en: config: hints: use_current_orders: Enable the current_orders plugin. Allows members with the order permission to change member amounts in multiple orders, using three new screens in the Orders menu. Especially useful for pick-up days. keys: use_current_orders: Extra distribute screens current_orders: articles: article: counts: '%{ordergroups} ordergroups ordered %{articles} different articles.' no_selection: Choose an article to show who ordered it, or download pick lists at the right. article_info: origin_in: in %{origin} supplied_by: from %{supplier} supplied_and_made_by: made by %{manufacturer} supplied_by_made_by: from %{supplier} made by %{manufacturer} unit: per %{unit} from: from %{supplier} form: article_placeholder: Search articles... current_orders: All current orders index: title: Distribute articles ordergroups: piece: pc unit: unit add_new: Add an ordergroup... show: title: ! '%{name}' navigation: receive: Receive articles: Distribute ordergroups: Member orders group_orders: index: title: Your current orders ordergroups: articles: add_new: Add an article... no_selection: Choose an ordergroup to show the articles. form: ordergroup_placeholder: Choose an ordergroup... index: title: Articles for ordergroup payment_bar: account_balance: Account balance new_pin: PIN new_transaction: New transaction payment: ! 'Payment:' show: title: Articles for %{name} orders: receive: title: Receive orders no_finished_orders: There are currently no orders to receive. documents: multiple_orders_by_articles: filename: Current orders sorted by article title: Current orders - by article multiple_orders_by_groups: filename: Current orders sorted by group title: Current orders - by group helpers: current_orders: pay_done: Fully paid pay_none: Nothing to pay pay_amount: To pay %{amount} js: current_orders: articles: above: '%{count} more
than available' below: '%{count} left over' equal: all distributed