
54 lines
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2009-01-06 11:49:19 +01:00
%th{:style => "width:40%"} Name
%th Gebinde
%th Einzelpreis
%abbr{:title => "Menge + Toleranz"} Bestellt
%abbr{:title => "Unter Berücksichtigung der anderen Gruppen"} Zugeteilt
%th Gesamtpreis
- total = 0 #set counter for order-sum
- for category, order_articles in @order.get_articles
%tr{:style => "background-color:#EFEFEF"}
%td{:style => "text-align:left;"}=h category
%td{:colspan => "9"}
- for order_article in order_articles
- article = order_article.article
- # get the order-results for the ordergroup
- group_order_article = GroupOrderArticle.find_by_group_order_id_and_order_article_id,
- if group_order_article
- quantity = group_order_article.quantity
- tolerance = group_order_article.tolerance
- result = group_order_article.orderResult[:quantity] + group_order_article.orderResult[:tolerance]
- sub_total = article.gross_price * (quantity + tolerance)
- else
- quantity, tolerance, result, sub_total = 0, 0, 0, 0
- total += sub_total
- # give the article different colors, dependent on order-result
- style = "grey"
- if (quantity > 0)
- style = result > 0 ? 'green' : 'red'
%tr{:class => cycle('even', 'odd', :name => 'articles'), :style => "color:#{style}"}
%td{:style => "width:40%"}
- unless order_article.article.note.empty?
= image_tag("lamp_grey.png", {:alt => "Notiz anzeigen", :size => "15x16", :border => "0", :onmouseover => "$('note_#{}').show();", :onmouseout => "$('note_#{}').hide();"})
%td= "#{article.unit_quantity} x #{order_article.article.unit}"
%td= number_to_currency(article.gross_price)
= quantity
= "+ #{tolerance}" if article.unit_quantity > 1
%td= result > 0 ? result : "0"
%td= number_to_currency(sub_total)
- unless order_article.article.note.empty?
%tr{:id => "note_#{}", :class => "note even", :style => "display:none"}
%td{:colspan => "6"}=h order_article.article.note
%tr{:class => cycle('even', 'odd', :name => 'articles')}
%th{:colspan => "5"} Summe
%th= number_to_currency(total)