- title "#{@supplier.name} / Artikel hochladen" %p %i =_ "Please check the parsed articles and choose a supplier at the end of page." %br/ =_ "At the moment there is no checking of dublicate articles." - form_tag(create_from_upload_supplier_articles_path(@supplier)) do %table %tr %th=_ "Number" %th=_ "Name" %th=_ "Note" %th=_ "Manufacturer" %th=_ "Origin" %th=_ "Unit" %th=_ "Net price" %th=_ "Tax" %th=_ "Deposit" %th=_ "Unit quantity" %th=_ "Category" - for article in @articles - fields_for "articles[]", article do |form| %tr{:class => cycle('even', 'odd')} %td= form.text_field 'order_number', :size => 6 %td= form.text_field 'name', :size => 0 %td= form.text_field 'note', :size => 15 %td= form.text_field 'manufacturer', :size => 6 %td= form.text_field 'origin', :size => 6 %td= form.text_field 'unit', :size => 5 %td= form.text_field 'price', :size => 4 %td= form.text_field 'tax', :size => 4 %td= form.text_field 'deposit', :size => 4 %td= form.text_field 'unit_quantity', :size => 4 %td= form.select 'article_category_id', ArticleCategory.find(:all).collect {|a| [ a.name, a.id ] } %p = submit_tag "Save new Articles for #{@supplier.name}" | = link_to _("Back"), upload_supplier_articles_path(@supplier)