class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base before_filter :select_foodcoop, :authenticate, :store_controller after_filter :remove_controller # sends a mail, when an error occurs # see plugins/exception_notification include ExceptionNotifiable # Returns the controller handling the current request. def self.current Thread.current[:application_controller] end # Use this method to call a rake task,, # e.g. to deliver mails after there are created. def call_rake(task, options = {}) options[:rails_env] ||= Foodsoft.env args = { |n, v| "#{n.to_s.upcase}='#{v}'" } system "/usr/bin/rake #{task} #{args.join(' ')} --trace 2>&1 >> #{Rails.root}/log/rake.log &" end protected def current_user begin # check if there is a valid session and return the logged-in user (its object) if session['user_and_subdomain'] id, subdomain = session['user_and_subdomain'].split # for shared-host installations. check if the cookie-subdomain fits to request. return User.current_user = User.find(id) if request.subdomains.first == subdomain end rescue reset_session flash[:error]= _("An error has occurred. Please login again.") redirect_to :controller => 'login' end end def current_user=(user) session['user_and_subdomain'] = [, request.subdomains.first].join(" ") end def return_to session['return_to'] end def return_to=(uri) session['return_to'] = uri end def deny_access self.return_to = request.request_uri redirect_to :controller => '/login', :action => 'denied' return false end private def authenticate(role = 'any') # Attempt to retrieve authenticated user from controller instance or session... if !(user = current_user) # No user at all: redirect to login page. self.return_to = request.request_uri redirect_to :controller => '/login' return false else # We have an authenticated user, now check role... # Roles gets the user through his memberships. hasRole = case role when "admin" then user.role_admin? when "finance" then user.role_finance? when "article_meta" then user.role_article_meta? when "suppliers" then user.role_suppliers? when "orders" then user.role_orders? when "any" then true # no role required else false # any unknown role will always fail end if hasRole @current_user = user else deny_access end end end def authenticate_admin authenticate('admin') end def authenticate_finance authenticate('finance') end def authenticate_article_meta authenticate('article_meta') end def authenticate_suppliers authenticate('suppliers') end def authenticate_orders authenticate('orders') end # checks if the current_user is member of given group. # if fails the user will redirected to startpage def authenticate_membership_or_admin @group = Group.find(params[:id]) unless @group.member?(@current_user) or @current_user.role_admin? flash[:error] = "Diese Aktion ist nur für Mitglieder der Gruppe erlaubt!" if request.xml_http_request? render(:update) {|page| page.redirect_to root_path } else redirect_to root_path end end end # Stores this controller instance as a thread local varibale to be accessible from outside ActionController/ActionView. def store_controller Thread.current[:application_controller] = self end # Sets the thread local variable that holds a reference to the current controller to nil. def remove_controller Thread.current[:application_controller] = nil end # Get supplier in nested resources def find_supplier @supplier = Supplier.find(params[:supplier_id]) if params[:supplier_id] end # Set config and database connection for each request # It uses the subdomain to select the appropriate section in the config files # Use this method as a before filter (first filter!) in ApplicationController def select_foodcoop if Foodsoft.config[:multi_coop_install] if !params[:foodcoop].blank? begin # Set Config Foodsoft.env = params[:foodcoop] # Set database-connection ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection(Foodsoft.database) rescue => error flash[:error] = error.to_s redirect_to root_path end else redirect_to root_path end else # Deactivate routing filter = false end end end