Translations for articles-pages.

This commit is contained in:
Benjamin Meichsner 2009-02-10 13:26:10 +01:00
parent 6202e05841
commit 053593f718
12 changed files with 89 additions and 104 deletions

View file

@ -28,8 +28,8 @@ class ArticlesController < ApplicationController
# if somebody uses the search field:
conditions = [" LIKE ?", "%#{params[:query]}%"] unless params[:query].nil?
@total = @supplier.articles.not_in_stock.count(:conditions => conditions)
@articles = @supplier.articles.not_in_stock.paginate(:order => sort,
@total = @supplier.articles.count(:conditions => conditions)
@articles = @supplier.articles.paginate(:order => sort,
:conditions => conditions,
:page => params[:page],
:per_page => @per_page,
@ -136,10 +136,7 @@ class ArticlesController < ApplicationController
# Renders a form for editing all articles from a supplier
def edit_all
@articles = @supplier.articles.not_in_stock.find :all,
:order => ',',
:include => [:article_category]
@articles = @supplier.articles.all
# Updates all article of specific supplier
@ -309,15 +306,15 @@ class ArticlesController < ApplicationController
def sync
# check if there is an shared_supplier
unless @supplier.shared_supplier
flash[:error]= + _(" ist not assigned to an external database.")
flash[:error]= "#{} ist nicht mit einer externen Datenbank verknüpft."
redirect_to supplier_articles_path(@supplier)
# sync articles against external database
@updated_articles, @outlisted_articles = @supplier.sync_all
# convert to db-compatible-string
# convert to db-compatible-string
@updated_articles.each {|a, b| a.shared_updated_on = a.shared_updated_on.to_formatted_s(:db)}
if @updated_articles.empty? && @outlisted_articles.empty?
flash[:notice] = _("The database is up to date.")
flash[:notice] = "Der Katalog ist aktuell."
redirect_to supplier_articles_path(@supplier)

View file

@ -107,14 +107,18 @@ module ApplicationHelper
icons = { :delete => { :file => 'b_drop.png', :alt => 'Löschen'},
:edit => { :file => 'b_edit.png', :alt => 'Bearbeiten'}}
options.merge!({:size => '16x16',:border => "0"})
options.merge!({:alt => icons[name][:alt]}) unless options[:alt]
options.merge!({:alt => icons[name][:alt], :title => icons[name][:alt]}) unless options[:alt]
image_tag icons[name][:file], options
# Remote links with default 'loader'.gif during request
def remote_link_to(text, options={})
remote_options = {:before => "'loader')", :success => "Element.hide('loader')"}
remote_options = {
:before => "'loader')",
:success => "Element.hide('loader')",
:method => :get
link_to_remote(text, remote_options.merge(options))

View file

@ -6,8 +6,8 @@ module ArticlesHelper
def row_classes(article)
classes = ""
classes += ' unavailable' if article.availability
classes = " click-me"
classes += " unavailable" if !article.availability
classes += " just_updated" if @article.recently_updated && @article.availability

View file

@ -1,13 +1,4 @@
module DeliveriesHelper
def articles_for_select(supplier)
supplier.articles.find(:all, :limit => 10).collect { |a| [truncate(,] }
def add_article_link
link_to_function "Artikel hinzufügen", nil, { :accesskey => 'n', :title => "ALT + SHIFT + N" } do |page|
page.insert_html :bottom, :stock_changes, :partial => 'stock_change', :object =>
def link_to_invoice(delivery)
if delivery.invoice

View file

@ -35,7 +35,6 @@ class Article < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :article_prices, :order => "created_at"
named_scope :available, :conditions => {:availability => true}
named_scope :not_in_stock, :conditions => {:type => nil}
# Validations
validates_presence_of :name, :unit, :price, :tax, :deposit, :unit_quantity, :supplier_id, :article_category_id

View file

@ -24,9 +24,9 @@
class Supplier < ActiveRecord::Base
acts_as_paranoid # Avoid deleting the supplier for consistency of order-results
has_many :articles, :dependent => :destroy,
has_many :articles, :dependent => :destroy, :conditions => {:type => nil},
:include => [:article_category], :order => ','
has_many :stock_articles
has_many :stock_articles, :include => [:article_category], :order => ','
has_many :orders
has_many :deliveries
has_many :invoices
@ -51,13 +51,11 @@ class Supplier < ActiveRecord::Base
for article in articles
# try to find the associated shared_article
shared_article = article.shared_article
if shared_article
# article will be updated
# skip if shared_article has not been changed
if shared_article # article will be updated
unequal_attributes = article.shared_article_changed?
unless unequal_attributes.blank?
# update objekt but don't save it
unless unequal_attributes.blank? # skip if shared_article has not been changed
# try to convert different units
new_price, new_unit_quantity = article.convert_units

