class Finance::BalancingController < Finance::BaseController def index @orders =[:page]).per(@per_page).order('ends DESC') end def new @order = Order.find(params[:order_id]) = t('') if @order.closed? @comments = @order.comments @articles = @order.order_articles.ordered_or_member.includes(:article, :article_price, group_order_articles: { group_order: :ordergroup }) sort_param = params['sort'] || 'name' @articles = case sort_param when 'name' then @articles.order(' ASC') when 'name_reverse' then @articles.order(' DESC') when 'order_number' then @articles.order('articles.order_number ASC') when 'order_number_reverse' then @articles.order('articles.order_number DESC') else @articles end render layout: false if request.xhr? end def new_on_order_article_create # See publish/subscribe design pattern in /doc. @order_article = OrderArticle.find(params[:order_article_id]) render :layout => false end def new_on_order_article_update # See publish/subscribe design pattern in /doc. @order_article = OrderArticle.find(params[:order_article_id]) render :layout => false end def update_summary @order = Order.find(params[:id]) end def edit_note @order = Order.find(params[:id]) render :layout => false end def update_note @order = Order.find(params[:id]) if @order.update(params[:order]) render :layout => false else render :action => :edit_note, :layout => false end end def edit_transport @order = Order.find(params[:id]) render :layout => false end def update_transport @order = Order.find(params[:id]) @order.update!(params[:order]) redirect_to new_finance_order_path(order_id: rescue => error redirect_to new_finance_order_path(order_id:, alert: t('errors.general_msg', msg: error.message) end # before the order will booked, a view lists all Ordergroups and its order_prices def confirm @order = Order.find(params[:id]) end # Balances the Order, Update of the Ordergroup.account_balances def close @order = Order.find(params[:id]) @type = FinancialTransactionType.find_by_id(params.permit(:type)[:type]) @order.close!(@current_user, @type) redirect_to finance_order_index_url, notice: t('finance.balancing.close.notice') rescue => error redirect_to new_finance_order_url(order_id:, alert: t('finance.balancing.close.alert', message: error.message) end # Close the order directly, without automaticly updating ordergroups account balances def close_direct @order = Order.find(params[:id]) @order.close_direct!(@current_user) redirect_to finance_order_index_url, notice: t('finance.balancing.close_direct.notice') rescue => error redirect_to finance_order_index_url, alert: t('finance.balancing.close_direct.alert', message: error.message) end def close_all_direct_with_invoice count = 0 Order.transaction do Order.finished_not_closed.with_invoice.each do |order| order.close_direct! current_user count += 1 end end redirect_to finance_order_index_url, notice: t('finance.balancing.close_all_direct_with_invoice.notice', count: count) rescue => error redirect_to finance_order_index_url, alert: t('errors.general_msg', msg: error.message) end end