en: stockit: edit: title: 'Edit stock articles' form: price_hint: 'To avoid choas, it is not possible to edit the prices of already added stock articles until further notice.' index: view_options: 'View options' toggle_unavailable: 'Show/hide unavailable articles' order_online: 'Put stock order online' new_stock_article: 'Add new stock article' new_stock_taking: 'Add inventory' show_stock_takings: 'Inventory overview' new_delivery: 'New delivery ..' article: article: 'Article' stock: 'In stock' ordered: 'ordered' available: 'available' unit: 'Unit' price: 'Price' vat: 'VAT' supplier: 'Supplier' category: 'Category' confirm_delete: 'Are you sure you want to delete?' stock_worth: 'Current stock value:' stock_count: 'Number of articles:' new: title: 'Add new stock article' search_text: 'Search for articles in all catalogues:' destroy: notice: 'Article %{name} was deleted.' # used by controller stock_create: notice: 'Stock article was created.' stock_update: notice: 'Stock article was saved.' # used by model check: not_empty: '%{name} could not be deleted, the inventory is not zero.'