desc "Checks your app and gently warns you if you are using deprecated code." task :deprecated => :environment do deprecated = { '@params' => 'Use params[] instead', '@session' => 'Use session[] instead', '@flash' => 'Use flash[] instead', '@request' => 'Use request[] instead', '@env' => 'Use env[] instead', 'find_all\([^_]\|$\)' => 'Use find(:all) instead', 'find_first' => 'Use find(:first) instead', 'render_partial' => 'Use render :partial instead', 'component' => 'Use of components are frowned upon', 'paginate' => 'The default paginator is slow. Writing your own may be faster', 'start_form_tag' => 'Use form_for instead', 'end_form_tag' => 'Use form_for instead', ':post => true' => 'Use :method => :post instead' } deprecated.each do |key, warning| puts '--> ' + key output = `cd '#{File.expand_path('app', RAILS_ROOT)}' && grep -n --exclude=*.svn* --exclude=.#* -r '#{key}' *` unless output =~ /^$/ puts " !! " + warning + " !!" puts ' ' + '.' * (warning.length + 6) puts output else puts " Clean! Cheers for you!" end puts end end