class Message < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :sender, :class_name => "User", :foreign_key => "sender_id" serialize :recipients_ids, Array attr_accessor :sent_to_all, :group_id, :recipients_nicks scope :pending, :conditions => { :email_state => 0 } scope :sent, :conditions => { :email_state => 1 } scope :public, :conditions => {:private => false} # Values for the email_state attribute: :none, :pending, :sent, :failed EMAIL_STATE = { :pending => 0, :sent => 1, :failed => 2 } validates_presence_of :recipients_ids, :subject, :body validates_length_of :subject, :in => 1..255 validates_inclusion_of :email_state, :in => EMAIL_STATE.values before_validation :clean_up_recipient_ids, :on => :create def clean_up_recipient_ids self.recipients_ids = recipients_ids.uniq.reject { |id| id.blank? } unless recipients_ids.nil? self.recipients_ids = User.all.collect(&:id) if sent_to_all == "1" end def add_recipients(users) self.recipients_ids = [] if recipients_ids.blank? self.recipients_ids += users.collect(&:id) unless users.blank? end def group_id=(group_id) @group_id = group_id add_recipients Group.find(group_id).users unless group_id.blank? end def recipients_nicks=(nicks) @recipients_nicks = nicks add_recipients nicks.split(",").collect { |nick| User.find_by_nick(nick) } end def recipient=(user) @recipients_nicks = user.nick end # Returns true if this message is a system message, i.e. was sent automatically by the FoodSoft itself. def system_message? self.sender_id.nil? end def sender_name system_message? ? 'Foodsoft' : sender.nick rescue "??" end def recipients User.find(recipients_ids) end # Sends all pending messages that are to be send as emails. def self.send_emails messages = Message.pending for message in messages for recipient in message.recipients if recipient.settings['messages.sendAsEmail'] == "1" && ! begin Mailer.foodsoft_message(message, recipient).deliver rescue logger.warn "Deliver failed for #{recipient.nick}: #{}" end end end message.update_attribute(:email_state, 1) end end end # == Schema Information # # Table name: messages # # id :integer(4) not null, primary key # sender_id :integer(4) # recipients_ids :text # subject :string(255) not null # body :text # email_state :integer(4) default(0), not null # private :boolean(1) default(FALSE) # created_at :datetime #