if FoodsoftArticleImport.enabled? Supplier.class_eval do # Synchronise articles with spreadsheet. # # @param file [File] Spreadsheet file to parse # @param options [Hash] Options passed to {FoodsoftArticleImport#parse} except when listed here. # @option options [Boolean] :outlist_absent Set to +true+ to remove articles not in spreadsheet. # @option options [Boolean] :convert_units Omit or set to +true+ to keep current units, recomputing unit quantity and price. def sync_from_file(file, type, options = {}) all_order_numbers = [] updated_article_pairs, outlisted_articles, new_articles = [], [], [] custom_codes_path = File.join(Rails.root, "config", "custom_codes.yml") opts = options.except(:convert_units, :outlist_absent) custom_codes_file_path = custom_codes_path if File.exist?(custom_codes_path) FoodsoftArticleImport.parse(file, custom_file_path: custom_codes_file_path, type: type, **opts) do |new_attrs, status, line| article = articles.undeleted.where(order_number: new_attrs[:order_number]).first if new_attrs[:article_category].present? && options[:update_category] new_attrs[:article_category] = ArticleCategory.find_match(new_attrs[:article_category]) || ArticleCategory.create_or_find_by!(name: new_attrs[:article_category]) else new_attrs[:article_category] = nil end new_attrs[:tax] ||= FoodsoftConfig[:tax_default] new_article = articles.build(new_attrs) if status.nil? if article.nil? new_articles << new_article else unequal_attributes = article.unequal_attributes(new_article, options.slice(:convert_units, :update_category)) unless unequal_attributes.empty? article.attributes = unequal_attributes updated_article_pairs << [article, unequal_attributes] end end elsif status == :outlisted && article.present? outlisted_articles << article # stop when there is a parsing error elsif status.is_a? String # @todo move I18n key to model raise I18n.t('articles.model.error_parse', :msg => status, :line => line.to_s) end all_order_numbers << article.order_number if article end if options[:outlist_absent] outlisted_articles += articles.undeleted.where.not(order_number: all_order_numbers + [nil]) end [updated_article_pairs, outlisted_articles, new_articles] end end end