Cleanup old task-related i18n

This commit is contained in:
wvengen 2014-11-23 01:42:15 +01:00
parent f6c008c79c
commit 5c78bdde7e
5 changed files with 5 additions and 36 deletions

View File

@ -8,22 +8,7 @@
- content_for :javascript do
function toggleWeeklyTaskFields() {
if ($('#workgroup_weekly_task').is(':checked')) {
$('#weekly_task_fields .control-group').show();
$('#weekly_task_fields input').removeAttr('disabled');
} else {
$('#weekly_task_fields .control-group').hide();
$('#weekly_task_fields input').attr('disabled', 'disabled');
$(function() {
$('#workgroup_weekly_task').click(function() {
$("##{f.object.class.to_s.underscore}_user_tokens").tokenInput("#{users_path(:format => :json)}", {
crossDomain: false,
prePopulate: $("##{f.object.class.to_s.underscore}_user_tokens").data("pre"),

View File

@ -163,7 +163,6 @@ de:
description: Beschreibung
name: Name
next_weekly_tasks_number: Für wieviel Wochen im Voraus sollen Aufgaben erstellt werden?
role_admin: Administration
role_article_meta: Artikeldatenbank
role_finance: Finanzen
@ -185,7 +184,7 @@ de:
exclusion: erledigte Aufgaben können nicht wöchentlich wiederholt werden
exclusion: erledigte Aufgaben können nicht wiederholt werden
article: Artikel
article_category: Artikelkategorie
@ -1385,12 +1384,9 @@ de:
activated: aktiviert
apple_limit: Äpfel-Bestellbeschränkung
deactivated: deaktiviert
no_weekly_job: kein wöchentlicher Job definiert
weekly_job: Wöchentlicher Job
search: Suche ...
search_user: Nach Nutzerin suchen
title: Wöchentliche Jobs
user_not_found: Keine Nutzerin gefunden
no_open_orders: Derzeit gibt es keine laufenden Bestellungen

View File

@ -163,7 +163,6 @@ en:
description: Description
name: Name
next_weekly_tasks_number: For how many weeks in advance would you like to define tasks?
role_admin: Administration
role_article_meta: Article database
role_finance: Finances
@ -185,7 +184,7 @@ en:
exclusion: finished tasks may not be repeated weekly
exclusion: finished tasks may not be repeated
article: Article
article_category: Article category
@ -469,8 +468,8 @@ en:
price_markup: Percentage that is added to the gross price for foodcoop members.
stop_ordering_under: Members can only order when they have at least this many apple points.
tax_default: Default VAT percentage for new articles.
tasks_period_days: Number of days between two instances of a periodic task.
tasks_upfront_days: How many days upfront to schedule tasks from a periodic task.
tasks_period_days: Number of days between two periodic tasks (default 7, which is a week).
tasks_upfront_days: For how many days in advance you would like to schedule periodic tasks.
tolerance_is_costly: Order as much of the member tolerance as possible (compared to only as much needed to fill the last box). Enabling this also includes the tolerance in the total price of the open member order.
use_apple_points: When the apple point system is enabled, members are required to do some tasks to be able to keep ordering.
use_messages: Allow members to communicate with each other within Foodsoft.
@ -1404,12 +1403,9 @@ en:
activated: activated
apple_limit: Apple points order limit
deactivated: deactivated
no_weekly_job: No weekly job defined
weekly_job: Weekly job
search: Search ...
search_user: Search user
title: Weekly jobs
user_not_found: No user found
no_open_orders: There are no current orders

View File

@ -163,7 +163,6 @@ fr:
description: Description
name: Nom
next_weekly_tasks_number: Combien de temps en avance les boulots doivent ils être annoncés sur le site?
role_admin: Administration
role_article_meta: Base de données des produits
role_finance: Trésorerie
@ -185,7 +184,7 @@ fr:
exclusion: répétition hebdomadaire invalide pour un boulot déjà effectué
exclusion: répétition invalide pour un boulot déjà effectué
article: Article
article_category: Catégorie
@ -1398,12 +1397,9 @@ fr:
activated: activé
apple_limit: Minimum de glands
deactivated: désactivé
no_weekly_job: aucun boulot hebdomadaire n'a été défini
weekly_job: Boulot hebdomadaire
search: Recherche...
search_user: Rechercher par utilisatrice
title: Boulots hebdomadaires
user_not_found: Aucun-e membre ne correspond à ce nom
no_open_orders: Il n'y a aucune commande en cours en ce moment

View File

@ -163,7 +163,6 @@ nl:
description: Omschrijving
name: Naam
next_weekly_tasks_number: Hoeveel weken vooruit moet de taak zichtbaar zijn?
role_admin: Beheer
role_article_meta: Artikelen
role_finance: Financiën
@ -1391,12 +1390,9 @@ nl:
activated: actief
apple_limit: Appelpunten bestellingslimiet
deactivated: inactief
no_weekly_job: geen wekelijkse taak ingesteld
weekly_job: wekelijkse taak
search: Zoeken ...
search_user: Gebruiker zoeken
title: Wekelijkse taken
user_not_found: Geen gebruiker gevonden
no_open_orders: Er zijn momenteel geen lopende bestellingen.