- title t('.title'), false - content_for(:sidebar) do = render :partial => 'start_nav' -# placeholder deface to add content using erb[silent]:contains() - '<dashboard_top_mark>' - unless @unaccepted_tasks.empty? && @next_tasks.empty? %section.row-fluid - unless @next_tasks.empty? .span3.well %h4= t '.your_tasks' %dl - @next_tasks.each do |task| %dt= l task.due_date, format: t('.due_date_format') %dd= link_to task.name, task_path(task) - unless @unaccepted_tasks.empty? .span3.well %h4= t '.tasks_move.title' = t '.tasks_move.desc' = link_to t('.tasks_move.action'), user_tasks_path - if @unassigned_tasks.size > 0 %section %h2= t '.tasks_open.title' = render 'shared/task_list', tasks: @unassigned_tasks = link_to t('.tasks_open.view_all'), tasks_path - if current_user.ordergroup = render :partial => 'shared/open_orders', :locals => {:ordergroup => current_user.ordergroup} // Stats - if current_user.ordergroup and FoodsoftConfig[:use_apple_points] %section %h2= t '.ordergroup.title' = render :partial => "apple_bar", :locals => {:apple_bar => AppleBar.new(current_user.ordergroup)} -# placeholder deface to add content using erb[silent]:contains() - '<dashboard_middle_mark>' - if current_user.ordergroup // Ordergroup overview %section %h2= t '.my_ordergroup.title' %p %b= current_user.ordergroup.name = t '.my_ordergroup.funds' = number_to_currency(current_user.ordergroup.get_available_funds) %small= t '.my_ordergroup.last_update', when: distance_of_time_in_words(Time.now, current_user.ordergroup.account_updated) %h3= t '.my_ordergroup.transactions.title' %table.table.table-striped %tr %th= heading_helper FinancialTransaction, :created_on %th= heading_helper FinancialTransaction, :user %th= heading_helper FinancialTransaction, :note %th= heading_helper FinancialTransaction, :amount - for ft in current_user.ordergroup.financial_transactions.limit(5).order('created_on DESC') %tr %td= format_time(ft.created_on) %td= h(show_user(ft.user)) %td= h(ft.note) - color = ft.amount < 0 ? 'red' : 'black' %td{:style => "color:#{color}; width:5em", :class => "currency"}= number_to_currency(ft.amount) %br/ %p= link_to t('.my_ordergroup.transactions.view'), my_ordergroup_path -# placeholder deface to add content using erb[silent]:contains() - '<dashboard_bottom_mark>'