02-09 02:01:31 +01:00
= t '.not_ordered'
- if @order.closed?
2013-02-09 02:01:31 +01:00
%p= t '.closed_by', user: @order.updated_by.nick
= link_to t('.comment'), "#comments"
2009-01-06 11:49:19 +01:00
// Article box
2013-02-09 02:01:31 +01:00
%h2= t '.articles.title'
2009-01-06 11:49:19 +01:00
- if @group_order
2013-02-09 02:01:31 +01:00
%p.pull-right= link_to t('.articles.show_hide'), '#', 'data-toggle-this' => 'tr.ignored'
%p= link_to(t('.articles.edit_order'), edit_group_order_path(@group_order, order_id:, class: 'btn btn-primary') if
2013-02-09 02:01:31 +01:00
%th{style: "width:40%"}= t ''
%th= t '.articles.units'
%th= t '.articles.unit_price'
2013-02-09 02:01:31 +01:00
%abbr{title: t('.articles.ordered_title')}= t '.articles.ordered'
2013-02-09 02:01:31 +01:00
%abbr{title: t('.articles.order_nopen_title')}
- if
2013-02-09 02:01:31 +01:00
= t '.articles.order_open'
- else
= t '.articles.order_not_open'
%th= t '.articles.total_price'
- total = 0 #set counter for order-sum
- for category_name, order_articles in @order.articles_grouped_by_category
= category_name
%td{colspan: "9"}
- order_articles.each do |oa|
- # get the order-results for the ordergroup
- r = get_order_results(oa,
%tr{class: cycle('even', 'odd', name: 'articles') + " " + order_article_class_name(r[:quantity], r[:tolerance], r[:result])}
%td{style: "width:40%"}
2009-02-03 21:14:48 +01:00
- unless oa.article.note.blank?
= image_tag("lamp_grey.png", {alt: "Notiz anzeigen", size: "15x16", border: "0", onmouseover: "$('note_#{}').show();", onmouseout: "$('note_#{}').hide();"})
%td= "#{oa.price.unit_quantity} x #{oa.article.unit}"
%td= number_to_currency(oa.price.fc_price)
= r[:quantity]
= "+ #{r[:tolerance]}" if oa.price.unit_quantity > 1
%td= r[:result] > 0 ? r[:result] : "0"
%td= number_to_currency(r[:sub_total])
2009-02-03 21:14:48 +01:00
- unless oa.article.note.blank?
%tr{id: "note_#{}", class: "note even", style: "display:none"}
%td{colspan: "6"}=h oa.article.note
%tr{class: cycle('even', 'odd', name: 'articles')}
2013-02-09 02:01:31 +01:00
%th{colspan: "5"}= t '.articles.sum'
%th= number_to_currency(total)
= link_to_top
2009-01-06 11:49:19 +01:00
- else
- if
2013-02-09 02:01:31 +01:00
= t '.articles.not_ordered_msg'
= link_to t('.articles.order_now'), action: "order", id: @order
- else
2013-02-09 02:01:31 +01:00
= t '.articles.order_closed_msg'
2009-01-06 11:49:19 +01:00
// Comments box
2013-02-09 02:01:31 +01:00
%h2= t '.comments.title'
= render 'shared/comments', comments: @order.comments
#new_comment= render 'order_comments/form', order_comment: current_user)
= link_to_top