en: stock_takings: edit: title: 'Edit inventory' cancel: 'or cancel' index: title: 'Inventory overview' new_inventory: 'Create new inventory' new: title: 'Create new inventory' text_deviations: 'Please fill in all surplus deviations from the %{inv_link}. For reduction, use a a negative number.' temp_inventory: 'temporary inventory' text_need_articles: 'You have to %{create_link} a new stock article before you can use it here.' create: 'create' stock_articles: 'Stock articles' cancel: 'or cancel' show: title: 'Show inventory' date: 'Date' note: 'Note' article: 'Article' supplier: 'Supplier' unit: 'Unit' amount: 'Amount' overview: 'Inventory overview' confirm_delete: 'Do you really want to delete the inventory?' stock_takings: date: 'Date' note: 'Note' confirm_delete: 'Are you sure you want to delete this?' # used by controller create: notice: 'Inventory was created successfully.' update: notice: 'Inventory was updated.'