diff --git a/app/helpers/orders_helper.rb b/app/helpers/orders_helper.rb index a931469a..4c1e2367 100644 --- a/app/helpers/orders_helper.rb +++ b/app/helpers/orders_helper.rb @@ -20,9 +20,9 @@ module OrdersHelper if order_article.order.open? nil else - units_info = "#{order_article.units_to_order} ordered" - units_info += ", #{order_article.units_billed} billed" unless order_article.units_billed.nil? - units_info += ", #{order_article.units_received} received" unless order_article.units_received.nil? + units_info = "#{order_article.units_to_order} #{heading_helper OrderArticle, :units_to_order}" + units_info += ", #{order_article.units_billed} #{heading_helper OrderArticle, :units_billed}" unless order_article.units_billed.nil? + units_info += ", #{order_article.units_received} #{heading_helper OrderArticle, :units_received}" unless order_article.units_received.nil? end end diff --git a/app/views/order_articles/_edit.html.haml b/app/views/order_articles/_edit.html.haml index e8849551..bd19221e 100644 --- a/app/views/order_articles/_edit.html.haml +++ b/app/views/order_articles/_edit.html.haml @@ -7,9 +7,9 @@ = hidden_field_tag :without_units, true - else .fold-line - = form.input :units_to_order, label: 'Amount ordered', hint: '', input_html: {class: 'input-nano'} + = form.input :units_to_order, hint: '', input_html: {class: 'input-nano'} -#= form.input :units_billed, label: 'invoice', input_html: {class: 'input-nano'} - = form.input :units_received, label: 'received', input_html: {class: 'input-nano'} + = form.input :units_received, input_html: {class: 'input-nano'} %p.help-block= t 'simple_form.hints.order_article.units_to_order' .foo{style: 'clear:both'} diff --git a/app/views/orders/_edit_amounts.html.haml b/app/views/orders/_edit_amounts.html.haml index 590a111f..25ebdcde 100644 --- a/app/views/orders/_edit_amounts.html.haml +++ b/app/views/orders/_edit_amounts.html.haml @@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ function init_add_article(sel) { $(sel).removeAttr('disabled').select2({ - placeholder: '#{j t('orders.add_article.title')}', + placeholder: '#{j t('orders.receive.add_article')}', formatNoMatches: function(term) { return '#{j t('.no_articles_available')}';} // TODO implement adding a new article, like in deliveries }).on('change', function(e) { @@ -66,17 +66,17 @@ $(this).replaceWith(''); } -%table#order_articles.ordered-articles.table.table-striped.stupidtable +%table#order_articles.ordered-articles.table.table-striped.stupidtable{style: 'margin-bottom: 0'} %thead %tr %th.sort{:data => {:sort => 'string'}}= heading_helper Article, :order_number, short: true %th.default-sort.sort{:data => {:sort => 'string'}}= heading_helper Article, :name %th= heading_helper Article, :unit %th= heading_helper Article, :price - %th Members - %th Ordered + %th= heading_helper OrderArticle, :units_to_order, short: true + %th= heading_helper OrderArticle, :quantity, short: true -#%th Invoice # TODO implement invoice screen - %th Received + %th= heading_helper OrderArticle, :units_received, short: true %th %th= t 'ui.actions' %tfoot @@ -85,6 +85,7 @@ %select#add_article{:style => 'width: 500px;'} - new_article_data.each do |option| %option{id: "add_article_#{option[:id]}", value: option[:id]}= option[:text] + %tbody#result_table - @order_articles.each do |order_article| = render :partial => 'edit_amount', :locals => {:order_article => order_article} diff --git a/app/views/orders/receive.html.haml b/app/views/orders/receive.html.haml index 2a130614..53105abd 100644 --- a/app/views/orders/receive.html.haml +++ b/app/views/orders/receive.html.haml @@ -22,24 +22,22 @@ }); }); -- title "Receiving #{@order.name}" +- title t('.title', order: @order.name) = form_tag(receive_order_path(@order)) do - %section#results + %fieldset#results = render 'edit_amounts' .form-actions .pull-left - Surplus to - = label_tag :rest_to_tolerance, class: 'inline' do + %b.checkbox.inline + = t '.surplus_options' + = label_tag :rest_to_tolerance, class: 'checkbox inline' do = check_box_tag :rest_to_tolerance, 1, true - member tolerance, - %span{style: 'color: grey'} - and - = label_tag :rest_to_stock, class: 'inline' do - = check_box_tag :rest_to_stock, 1, false, disabled: true - stock - + = t '.consider_member_tolerance' + = label_tag :rest_to_stock, class: 'checkbox inline' do + = check_box_tag :rest_to_stock, 1, false, disabled: true + %span{style: 'color: grey'}= t '.rest_to_stock' .pull-right = submit_tag t('.submit'), class: 'btn btn-primary' = link_to t('ui.or_cancel'), order_path(@order) diff --git