# == Schema Information # Schema version: 20090102171850 # # Table name: group_order_article_results # # id :integer(4) not null, primary key # order_article_result_id :integer(4) default(0), not null # group_order_result_id :integer(4) default(0), not null # quantity :decimal(6, 3) default(0.0) # tolerance :integer(4) # # An GroupOrderArticleResult represents a group-order for a single Article and its quantities, # according to the order quantity/tolerance. # The GroupOrderArticleResult is part of a finished Order, see OrderArticleResult. # class GroupOrderArticleResult < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :order_article_result belongs_to :group_order_result validates_presence_of :order_article_result, :group_order_result, :quantity validates_numericality_of :quantity, :minimum => 0 # updates the price attribute for the appropriate GroupOrderResult after_update {|result| result.group_order_result.updatePrice } after_destroy {|result| result.group_order_result.updatePrice } # Custom attribute setter that accepts decimal numbers using localized decimal separator. def quantity=(quantity) self[:quantity] = String.delocalized_decimal(quantity) end end