// Stupid jQuery table plugin.

// Call on a table
// sortFns: Sort functions for your datatypes.
(function($) {

  $.fn.stupidtable = function(sortFns) {
    return this.each(function() {
      var $table = $(this);
      sortFns = sortFns || {};

      // ==================================================== //
      //                  Utility functions                   //
      // ==================================================== //

      // Merge sort functions with some default sort functions.
      sortFns = $.extend({}, {
        "int": function(a, b) {
          return parseInt(a, 10) - parseInt(b, 10);
        "float": function(a, b) {
          return parseFloat(a) - parseFloat(b);
        "string": function(a, b) {
          if (a < b) return -1;
          if (a > b) return +1;
          return 0;
        "string-ins": function(a, b) {
          a = a.toLowerCase();
          b = b.toLowerCase();
          if (a < b) return -1;
          if (a > b) return +1;
          return 0;
      }, sortFns);

      // Return the resulting indexes of a sort so we can apply
      // this result elsewhere. This returns an array of index numbers.
      // return[0] = x means "arr's 0th element is now at x"
      var sort_map = function(arr, sort_function, reverse_column) {
        var map = [];
        var index = 0;
        if (reverse_column) {
          for (var i = arr.length-1; i >= 0; i--) {
        else {
          var sorted = arr.slice(0).sort(sort_function);
          for (var i=0; i<arr.length; i++) {
            index = $.inArray(arr[i], sorted);

            // If this index is already in the map, look for the next index.
            // This handles the case of duplicate entries.
            while ($.inArray(index, map) != -1) {
        return map;

      // Apply a sort map to the array.
      var apply_sort_map = function(arr, map) {
        var clone = arr.slice(0),
            newIndex = 0;
        for (var i=0; i<map.length; i++) {
          newIndex = map[i];
          clone[newIndex] = arr[i];
        return clone;

      // ==================================================== //
      //                  Begin execution!                    //
      // ==================================================== //

      // Do sorting when THs are clicked
      $table.on("click", "th", function() {
        var trs = $table.children("tbody").children("tr");
        var $this = $(this);
        var th_index = 0;
        var dir = $.fn.stupidtable.dir;

        $table.find("th").slice(0, $this.index()).each(function() {
          var cols = $(this).attr("colspan") || 1;
          th_index += parseInt(cols,10);

        // Determine (and/or reverse) sorting direction, default `asc`
        var sort_dir = $this.data("sort-dir") === dir.ASC ? dir.DESC : dir.ASC;

        // Choose appropriate sorting function. If we're sorting descending, check
        // for a `data-sort-desc` attribute.
        if ( sort_dir == dir.DESC )
          var type = $this.data("sort-desc") || $this.data("sort") || null;
          var type = $this.data("sort") || null;

        // Prevent sorting if no type defined
        if (type === null) {

        // Trigger `beforetablesort` event that calling scripts can hook into;
        // pass parameters for sorted column index and sorting direction
        $table.trigger("beforetablesort", {column: th_index, direction: sort_dir});
        // More reliable method of forcing a redraw

        // Run sorting asynchronously on a timout to force browser redraw after
        // `beforetablesort` callback. Also avoids locking up the browser too much.
        setTimeout(function() {
          // Gather the elements for this column
          var column = [];
          var sortMethod = sortFns[type];

          // Push either the value of the `data-order-by` attribute if specified
          // or just the text() value in this column to column[] for comparison.
          trs.each(function(index,tr) {
            var $e = $(tr).children().eq(th_index);
            var sort_val = $e.data("sort-value");
            var order_by = typeof(sort_val) !== "undefined" ? sort_val : $e.text();

          // Create the sort map. This column having a sort-dir implies it was
          // the last column sorted. As long as no data-sort-desc is specified,
          // we're free to just reverse the column.
          var reverse_column = !!$this.data("sort-dir") && !$this.data("sort-desc");
          var theMap = sort_map(column, sortMethod, reverse_column);

          // Reset siblings
          $table.find("th").data("sort-dir", null).removeClass("sorting-desc sorting-asc");
          $this.data("sort-dir", sort_dir).addClass("sorting-"+sort_dir);

          // Replace the content of tbody with the sortedTRs. Strangely (and
          // conveniently!) enough, .append accomplishes this for us.
          var sortedTRs = $(apply_sort_map(trs, theMap));

          // Trigger `aftertablesort` event. Similar to `beforetablesort`
          $table.trigger("aftertablesort", {column: th_index, direction: sort_dir});
          // More reliable method of forcing a redraw
        }, 10);

  // Enum containing sorting directions
  $.fn.stupidtable.dir = {ASC: "asc", DESC: "desc"};


// own additions for automatic initialization of table sorting
$(function() {
  var stupidtables = $('table.stupidtable');
  if(stupidtables.length) {
    // Add pseudo links just for matching foodsoft style
    $('th[data-sort]', stupidtables).wrapInner('<a href="#" class="stupidlink"></a>');
    $('.stupidlink', stupidtables).on('click', function(e) {e.preventDefault();});
    // Init stupidtable sorting
    // Update class of sort link after sort to match foodsoft style
    stupidtables.on('aftertablesort', function(e, data) {
      // Ignore data and use the updated classes in DOM
      var stupidthead = $('thead', this);
      $('a.stupidlink', stupidthead).removeClass('sortup sortdown');
      $('th.sorting-asc a.stupidlink', stupidthead).addClass('sortup');
      $('th.sorting-desc a.stupidlink', stupidthead).addClass('sortdown');
    // Sort tables with a default sort
    $('.default-sort', stupidtables).trigger('click');