class RefactorOrderLogic < ActiveRecord::Migration def self.up # TODO: Combine migrations since foodsoft3-development into one file # and try to build a migration path from old data. # # == Ordergroups # add_column :groups, :deleted_at, :datetime # acts_as_paranoid # remove_column :groups, :actual_size # Useless, desposits are better stored within a transaction.note # # move contact-infos from users to ordergroups # add_column :groups, :contact_person, :string # add_column :groups, :contact_phone, :string # add_column :groups, :contact_address, :string # Ordergroup.all.each do |ordergroup| # contact = ordergroup.users.first # if contact # ordergroup.update_attributes :contact_person =>, # :contact_phone =>, :contact_address => contact.address # end # end # remove_column :users, :address # # # == Article # rename_column :articles, :net_price, :price # remove_column :articles, :gross_price # # # == Order # drop_table :orders # drop_table :group_order_results # drop_table :order_article_results # drop_table :group_order_article_results # GroupOrder.delete_all; OrderArticle.delete_all; GroupOrderArticle.delete_all; GroupOrderArticleQuantity.delete_all # # create_table :orders do |t| # t.references :supplier # t.text :note # t.datetime :starts # t.datetime :ends # t.string :state, :default => "open" # Statemachine ... open -> finished -> closed # t.integer :lock_version, :default => 0, :null => false # t.integer :updated_by_user_id # end # # # == Invoice # add_column :invoices, :order_id, :integer # add_column :invoices, :deposit, :decimal, :precision => 8, :scale => 2, :default => 0.0, :null => false # add_column :invoices, :deposit_credit, :decimal, :precision => 8, :scale => 2, :default => 0.0, :null => false # # # == Comment # drop_table :comments # create_table :order_comments do |t| # t.references :order # t.references :user # t.text :text # t.datetime :created_at # end # # # == ArticlePrice # create_table :article_prices do |t| # t.references :article # t.decimal :price, :precision => 8, :scale => 2, :default => 0.0, :null => false # t.decimal :tax, :precision => 8, :scale => 2, :default => 0.0, :null => false # t.decimal :deposit, :precision => 8, :scale => 2, :default => 0.0, :null => false # t.integer :unit_quantity # t.datetime :created_at # end # # Create price history for every Article # Article.all.each do |a| # a.article_prices.create :price => a.price, :tax =>, # :deposit => a.deposit, :unit_quantity => a.unit_quantity # end # # Every Article has now a Category. Fix it if neccessary. # Article.all(:conditions => { :article_category_id => nil }).each do |article| # article.update_attribute(:article_category, ArticleCategory.first) # end # # order-articles # add_column :order_articles, :article_price_id, :integer # # # == GroupOrder # change_column :group_orders, :updated_by_user_id, :integer, :default => nil, :null => true # # # == GroupOrderArticle # # The total order result in ordergroup is now saved! # add_column :group_order_articles, :result, :integer, :default => nil end def self.down end end