# encoding: utf-8 # # Ordergroups can order, they are "children" of the class Group # # Ordergroup have the following attributes, in addition to Group # * account_balance (decimal) class Ordergroup < Group APPLE_MONTH_AGO = 6 # How many month back we will count tasks and orders sum serialize :stats has_many :financial_transactions has_many :group_orders has_many :orders, :through => :group_orders validates_numericality_of :account_balance, :message => I18n.t('ordergroups.model.invalid_balance') validate :uniqueness_of_name, :uniqueness_of_members after_create :update_stats! def contact "#{contact_phone} (#{contact_person})" end def non_members User.natural_order.all.reject { |u| (users.include?(u) || u.ordergroup) } end def value_of_open_orders(exclude = nil) group_orders.in_open_orders.reject{|go| go == exclude}.collect(&:price).sum end def value_of_finished_orders(exclude = nil) group_orders.in_finished_orders.reject{|go| go == exclude}.collect(&:price).sum end # Returns the available funds for this order group (the account_balance minus price of all non-closed GroupOrders of this group). # * exclude (GroupOrder): exclude this GroupOrder from the calculation def get_available_funds(exclude = nil) account_balance - value_of_open_orders(exclude) - value_of_finished_orders(exclude) end # Creates a new FinancialTransaction for this Ordergroup and updates the account_balance accordingly. # Throws an exception if it fails. def add_financial_transaction!(amount, note, user) transaction do t = FinancialTransaction.new(:ordergroup => self, :amount => amount, :note => note, :user => user) t.save! self.account_balance = financial_transactions.sum('amount') save! # Notify only when order group had a positive balance before the last transaction: if t.amount < 0 && self.account_balance < 0 && self.account_balance - t.amount >= 0 Resque.enqueue(UserNotifier, FoodsoftConfig.scope, 'negative_balance', self.id, t.id) end end end def update_stats! # Get hours for every job of each user in period jobs = users.sum { |u| u.tasks.done.sum(:duration, :conditions => ["updated_on > ?", APPLE_MONTH_AGO.month.ago]) } # Get group_order.price for every finished order in this period orders_sum = group_orders.includes(:order).merge(Order.finished).where('orders.ends >= ?', APPLE_MONTH_AGO.month.ago).sum(:price) @readonly = false # Dirty hack, avoid getting RecordReadOnly exception when called in task after_save callback. A rails bug? update_attribute(:stats, {:jobs_size => jobs, :orders_sum => orders_sum}) end def avg_jobs_per_euro stats[:orders_sum] != 0 ? stats[:jobs_size].to_f / stats[:orders_sum].to_f : 0 end # This is the ordergroup job per euro performance # in comparison to the hole foodcoop average def apples ((avg_jobs_per_euro / Ordergroup.avg_jobs_per_euro) * 100).to_i rescue 0 end # If the the option stop_ordering_under is set, the ordergroup is only allowed to participate in an order, # when the apples value is above the configured amount. # The restriction can be deactivated for each ordergroup. # Only ordergroups, which have participated in more than 5 orders in total and more than 2 orders in apple time period def not_enough_apples? FoodsoftConfig[:stop_ordering_under].present? and !ignore_apple_restriction and apples < FoodsoftConfig[:stop_ordering_under] and group_orders.count > 5 and group_orders.joins(:order).merge(Order.finished).where('orders.ends >= ?', APPLE_MONTH_AGO.month.ago).count > 2 end # Global average def self.avg_jobs_per_euro stats = Ordergroup.pluck(:stats) stats.sum {|s| s[:jobs_size].to_f } / stats.sum {|s| s[:orders_sum].to_f } end def account_updated financial_transactions.last.try(:created_on) || created_on end private # Make sure, that a user can only be in one ordergroup def uniqueness_of_members users.each do |user| errors.add :user_tokens, I18n.t('ordergroups.model.error_single_group', :user => user.display) if user.groups.where(:type => 'Ordergroup').size > 1 end end # Make sure, the name is uniq, add usefull message if uniq group is already deleted def uniqueness_of_name group = Ordergroup.where('groups.name = ?', name) group = group.where('groups.id != ?', self.id) unless new_record? if group.exists? message = group.first.deleted? ? :taken_with_deleted : :taken errors.add :name, message end end end