diff --git a/app/views/home/index.html.haml b/app/views/home/index.html.haml index ac39eb04..934574ea 100644 --- a/app/views/home/index.html.haml +++ b/app/views/home/index.html.haml @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ -# placeholder deface to add content using erb[silent]:contains() - '' -- unless @unaccepted_tasks.empty? && @next_tasks.empty? && @unassigned_tasks.size == 0 +- unless @unaccepted_tasks.empty? && @next_tasks.empty? %section.row-fluid - unless @next_tasks.empty? .span3.well @@ -20,11 +20,12 @@ %h4= t '.tasks_move.title' = t '.tasks_move.desc' = link_to t('.tasks_move.action'), user_tasks_path - - unless @unassigned_tasks.size == 0 - .span3.well - %h4= t '.tasks_open.title' - = t '.tasks_open.desc', size: @unassigned_tasks.size - = link_to t('.tasks_open.action'), tasks_path + +- if @unassigned_tasks.size > 0 + %section + %h2= t '.tasks_open.title' + = render 'shared/task_list', tasks: @unassigned_tasks + = link_to t('.tasks_open.view_all'), tasks_path - if current_user.ordergroup = render :partial => 'shared/open_orders', :locals => {:ordergroup => current_user.ordergroup} diff --git a/app/views/tasks/_list.haml b/app/views/shared/_task_list.haml similarity index 100% rename from app/views/tasks/_list.haml rename to app/views/shared/_task_list.haml diff --git a/app/views/tasks/index.haml b/app/views/tasks/index.haml index 044dc05c..9976e27c 100644 --- a/app/views/tasks/index.haml +++ b/app/views/tasks/index.haml @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ - unless @non_group_tasks.empty? %section %h3= t '.title_non_group' - = render 'list', tasks: @non_group_tasks + = render 'shared/task_list', tasks: @non_group_tasks - for group in @groups @@ -14,5 +14,5 @@ %h3 = group.name %small= link_to t('.show_group_tasks'), workgroup_tasks_path(workgroup_id: group) - = render 'list', tasks: tasks + = render 'shared/task_list', tasks: tasks = link_to_top diff --git a/app/views/tasks/user.html.haml b/app/views/tasks/user.html.haml index 095cd1de..734220b4 100644 --- a/app/views/tasks/user.html.haml +++ b/app/views/tasks/user.html.haml @@ -4,14 +4,13 @@ - unless @unaccepted_tasks.empty? %section %h3= t '.title_open' - = render 'list', tasks: @unaccepted_tasks + = render 'shared/task_list', tasks: @unaccepted_tasks %section %h3= t '.title_accepted' - unless @accepted_tasks.empty? - = render 'list', tasks: @accepted_tasks + = render 'shared/task_list', tasks: @accepted_tasks - else = t('.more', tasks_link: link_to(t('.tasks_link'), tasks_path)).html_safe %br/ = link_to_top - diff --git a/app/views/tasks/workgroup.haml b/app/views/tasks/workgroup.haml index b9f81b7f..1d2da321 100644 --- a/app/views/tasks/workgroup.haml +++ b/app/views/tasks/workgroup.haml @@ -3,8 +3,6 @@ %section %h3= t '.title_all' - = render 'list', tasks: @group.open_tasks + = render 'shared/task_list', tasks: @group.open_tasks %br/ = link_to_top - - diff --git a/config/locales/de.yml b/config/locales/de.yml index 207c30ee..1d5160be 100644 --- a/config/locales/de.yml +++ b/config/locales/de.yml @@ -951,9 +951,8 @@ de: desc: Du bis für Aufgaben verantwortlich. title: Aufgaben übernehmen tasks_open: - action: offene Aufgabe(n) - desc: Es gibt %{size} title: Offene Aufgaben + view_all: Alle Aufgaben anzeigen title: Startseite your_tasks: Deine Aufgaben no_ordergroups: Leider bist Du kein Mitglied einer Bestellgruppe @@ -1452,6 +1451,14 @@ de: title: Laufende Bestellungen total_sum: Gesamtsumme who_ordered: Wer hat bestellt? + task_list: + accept_task: Aufgabe übernehmen + done: Erledigt + done_q: Erledigt? + mark_done: Aufgabe als erledigt markieren + reject_task: Aufgabe ablehnen + who: Wer machts? + who_hint: "(Wie viele werden noch benötigt?)" user_form_fields: contact_address_hint: Die Adresse deiner Bestellgruppe. Wenn du sie aktualisierst, wird sie auch bei den anderen Mitgliedern deiner Bestellgruppe aktualisiert. workgroup_members: @@ -1642,14 +1649,6 @@ de: show_group_tasks: Gruppenaufgaben anzeigen title: Aufgaben title_non_group: Aufgaben für alle! - list: - accept_task: Aufgabe übernehmen - done: Erledigt - done_q: Erledigt? - mark_done: Aufgabe als