Fixed broken link on startpage for non ordergroup members.

This commit is contained in:
Benjamin Meichsner 2009-08-04 13:05:37 +02:00
parent ce375e1637
commit 116b1c4ed9

View file

@ -35,39 +35,45 @@ class HomeController < ApplicationController
def ordergroup
@user = @current_user
@ordergroup = @user.ordergroup
@ordergroup_column_names = ["Description", "Actual Size", "Balance", "Updated"]
@ordergroup_columns = ["description", "account_balance", "account_updated"]
#listing the financial transactions with ajax...
unless @ordergroup.nil?
@ordergroup_column_names = ["Description", "Actual Size", "Balance", "Updated"]
@ordergroup_columns = ["description", "account_balance", "account_updated"]
if params['sort']
sort = case params['sort']
when "date" then "created_on"
when "note" then "note"
when "amount" then "amount"
when "date_reverse" then "created_on DESC"
when "note_reverse" then "note DESC"
when "amount_reverse" then "amount DESC"
#listing the financial transactions with ajax...
if params['sort']
sort = case params['sort']
when "date" then "created_on"
when "note" then "note"
when "amount" then "amount"
when "date_reverse" then "created_on DESC"
when "note_reverse" then "note DESC"
when "amount_reverse" then "amount DESC"
sort = "created_on DESC"
# or if somebody uses the search field:
conditions = ["note LIKE ?", "%#{params[:query]}%"] unless params[:query].nil?
# or if somebody uses the search field:
conditions = ["note LIKE ?", "%#{params[:query]}%"] unless params[:query].nil?
@total = @ordergroup.financial_transactions.count(:conditions => conditions)
@financial_transactions = @ordergroup.financial_transactions.paginate(:page => params[:page],
:per_page => 10,
:conditions => conditions,
:order => sort)
respond_to do |format|
format.html # myOrdergroup.haml
format.js { render :partial => "finance/transactions/list" }
@total = @ordergroup.financial_transactions.count(:conditions => conditions)
@financial_transactions = @ordergroup.financial_transactions.paginate(:page => params[:page],
:per_page => 10,
:conditions => conditions,
:order => sort)
respond_to do |format|
format.html # myOrdergroup.haml
format.js { render :partial => "finance/transactions/list" }
flash[:error] = "Leider bist Du kein Mitglied einer Bestellgruppe"
redirect_to root_path
# cancel personal memberships direct from the myProfile-page
# cancel personal memberships direct from the myProfile-page
def cancel_membership
membership = Membership.find(params[:membership_id])
if membership.user == current_user