class Task < ApplicationRecord has_many :assignments, :dependent => :destroy has_many :users, :through => :assignments belongs_to :workgroup, optional: true belongs_to :periodic_task_group, optional: true belongs_to :created_by, :class_name => 'User', :foreign_key => 'created_by_user_id', optional: true scope :non_group, -> { where(workgroup_id: nil, done: false) } scope :done, -> { where(done: true) } scope :undone, -> { where(done: false) } attr_accessor :current_user_id validates :name, :presence => true, :length => { :minimum => 3 } validates :required_users, :presence => true validates_numericality_of :duration, :required_users, :only_integer => true, :greater_than => 0 validates_length_of :description, maximum: 250 validates :done, exclusion: { in: [true] }, if: :periodic?, on: :create validates_presence_of :due_date, if: :periodic? before_save :exclude_from_periodic_task_group, if: :changed?, unless: :new_record? after_save :update_ordergroup_stats # Find all tasks, for which the current user should be responsible # but which aren't accepted yet def self.unaccepted_tasks_for(user) user.tasks.undone.where(assignments: { accepted: false }) end # Find all accepted tasks, which aren't done def self.accepted_tasks_for(user) user.tasks.undone.where(assignments: { accepted: true }) end # find all tasks in the period (or another number of days) def self.next_assigned_tasks_for(user, number = FoodsoftConfig[:tasks_period_days].to_i) user.tasks.undone.where(assignments: { accepted: true }) .where(["tasks.due_date >= ? AND tasks.due_date <= ?",, number.days.from_now]) end # count tasks with not enough responsible people # tasks for groups the user is not a member are ignored def self.unassigned_tasks_for(user) undone.includes(:assignments, workgroup: :memberships).select do |task| !task.enough_users_assigned? and (!task.workgroup or task.workgroup.memberships.detect { |m| m.user_id == }) end end def self.next_unassigned_tasks_for(user, max = 2) periodic_task_group_count = {} self.unassigned_tasks_for(user).reject do |item| next false unless item.periodic_task_group count = periodic_task_group_count[item.periodic_task_group] || 0 periodic_task_group_count[item.periodic_task_group] = count + 1 count >= max end end def periodic? not periodic_task_group.nil? end def is_assigned?(user) self.assignments.detect { |ass| ass.user_id == } end def is_accepted?(user) self.assignments.detect { |ass| ass.user_id == && ass.accepted } end def enough_users_assigned? assignments.to_a.count(&:accepted) >= required_users ? true : false end def still_required_users required_users - assignments.to_a.count(&:accepted) end # Get users from comma seperated ids # and makes the users responsible for the task # TODO: check for maximal number of users def user_list=(ids) list = ids.split(",").map(&:to_i) new_users = (list - users.collect(&:id)).uniq old_users = users.reject { |user| list.include?( } self.class.transaction do # delete old assignments if old_users.any? assignments.where(user_id: end # create new assignments new_users.each do |id| user = User.find(id) if user.blank? errors.add(:user_list) else if id == current_user_id.to_i # current_user will accept, when he puts himself to the list of users :user => user, :accepted => true else # normal assignement :user => user end end end end end def user_list @user_list ||= users.collect(&:id).join(", ") end def update_ordergroup_stats(user_ids = self.user_ids) Ordergroup.joins(:users).where(users: { id: user_ids }).each(&:update_stats!) end def exclude_from_periodic_task_group self.periodic_task_group = nil true end end