Continue I18n of receive screen

This commit is contained in:
Julius 2014-01-06 23:48:39 +01:00
parent 8479678530
commit d7c771d10a
4 changed files with 28 additions and 18 deletions

View File

@ -41,7 +41,7 @@
function init_add_article(sel) {
placeholder: '#{j t('orders.add_article.title')}',
placeholder: '#{j t('orders.receive.add_article')}',
formatNoMatches: function(term) { return '#{j t('.no_articles_available')}';}
// TODO implement adding a new article, like in deliveries
}).on('change', function(e) {
@ -66,17 +66,17 @@
$(this).replaceWith('<i class="icon icon-warning-sign add-on"></i>');
%table#order_articles.ordered-articles.table.table-striped.stupidtable{style: 'margin-bottom: 0'}
%th.sort{:data => {:sort => 'string'}}= heading_helper Article, :order_number, short: true
%th.default-sort.sort{:data => {:sort => 'string'}}= heading_helper Article, :name
%th= heading_helper Article, :unit
%th= heading_helper Article, :price
%th Members
%th= t '.members' # TODO: find term for this
%th Ordered
-#%th Invoice # TODO implement invoice screen
%th Received
%th= heading_helper OrderArticle, :units_received
%th= t 'ui.actions'
@ -85,6 +85,7 @@
%select#add_article{:style => 'width: 500px;'}
- new_article_data.each do |option|
%option{id: "add_article_#{option[:id]}", value: option[:id]}= option[:text]
- @order_articles.each do |order_article|
= render :partial => 'edit_amount', :locals => {:order_article => order_article}

View File

@ -22,24 +22,22 @@
- title "Receiving #{}"
- title t('.title', order:
= form_tag(receive_order_path(@order)) do
= render 'edit_amounts'
Surplus to
= label_tag :rest_to_tolerance, class: 'inline' do
= t '.surplus_options'
= label_tag :rest_to_tolerance, class: 'checkbox inline' do
= check_box_tag :rest_to_tolerance, 1, true
member tolerance,
%span{style: 'color: grey'}
= label_tag :rest_to_stock, class: 'inline' do
= check_box_tag :rest_to_stock, 1, false, disabled: true
= t '.consider_member_tolerance'
= label_tag :rest_to_stock, class: 'checkbox inline' do
= check_box_tag :rest_to_stock, 1, false, disabled: true
%span{style: 'color: grey'}= t '.rest_to_stock'
= submit_tag t('.submit'), class: 'btn btn-primary'
= link_to t('ui.or_cancel'), order_path(@order)

View File

@ -81,6 +81,7 @@ de:
article: Artikel
missing_units: Fehlende Einheiten
missing_units_short: Fehlende
units_received: Erhalten
units_to_order: Menge
update_current_price: Globalen Preis aktualisieren
@ -1130,6 +1131,13 @@ de:
warning_ordered_stock: ! 'Warnung: Die rot markierten Artikel wurden in der laufenden Lagerbestellung bereits bestellt bzw. gekauft. Wenn Du sie hier abwählst, werden alle bestehenden Bestellungen bzw. Käufe dieses Artikels gelöscht und nicht abgerechnet!'
title: Neue Bestellung anlegen
add_article: Artikel hinzufügen
consider_member_tolerance: Toleranz berücksichtigen
rest_to_stock: Rest ins Lager
submit: Bestellung in Empfang nehmen
surplus_options: 'Verteilungsoptionen:'
title: »%{order}« in Empfang nehmen
action_end: Beenden!
amounts: ! 'Netto/Bruttosumme:'

View File

@ -81,6 +81,7 @@ en:
article: Article
missing_units: Missing units
missing_units_short: Missing
units_received: Received
units_to_order: Amount of units
update_current_price: Globally update current price
@ -1090,9 +1091,6 @@ en:
title: Add delivered article to order
title: Add article
notice: Article "%{name}" was added to the order.
article_count: ! 'Ordered articles:'
prices: Net/gross price
@ -1144,7 +1142,12 @@ en:
title: Create new order
add_article: Add article
consider_member_tolerance: consider tolerance
rest_to_stock: rest to stock
submit: Receive order
surplus_options: 'Distribution options:'
title: Receiving %{order}
action_end: Close!
amounts: ! 'Net/gross sum:'