class Finance::ReceiveController < Finance::BaseController def edit @order = Order.find(params[:id]) @order_articles = @order.order_articles.ordered.includes(:article) end def update OrderArticle.transaction do params[:order_articles].each do |oa_id, oa_params| unless oa_params.blank? oa = OrderArticle.find(oa_id) # update attributes oa.update_attributes!(oa_params) # and process consequences oa.redistribute(oa.units_received * oa.price.unit_quantity) unless oa.units_received.blank?! end end flash[:notice] = I18n.t('finance.receive.update.notice') redirect_to finance_order_index_path end end # ajax add article def add_article @order = Order.find(params[:receive_id]) @order_article = @order.order_articles.where(:article_id => params[:article_id]).includes(:article).first # we need to create the order article if it's not part of the current order if @order_article.nil? @order_article ={order: @order, article_id: params[:article_id]})! end end end