erledigt markieren - reject_task: Aufgabe ablehnen - who: Wer machts? - who_hint: "(Wie viele werden noch benötigt?)" nav: all_tasks: Alle Aufgaben archive: Erledigte Aufgaben (Archiv) diff --git a/config/locales/en.yml b/config/locales/en.yml index 1af442ee..8cb8ca8d 100644 --- a/config/locales/en.yml +++ b/config/locales/en.yml @@ -964,9 +964,8 @@ en: desc: You are responsible for these tasks. title: Take over tasks tasks_open: - action: open task(s) - desc: There is/are %{size} title: Open tasks + view_all: Show all tasks title: Homepage your_tasks: Your tasks no_ordergroups: You are unfortunately not a member of an ordergroup. @@ -1474,6 +1473,14 @@ en: title: Current orders total_sum: Total sum who_ordered: Who ordered? + task_list: + accept_task: Accept task + done: Done + done_q: Done? + mark_done: Mark task as done + reject_task: Reject task + who: Who is doing it? + who_hint: "(How much are still needed?)" user_form_fields: contact_address_hint: The address of your ordergroup. If you update this, it changes for other members of the ordergroup as well. workgroup_members: @@ -1664,14 +1671,6 @@ en: show_group_tasks: Show group tasks title: Tasks title_non_group: Tasks for all! - list: - accept_task: Accept task - done: Done - done_q: Done? - mark_done: Mark task as done - reject_task: Reject task - who: Who is doing it? - who_hint: "(How much are still needed?)" nav: all_tasks: All tasks archive: Completed tasks (archive) diff --git a/config/locales/fr.yml b/config/locales/fr.yml index 76217d4c..6eb89785 100644 --- a/config/locales/fr.yml +++ b/config/locales/fr.yml @@ -961,9 +961,8 @@ fr: desc: Tu as du boulot de prévu. title: Accepter des boulot tasks_open: - action: boulot(s) disponible(s) - desc: Il y a %{size} title: Boulots disponibles + view_all: Afficher tous les boulots title: Page d'accueil your_tasks: Voilà le boulot que tu as accepté en ce moment no_ordergroups: Tu ne fais encore partie d'aucune cellule @@ -1460,6 +1459,14 @@ fr: title: Commandes en cours total_sum: Total who_ordered: Qui a commandé? + task_list: + accept_task: Te charger de ce boulot + done: Effectué + done_q: Effectué? + mark_done: Marquer ce boulot comme étant effectué + reject_task: Refuser ce boulot + who: Qui le fait? + who_hint: "(Combien manquent encore?)" user_form_fields: contact_address_hint: workgroup_members: @@ -1658,14 +1665,6 @@ fr: show_group_tasks: Afficher l'agenda de cette équipe title: Agenda title_non_group: Boulots ouverts à tou-te-s - list: - accept_task: Te charger de ce boulot - done: Effectué - done_q: Effectué? - mark_done: Marquer ce boulot comme étant effectué - reject_task: Refuser ce boulot - who: Qui le fait? - who_hint: "(Combien manquent encore?)" nav: all_tasks: L'agenda de la boufcoop archive: Boulots déjà effectués (archives) diff --git a/config/locales/nl.yml b/config/locales/nl.yml index 6ec02970..5ce39c3f 100644 --- a/config/locales/nl.yml +++ b/config/locales/nl.yml @@ -952,9 +952,8 @@ nl: desc: Je bent voor de volgende taken verantwoordelijk. title: Taken op je nemen tasks_open: - action: open taken - desc: Er zijn %{size} title: open taken + view_all: Alle taken bekijken title: Hoofdpagina your_tasks: Jouw taken no_ordergroups: Jammergenoeg ben je niet aangesloten bij een huishouden. @@ -1455,6 +1454,14 @@ nl: title: Lopende bestellingen total_sum: Totaalsom who_ordered: Wie heeft besteld? + task_list: + accept_task: Taak accepteren + done: Gedaan + done_q: Gedaan? + mark_done: Taak als gedaan markeren + reject_task: Taak laten vallen + who: Wie doet het? + who_hint: "(Hoeveel zijn er nog nodig?)" user_form_fields: contact_address_hint: Het adres van je huishouden. Als je dit wijzigt, verandert het ook voor de andere leden van je huishouden. workgroup_members: @@ -1645,14 +1652,6 @@ nl: show_group_tasks: Groepstaken tonen title: Taken title_non_group: Taken voor iedereen! - list: - accept_task: Taak accepteren - done: Gedaan - done_q: Gedaan? - mark_done: Taak als gedaan markeren - reject_task: Taak laten vallen - who: Wie doet het? - who_hint: "(Hoeveel zijn er nog nodig?)" nav: all_tasks: Alle taken archive: Gedane taken (archief)