# encoding: utf-8 # # Controller for managing orders, i.e. all actions that require the "orders" role. # Normal ordering actions of members of order groups is handled by the OrderingController. class OrdersController < ApplicationController before_filter :authenticate_orders # List orders def index @open_orders = Order.open.includes(:supplier) @finished_orders = Order.finished_not_closed.includes(:supplier) @per_page = 15 if params['sort'] sort = case params['sort'] when "supplier" then "suppliers.name, ends DESC" when "ends" then "ends DESC" when "supplier_reverse" then "suppliers.name DESC" when "ends_reverse" then "ends" end else sort = "ends DESC" end @orders = Order.closed.includes(:supplier).reorder(sort).page(params[:page]).per(@per_page) end # Gives a view for the results to a specific order # Renders also the pdf def show @order= Order.find(params[:id]) @view = (params[:view] or 'default').gsub(/[^-_a-zA-Z0-9]/, '') @partial = case @view when 'default' then 'articles' when 'groups' then 'shared/articles_by/groups' when 'articles' then 'shared/articles_by/articles' else 'articles' end respond_to do |format| format.html format.js do render :layout => false end format.pdf do pdf = case params[:document] when 'groups' then OrderByGroups.new(@order) when 'articles' then OrderByArticles.new(@order) when 'fax' then OrderFax.new(@order) when 'matrix' then OrderMatrix.new(@order) end send_data pdf.to_pdf, filename: pdf.filename, type: 'application/pdf' end format.text do send_data text_fax_template, filename: @order.name+'.txt', type: 'text/plain' end end end # Page to create a new order. def new @order = Order.new :ends => 4.days.from_now, :supplier_id => params[:supplier_id] end # Save a new order. # order_articles will be saved in Order.article_ids=() def create @order = Order.new(params[:order]) @order.created_by = current_user if @order.save flash[:notice] = I18n.t('orders.create.notice') redirect_to @order else logger.debug "[debug] order errors: #{@order.errors.messages}" render :action => 'new' end end # Page to edit an exsiting order. # editing finished orders is done in FinanceController def edit @order = Order.find(params[:id], :include => :articles) end # Update an existing order. def update @order = Order.find params[:id] if @order.update_attributes params[:order] flash[:notice] = I18n.t('orders.update.notice') redirect_to :action => 'show', :id => @order else render :action => 'edit' end end # Delete an order. def destroy Order.find(params[:id]).destroy redirect_to :action => 'index' end # Finish a current order. def finish order = Order.find(params[:id]) order.finish!(@current_user) redirect_to order, notice: I18n.t('orders.finish.notice') rescue => error redirect_to orders_url, alert: I18n.t('errors.general_msg', :msg => error.message) end def receive @order = Order.find(params[:id]) unless request.post? @order_articles = @order.order_articles.ordered.includes(:article) else s = update_order_amounts flash[:notice] = (s ? I18n.t('orders.receive.notice', :msg => s) : I18n.t('orders.receive.notice_none')) redirect_to @order end end def receive_on_order_article_create # See publish/subscribe design pattern in /doc. @order_article = OrderArticle.find(params[:order_article_id]) render :layout => false end def receive_on_order_article_update # See publish/subscribe design pattern in /doc. @order_article = OrderArticle.find(params[:order_article_id]) render :layout => false end protected # Renders the fax-text-file # e.g. for easier use with online-fax-software, which don't accept pdf-files # TODO move to text template def text_fax_template supplier = @order.supplier contact = FoodsoftConfig[:contact].symbolize_keys text = I18n.t('orders.fax.heading', :name => FoodsoftConfig[:name]) text += "\n#{Supplier.human_attribute_name(:customer_number)}: #{supplier.customer_number}" unless supplier.customer_number.blank? text += "\n" + I18n.t('orders.fax.delivery_day') text += "\n\n#{supplier.name}\n#{supplier.address}\n#{Supplier.human_attribute_name(:fax)}: #{supplier.fax}\n\n" text += "****** " + I18n.t('orders.fax.to_address') + "\n\n" text += "#{FoodsoftConfig[:name]}\n#{contact[:street]}\n#{contact[:zip_code]} #{contact[:city]}\n\n" text += "****** " + I18n.t('orders.fax.articles') + "\n\n" text += I18n.t('orders.fax.number') + " " + I18n.t('orders.fax.amount') + " " + I18n.t('orders.fax.name') + "\n" # now display all ordered articles @order.order_articles.ordered.includes([:article, :article_price]).each do |oa| number = oa.article.order_number (8 - number.size).times { number += " " } quantity = oa.units_to_order.to_i.to_s quantity = " " + quantity if quantity.size < 2 text += "#{number} #{quantity} #{oa.article.name}\n" end text end def update_order_amounts return if not params[:order_articles] # where to leave remainder during redistribution rest_to = [] rest_to << :tolerance if params[:rest_to_tolerance] rest_to << :stock if params[:rest_to_stock] rest_to << nil # count what happens to the articles: # changed, rest_to_tolerance, rest_to_stock, left_over counts = [0] * 4 cunits = [0] * 4 OrderArticle.transaction do params[:order_articles].each do |oa_id, oa_params| unless oa_params.blank? oa = OrderArticle.find(oa_id) # update attributes; don't use update_attribute because it calls save # which makes received_changed? not work anymore oa.attributes = oa_params if oa.units_received_changed? counts[0] += 1 unless oa.units_received.blank? cunits[0] += oa.units_received * oa.article.unit_quantity oacounts = oa.redistribute oa.units_received * oa.price.unit_quantity, rest_to oacounts.each_with_index {|c,i| cunits[i+1]+=c; counts[i+1]+=1 if c>0 } end end oa.save! end end end return nil if counts[0] == 0 notice = [] notice << I18n.t('orders.update_order_amounts.msg1', count: counts[0], units: cunits[0]) notice << I18n.t('orders.update_order_amounts.msg2', count: counts[1], units: cunits[1]) if params[:rest_to_tolerance] notice << I18n.t('orders.update_order_amounts.msg3', count: counts[2], units: cunits[2]) if params[:rest_to_stock] if counts[3]>0 or cunits[3]>0 notice << I18n.t('orders.update_order_amounts.msg4', count: counts[3], units: cunits[3]) end notice.join(', ') end end