# encoding: utf-8 # ActionMailer class that handles all emails for the FoodSoft. class Mailer < ActionMailer::Base layout 'email' # Use views/layouts/email.txt.erb default from: "FoodSoft <#{Foodsoft.config[:email_sender]}>", sender: Foodsoft.config[:email_sender], errors_to: Foodsoft.config[:email_sender] # Sends an email copy of the given internal foodsoft message. def foodsoft_message(message, recipient) @message = message mail subject: "[#{Foodsoft.config[:name]}] " + message.subject, to: recipient.email, from: "#{message.sender.nick} <#{message.sender.email}>" end # Sends an email with instructions on how to reset the password. # Assumes user.setResetPasswordToken has been successfully called already. def reset_password(user) @user = user @link = url_for(:controller => "login", :action => "password", :id => user.id, :token => user.reset_password_token) mail :to => user.email, :subject => "[#{Foodsoft.config[:name]}] Neues Passwort für/ New password for #{user.nick}" end # Sends an invite email. def invite(invite) @invite = invite @link = url_for(:controller => "login", :action => "invite", :id => invite.token) mail :to => invite.email, :subject => "Einladung in die Foodcoop #{Foodsoft.config[:name]} - Invitation to the Foodcoop" end # Notify user of upcoming task. def upcoming_tasks(user, task) @user = user @task = task mail :to => user.email, :subject => "[#{Foodsoft.config[:name]}] Aufgaben werden fällig!" end # Sends order result for specific Ordergroup def order_result(user, group_order) @order = group_order.order @group_order = group_order mail :to => user.email, :subject => "[#{Foodsoft.config[:name]}] Bestellung beendet: #{group_order.order.name}" end # Notify user if account balance is less than zero def negative_balance(user,transaction) @group = user.ordergroup @transaction = transaction mail :to => user.email, :subject => "[#{Foodsoft.config[:name]}] Gruppenkonto im Minus" end def feedback(user, feedback) @user = user @feedback = feedback mail :to => Foodsoft.config[:notification]["error_recipients"], :from => "#{user.nick} <#{user.email}>", :sender => Foodsoft.config[:notification]["sender_address"], :errors_to => Foodsoft.config[:notification]["sender_address"], :subject => "[Foodsoft] Feeback von #{user.email}" end def not_enough_users_assigned(task, user) @task = task @user = user mail :to => user.email, :subject => "[#{Foodsoft.config[:name]}] \"#{task.name}\" braucht noch Leute!" end end