View file

@ -10,23 +10,18 @@
<td><%= @article.unit_quantity -%></td>
<td class="currency">
<acronym title="zuletzt geändert: <%= format_date(@article.updated_at) -%>
| Brutto: <%= number_to_currency(@article.fc_price) -%>">
| Brutto: <%= number_to_currency(@article.gross_price) -%>">
<%= number_to_currency(@article.price) -%>
<td><%= number_to_percentage( if != 0 -%></td>
<td><%= number_to_currency(@article.deposit) if @article.deposit != 0 -%></td>
<%= link_to_remote icon(:edit, :onclick => "checkRow('#{}')"),
:url => edit_supplier_article_path(@supplier, @article),
:method => :get,
:before => "'loader')",
:success => "Element.hide('loader')" %>
<%= link_to_remote icon(:delete, :onclick => "checkRow('#{}')"),
<%= remote_link_to icon(:edit, :onclick => "checkRow('#{}')"),
:url => edit_supplier_article_path(@supplier, @article) %>
<%= remote_link_to icon(:delete, :onclick => "checkRow('#{}')"),
:url => [@supplier, @article],
:method => :delete,
:confirm => 'Bist du sicher?',
:before => "'loader')",
:success => "Element.hide('loader')" %>
:confirm => 'Bist du sicher?' %>

View file

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
=_ 'Number of found articles :'
Gefundene Artikel:
%b= @total
@ -16,18 +16,18 @@
%th[sort_td_class_helper "name"]
= sort_link_helper _("Name"), "name"
= sort_link_helper "Name", "name"
%th[sort_td_class_helper "category"]
= sort_link_helper _("Category"), "category"
= sort_link_helper "Kategorie", "category"
%th[sort_td_class_helper "unit"]
= sort_link_helper _("Unit"), "unit"
= sort_link_helper "Einheit", "unit"
%th[sort_td_class_helper "note"]
= sort_link_helper _("Note"), "note"
%th{:style => "width: 4em;"}=_ 'UnitQu'
%th{:style => "width: 4em;"}=_ 'Price'
%th{:style => "width: 3.5em;"}=_ 'Tax'
%th{:style => "width: 4em;"}=_ 'Deposit'
= sort_link_helper "Notiz", "note"
%th{:style => "width: 4em;"} Gebgr.
%th{:style => "width: 4em;"} Preis
%th{:style => "width: 3.5em;"} MwSt
%th{:style => "width: 4em;"} Pfand
%th{:style => "width: 3em;"}
@ -47,14 +47,10 @@
%option{:value => "setAvailable", :onclick => 'formSubmit();'} Artikel sind verfügbar
= hidden_field_tag 'supplier_id',
= pagination_links_remote @articles, :params => {:sort => params[:sort]}
<script type="text/javascript">
function formSubmit() {
%p= pagination_links_remote @articles, :params => {:sort => params[:sort]}
function formSubmit() {

View file

@ -2,18 +2,18 @@
// import menu
- unless @supplier.shared_supplier.nil?
.menu{:style => 'width: 14em'}
.menu{:style => 'width: 16em'}
=_ 'External database'
Zugriff auf externe Datenbank
%li= link_to_function _('search/import'), "Element.toggle('import')"
%li= link_to _('sync'), sync_supplier_articles_path(@supplier), :method => :post
%li= link_to_function "Suchen/Importieren", "Element.toggle('import')"
%li= link_to "Synchronisieren", sync_supplier_articles_path(@supplier), :method => :post
#change_supplier{:style => "padding:0 0 0.5em 0.7em;"}
%span{:style => "float:left"}
=_ 'Change supplier:'
Lieferant wechseln:
- form_tag do
= select_tag :switch_supplier, |
options_for_select( Supplier.all(:order => 'name').collect {|s| [, url_for(supplier_articles_path(s))] }, |
@ -24,50 +24,50 @@
- unless @supplier.shared_supplier.nil?
#import.single_column{:style => "display:none; clear:both"}
%h2=_ 'Import articles'
%h2 Artikel importieren
#search{:style => "padding-bottom:3em"}
- form_remote_tag :url => shared_supplier_articles_path(@supplier), |
:before => "'loader')", :success => "Element.hide('loader')", |
:method => :get do |
= text_field_tag :import_query, params['import_query'], :size => 10
= submit_tag _('Search articles')
= submit_tag "Suchen"
- if @supplier.shared_supplier.lists
=_ "Search in following lists: "
Suche in folgenden Listen:
- @supplier.shared_supplier.lists.each do |token, name|
= check_box_tag "lists[#{token}]", "1", true
= name
=_ "only regional:"
Nur aus der Region:
= check_box_tag "regional", "1", false
// "import_search_results" will be rendered
= link_to_function _('Close'), "Element.hide('import')"
= link_to_function "Schließen", "Element.hide('import')"
.single_column{:style => 'width:100%; clear:both'}
%b= link_to_remote _('New article'), :url => new_supplier_article_path(@supplier), :before => "'loader')", :success => "Element.hide('loader')", :method => :get
%b= remote_link_to "Neuer Artikel", :url => new_supplier_article_path(@supplier)
= link_to _('Edit all'), edit_all_supplier_articles_path(@supplier)
= link_to "Alle bearbeiten", edit_all_supplier_articles_path(@supplier)
= link_to _('Upload articles'), upload_supplier_articles_path(@supplier)
= link_to "Artikel hochladen", upload_supplier_articles_path(@supplier)
= link_to_if @current_user.role_orders?, _('Create order'), {:controller => 'orders', :action => 'new', :supplier_id => @supplier }
= link_to_if @current_user.role_orders?, "Bestellung anlegen", {:controller => 'orders', :action => 'new', :supplier_id => @supplier }
- form_remote_tag :url => supplier_articles_path(@supplier), |
:before => "'loader')", :success => "Element.hide('loader')", |
:method => :get do |
%label{:for => 'article_name'}=_ "Search in article name: "
%label{:for => 'article_name'} Suche im Artikelnamen:
= text_field_tag("query", params['query'], :size => 10 )
= submit_tag _('Search')
= submit_tag "Suchen"
%form{ :action => url_for(update_selected_supplier_articles_path(@supplier)), :method => "post", :id => "articlesInListForm" }
#table= render :partial => 'articles'
= link_to _('Back'), :action => 'index'
= link_to "Zurück", :action => 'index'
#edit_article{:style => "display:none"}

