# encoding: utf-8 class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base include Foodsoft::ControllerExtensions::Locale helper_method :available_locales protect_from_forgery before_filter :select_foodcoop, :authenticate, :store_controller, :items_per_page after_filter :remove_controller around_filter :set_time_zone, :set_currency # Returns the controller handling the current request. def self.current Thread.current[:application_controller] end protected def current_user # check if there is a valid session and return the logged-in user (its object) if session[:user_id] and params[:foodcoop] # for shared-host installations. check if the cookie-subdomain fits to request. @current_user ||= User.find_by_id(session[:user_id]) if session[:scope] == FoodsoftConfig.scope end end helper_method :current_user def deny_access session[:return_to] = request.original_url redirect_to root_url, alert: I18n.t('application.controller.error_denied', sign_in: ActionController::Base.helpers.link_to(t('application.controller.error_denied_sign_in'), login_path)) end private def authenticate(role = 'any') # Attempt to retrieve authenticated user from controller instance or session... if !current_user # No user at all: redirect to login page. session[:user_id] = nil session[:return_to] = request.original_url redirect_to_login :alert => I18n.t('application.controller.error_authn') else # We have an authenticated user, now check role... # Roles gets the user through his memberships. hasRole = case role when "admin" then current_user.role_admin? when "finance" then current_user.role_finance? when "article_meta" then current_user.role_article_meta? when "suppliers" then current_user.role_suppliers? when "orders" then current_user.role_orders? when "finance_or_orders" then (current_user.role_finance? || current_user.role_orders?) when "any" then true # no role required else false # any unknown role will always fail end if hasRole current_user else deny_access end end end def authenticate_admin authenticate('admin') end def authenticate_finance authenticate('finance') end def authenticate_article_meta authenticate('article_meta') end def authenticate_suppliers authenticate('suppliers') end def authenticate_orders authenticate('orders') end def authenticate_finance_or_orders authenticate('finance_or_orders') end # checks if the current_user is member of given group. # if fails the user will redirected to startpage def authenticate_membership_or_admin(group_id = params[:id]) @group = Group.find(group_id) unless @group.member?(@current_user) or @current_user.role_admin? redirect_to root_path, alert: I18n.t('application.controller.error_members_only') end end def authenticate_or_token(prefix, role = 'any') if not params[:token].blank? begin TokenVerifier.new(prefix).verify(params[:token]) rescue ActiveSupport::MessageVerifier::InvalidSignature redirect_to root_path, alert: I18n.t('application.controller.error_token') end else authenticate(role) end end # Many plugins can be turned on and off on the fly with a `use_` configuration option. # To disable a controller in the plugin, you can use this as a `before_action`: # # class MypluginController < ApplicationController # before_filter -> { require_plugin_enabled FoodsoftMyplugin } # end # def require_plugin_enabled(plugin) unless plugin.enabled? redirect_to root_path, alert: I18n.t('application.controller.error_plugin_disabled') end end # Redirect to the login page, used in authenticate, plugins can override this. def redirect_to_login(options={}) redirect_to login_url, options end # Stores this controller instance as a thread local varibale to be accessible from outside ActionController/ActionView. def store_controller Thread.current[:application_controller] = self end # Sets the thread local variable that holds a reference to the current controller to nil. def remove_controller Thread.current[:application_controller] = nil end # Get supplier in nested resources def find_supplier @supplier = Supplier.find(params[:supplier_id]) if params[:supplier_id] end # Set config and database connection for each request # It uses the subdomain to select the appropriate section in the config files # Use this method as a before filter (first filter!) in ApplicationController def select_foodcoop if FoodsoftConfig[:multi_coop_install] if params[:foodcoop].present? begin # Set Config and database connection FoodsoftConfig.select_foodcoop params[:foodcoop] rescue => error redirect_to root_url, alert: error.message end else redirect_to root_url end end end def items_per_page if params[:per_page] && params[:per_page].to_i > 0 && params[:per_page].to_i <= 500 @per_page = params[:per_page].to_i else @per_page = 20 end end # Always stay in foodcoop url scope def default_url_options(options = {}) {foodcoop: FoodsoftConfig.scope} end # Set timezone according to foodcoop preference. # @see http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4362663/timezone-with-rails-3 # @see http://archives.ryandaigle.com/articles/2008/1/25/what-s-new-in-edge-rails-easier-timezones def set_time_zone old_time_zone = Time.zone Time.zone = FoodsoftConfig[:time_zone] if FoodsoftConfig[:time_zone] yield ensure Time.zone = old_time_zone end # Set currency according to foodcoop preference. # @see #set_time_zone def set_currency old_currency = ::I18n.t('number.currency.format.unit') new_currency = FoodsoftConfig[:currency_unit] || '' new_currency += "\u202f" if FoodsoftConfig[:currency_space] ::I18n.backend.store_translations(::I18n.locale, number: {currency: {format: {unit: new_currency}}}) yield ensure ::I18n.backend.store_translations(::I18n.locale, number: {currency: {format: {unit: old_currency}}}) end end