a/config/locales/de.yml b/config/locales/de.yml index 1a7a4d81..614abe6a 100644 --- a/config/locales/de.yml +++ b/config/locales/de.yml @@ -77,11 +77,17 @@ de: note: Notiz starts: Läuft vom status: Status + supplier: Lieferant order_article: article: Artikel missing_units: Fehlende Einheiten - missing_units_short: Fehlende - units_to_order: Menge + missing_units_short: Fehlend + quantity: Gewünschte Einheiten + quantity_short: Gewünscht + units_received: Gelieferte Gebinde + units_received_short: Geliefert + units_to_order: Bestellte Gebinde + units_to_order_short: Bestellt update_current_price: Globalen Preis aktualisieren order_comment: text: Kommentiere diese Bestellung ... @@ -1095,6 +1101,9 @@ de: notice: Die Bestellung wurde erstellt. edit: title: Bestellung bearbeiten + edit_amount: + locked_to_protect_manual_update: Die Verteilung dieses Artikels auf die einzelnen Bestellgruppen wurde manuell angepasst. Dieses Eingabefeld wurde gesperrt, um die manuellen Änderungen zu bewahren. Um den Artikel neu zu verteilen, drücke den Entsperrknopf und ändere die gelieferte Menge. + locked_to_protect_unlock_button: Drücke diesen Knopf, um das Eingabefeld für die gelieferte Menge zu entsperren. Vorherige manuelle Änderungen werden überschrieben und der Artikel wird wieder automatisch auf die Bestellgruppen aufgeteilt, wenn Du die Menge änderst. fax: amount: Menge articles: Artikel @@ -1113,12 +1122,14 @@ de: title: Artikel index: action_end: Beenden + action_receive: In Empfang nehmen + closed_orders: Abgerechnete Bestellungen confirm_delete: Willst Du wirklich die Bestellung löschen? confirm_end: Willst Du wirklich die Bestellung %{order} beenden? Es gibt kein zurück. - ended_orders: Beendete Bestellungen new_order: Neue Bestellung anlegen no_open_orders: Derzeit gibt es keine laufende Bestellungen. open_orders: Laufende Bestellungen + orders_in_progress: In Bearbeitung title: Bestellungen verwalten model: error_closed: Bestellung wurde schon abgerechnet @@ -1130,6 +1141,13 @@ de: warning_ordered_stock: ! 'Warnung: Die rot markierten Artikel wurden in der laufenden Lagerbestellung bereits bestellt bzw. gekauft. Wenn Du sie hier abwählst, werden alle bestehenden Bestellungen bzw. Käufe dieses Artikels gelöscht und nicht abgerechnet!' new: title: Neue Bestellung anlegen + receive: + add_article: Artikel hinzufügen + consider_member_tolerance: Toleranz berücksichtigen + rest_to_stock: Rest ins Lager + submit: Bestellung in Empfang nehmen + surplus_options: 'Verteilungsoptionen:' + title: »%{order}« in Empfang nehmen show: action_end: Beenden! amounts: ! 'Netto/Bruttosumme:' diff --git a/config/locales/en.yml b/config/locales/en.yml index 351b19bf..1ce8bf4b 100644 --- a/config/locales/en.yml +++ b/config/locales/en.yml @@ -77,11 +77,17 @@ en: note: Note starts: Starts at status: Status + supplier: Supplier order_article: article: Article missing_units: Missing units missing_units_short: Missing - units_to_order: Amount of units + quantity: Desired amount + quantity_short: Desired + units_received: Received amount of units + units_received_short: Received + units_to_order: Ordered amount of units + units_to_order_short: Ordered update_current_price: Globally update current price order_comment: text: Add comment to this order ... @@ -1090,9 +1096,6 @@ en: new: title: Add delivered article to order orders: - add_article: - title: Add article - notice: Article "%{name}" was added to the order. articles: article_count: ! 'Ordered articles:' prices: Net/gross price @@ -1104,7 +1107,7 @@ en: edit: title: Edit order edit_amount: - locked_to_protect_manual_update: The distribution of this article among the ordergroups was changed manually. This field is locked in order to protect those changes. To redistribute anyway, press the unlock button and change the amount. + locked_to_protect_manual_update: The distribution of this article among the ordergroups was changed manually. This field was locked in order to protect those changes. To redistribute anyway, press the unlock button and change the amount. locked_to_protect_unlock_button: Press this button to unlock the received field. Any previous manual changes will be overwritten and the article will be redistributed over the ordergroups. fax: amount: Amount @@ -1144,7 +1147,12 @@ en: new: title: Create new order receive: + add_article: Add article + consider_member_tolerance: consider tolerance + rest_to_stock: rest to stock submit: Receive order + surplus_options: 'Distribution options:' + title: Receiving %{order} show: action_end: Close! amounts: ! 'Net/gross sum:'