View file

@ -1,24 +1,24 @@
- title "#{} / Artikel hochladen"
=_ "Please check the parsed articles and choose a supplier at the end of page."
Bitte überprüfe die eingelesenen Artikel.
=_ "At the moment there is no checking of dublicate articles."
Achtung, momentan gibt es keine Überprüfung auf doppelte Artikel.
- form_tag(create_from_upload_supplier_articles_path(@supplier)) do
%th=_ "Number"
%th=_ "Name"
%th=_ "Note"
%th=_ "Manufacturer"
%th=_ "Origin"
%th=_ "Unit"
%th=_ "Net price"
%th=_ "Tax"
%th=_ "Deposit"
%th=_ "Unit quantity"
%th=_ "Category"
%th Nummer
%th Name
%th Notiz
%th Hersteller
%th Herkunft
%th Einheit
%th Nettopreis
%th MwSt
%th Pfand
%th Gebindegröße
%th Kategorie
- for article in @articles
- fields_for "articles[]", article do |form|
%tr{:class => cycle('even', 'odd')}
@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
%td= form.text_field 'unit_quantity', :size => 4
%td= 'article_category_id', ArticleCategory.find(:all).collect {|a| [, ] }
= submit_tag "Save new Articles for #{}"
= submit_tag "Speichere neue Artikel für #{}"
= link_to _("Back"), upload_supplier_articles_path(@supplier)
= link_to "Zurück", upload_supplier_articles_path(@supplier)

View file

@ -1,18 +1,23 @@
- title "#{} / Artikel hochladen"
=_ 'The file-type must be "csv" (textfile). Use a semicolon (";") to seperate the fields and double quotes ("Bananas...") for the text.'
Die Datei muss eine Textdatei mit der Endung '.csv' sein. Die erste Zeile
wird beim Einlesen ignoriert.
=_ 'The character-set has to be "UTF-8". The first row, maybe used for headers, will be ignored.'
Die Felder müssen mit einem Semikolon (';') getrennt und der Text mit doppelten
Anführungszeichen ("Text...") umklammert werden.
Als Zeichensatz wird UTF-8 erwartet.
=_ "Correct order of the columns:"
Korrekte Reihenfolge der Spalten:
= [_("Status (x=outlistet)"), _("Number"), _("Name"), _("Note"), _("Manufacturer"), _("Origin"), |
_("Unit"), _("Net price"), _("Tax"), _("Deposit"), _("Unit quantity"), |
_("Scale quantity"), _("Scale price"), _("Category")].join(" | ") |
= ["Status (x=ausgelistet)", "Bestellnummer", "Name", "Notiz", "Hersteller", "Herkunft", |
"Einheit", "Preis(netto)", "MwSt", "Pfand", "Gebindegröße", |
"Staffelmenge", "Staffelpreis", "Kategorie"].join(" | ") |
- form_for(:articles, :url => parse_upload_supplier_articles_path(@supplier), :html => { :multipart => true }) do |form|
%p= form.file_field("file")
%p= submit_tag _("Upload articles")
- form_for :articles, :url => parse_upload_supplier_articles_path(@supplier), |
:html => { :multipart => true } do |form| |
%p= form.file_field "file"
%p= submit_tag "Datei hochladen"

View file

@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
- for supplier in @suppliers
%tr{:class => cycle('even','odd', :name => 'suppliers')}
%td= link_to "<b>#{h(}</b> (#{supplier.articles.not_in_stock.count})", supplier_articles_path(supplier)
%td= link_to "<b>#{h(}</b> (#{supplier.articles.count})", supplier_articles_path(supplier)
%td=h supplier.customer_number
%td= link_to "Anzeigen", supplier