# == Schema Information # Schema version: 20090102171850 # # Table name: messages # # id :integer(4) not null, primary key # sender_id :integer(4) # recipient_id :integer(4) default(0), not null # recipients :string(255) default(""), not null # subject :string(255) default(""), not null # body :text default(""), not null # read :boolean(1) not null # email_state :integer(4) default(0), not null # created_on :datetime not null # class Message < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :sender, :class_name => "User", :foreign_key => "sender_id" belongs_to :recipient, :class_name => "User", :foreign_key => "recipient_id" attr_accessible :recipient_id, :recipient, :subject, :body, :recipients # Values for the email_state attribute: :none, :pending, :sent, :failed EMAIL_STATE = { :none => 0, :pending => 1, :sent => 2, :failed => 3 } validates_presence_of :recipient_id validates_length_of :subject, :in => 1..255 validates_presence_of :recipients validates_presence_of :body validates_inclusion_of :email_state, :in => EMAIL_STATE.values @@pending = false # Automatically determine if this message should be send as an email. def before_validation_on_create if (recipient && recipient.settings["messages.sendAsEmail"] == '1') self.email_state = EMAIL_STATE[:pending] else self.email_state = EMAIL_STATE[:none] end end # Determines if this new message is a pending email. def after_create @@pending = @@pending || self.email_state == EMAIL_STATE[:pending] end # Returns true if there might be pending emails. def self.pending? @@pending end # Returns true if this message is a system message, i.e. was sent automatically by the FoodSoft itself. def system_message? self.sender_id.nil? end # Sends all pending messages that are to be send as emails. def self.send_emails transaction do messages = find(:all, :conditions => ["email_state = ?", EMAIL_STATE[:pending]], :lock => true) logger.debug("Sending #{messages.size} pending messages as emails...") unless messages.empty? for message in messages if (message.recipient && message.recipient.email && !message.recipient.email.empty?) begin Mailer.deliver_message(message) message.update_attribute(:email_state, EMAIL_STATE[:sent]) logger.debug("Delivered message as email: id = #{message.id}, recipient = #{message.recipient.nick}, subject = \"#{message.subject}\"") rescue => exception message.update_attribute(:email_state, EMAIL_STATE[:failed]) logger.warn("Failed to deliver message as email: id = #{message.id}, recipient = #{message.recipient.nick}, subject = \"#{message.subject}\", exception = #{exception.message}") end else message.update_attribute(:email_state, EMAIL_STATE[:failed]) logger.warn("Cannot deliver message as email (no user email): id = #{message.id}, recipient = #{message.recipient.nick}, subject = \"#{message.subject}\"") end end logger.debug("Done sending emails.") unless messages.empty? @@pending = false end end # Returns a new message object created from the attributes specified (recipient, recipients, subject) # and the body from the given template that can make use of the variables specified. # The templates are to be stored in app/views/messages, i.e. the template name # "order_finished" would invoke template file "app/views/messages/order_finished.rhtml". # Note: you need to set the sender afterwards if this should not be a system message. # # Example: # Message.from_template( # 'order_finished', # {:user => user, :group => order_group, :order => self, :results => results, :total => group_order.price}, # {:recipient_id => user.id, :recipients => recipients, :subject => "Bestellung beendet: #{self.name}"} # ).save! def self.from_template(template, vars, attributes) view = ActionView::Base.new(Rails::Configuration.new.view_path, {}, MessagesController.new) new(attributes.merge(:body => view.render(:file => "messages/#{template}.rhtml", :locals => vars))) end end