# encoding: utf-8 class TasksController < ApplicationController #auto_complete_for :user, :nick def index @non_group_tasks = Task.non_group.order('due_date', 'name').includes(assignments: :user) @groups = Workgroup.order(:name).includes(open_tasks: {assignments: :user}) end def user @unaccepted_tasks = Task.unaccepted_tasks_for(current_user) @accepted_tasks = Task.accepted_tasks_for(current_user) end def new @task = Task.new(current_user_id: current_user.id) end def create @task = Task.new(current_user_id: current_user.id) @task.attributes=(task_params) if params[:periodic] @task.periodic_task_group = PeriodicTaskGroup.new end if @task.save @task.periodic_task_group.create_tasks_for_upfront_days if params[:periodic] redirect_to tasks_url, :notice => I18n.t('tasks.create.notice') else render :template => "tasks/new" end end def show @task = Task.find(params[:id]) end def edit @task = Task.find(params[:id]) @periodic = !!params[:periodic] @task.current_user_id = current_user.id end def update @task = Task.find(params[:id]) task_group = @task.periodic_task_group was_periodic = @task.periodic? prev_due_date = @task.due_date @task.current_user_id = current_user.id @task.attributes=(task_params) if @task.errors.empty? && @task.save task_group.update_tasks_including(@task, prev_due_date) if params[:periodic] flash[:notice] = I18n.t('tasks.update.notice') if was_periodic && !@task.periodic? flash[:notice] = I18n.t('tasks.update.notice_converted') end if @task.workgroup redirect_to workgroup_tasks_url(workgroup_id: @task.workgroup_id) else redirect_to tasks_url end else render :template => "tasks/edit" end end def destroy task = Task.find(params[:id]) # Save user_ids to update apple statistics after destroy user_ids = task.user_ids if params[:periodic] task.periodic_task_group.exclude_tasks_before(task) task.periodic_task_group.destroy else task.destroy end task.update_ordergroup_stats(user_ids) redirect_to tasks_url, :notice => I18n.t('tasks.destroy.notice') end # assign current_user to the task and set the assignment to "accepted" # if there is already an assignment, only accepted will be set to true def accept task = Task.find(params[:id]) if ass = task.is_assigned?(current_user) ass.update_attribute(:accepted, true) else task.assignments.create(:user => current_user, :accepted => true) end redirect_to user_tasks_path, :notice => I18n.t('tasks.accept.notice') end # deletes assignment between current_user and given taskcurrent_user_id: current_user.id def reject Task.find(params[:id]).users.delete(current_user) redirect_to :action => "index" end def set_done Task.find(params[:id]).update_attribute :done, true redirect_to tasks_url, :notice => I18n.t('tasks.set_done.notice') end # Shows all tasks, which are already done def archive @tasks = Task.done.page(params[:page]).per(@per_page).order('tasks.updated_on DESC').includes(assignments: :user) end # shows workgroup (normal group) to edit weekly_tasks_template def workgroup @group = Group.find(params[:workgroup_id]) if @group.is_a? Ordergroup redirect_to tasks_url, :alert => I18n.t('tasks.error_not_found') end end private def task_params params .require(:task) .permit(:name, :description, :duration, :user_list, :required_users, :workgroup_id, :due_date, :done) end end