en: articles: article: last_update: 'last updated: %{last_update} | Gross: %{gross_price}' confirm_delete: 'Are you sure?' articles: unit_quantity_short: 'Quantity' unit_quantity_desc: 'Unit quantity' price_netto: 'Price' option_select: 'Choose special offer ...' option_delete: 'Delete article' confirm_delete: 'Do you really want to delete all selected articles?' option_not_available: 'Articles are not available anymore' option_available: 'Articles are available' destroy_active_article: note: > %{article} is used in current orders and can not be deleted Please first ... the article from orders %{drop_link}. drop: 'delete' edit_all: title: 'Edit all articles from %{supplier}' note: 'Mandatory fields are: name, unit, (net) price and order number.' warning: 'Warning: all articles will be updated!' submit: 'Updating all articles' edit_all_table: available_short: 'avail' available_desc: 'available' price_short: 'Price' price_desc: 'Net price' unit_quantity_short: 'Quantity' unit_quantity_desc: 'Unit quantity' order_number_short: 'Ordernr.' order_number_desc: 'Order number' form: title: 'Add new article' index: title: 'Article from %{supplier} (%{count})' search_placeholder: Name ... new: 'New article' edit_all: 'Edit all' upload: 'Upload articles' new_order: 'Create new order' ext_db: title: 'External databank' import: 'Search/Import' sync: 'Synchronise' change_supplier: 'Change supplier ...' import: title: 'Import article' placeholder: Name ... restrict_region: 'Restrict to region only' import_search_results: not_found: 'No articles found' already_imported: 'already imported' action_import: 'import' sync: title: 'Synchronise articles with external database' outlist: title: 'Put from the list ...' body: 'The following articles are put from the list and will be deleted:' body_skip: 'No articles for deletion.' update: title: 'Update ..' update_msg: 'Articles must be updated:' body: >

Every article is shown twice. The old value is gray and the textfields are pre-filled with the actual value now.

Differences with the old articles are marked yellow

unit_quantity_short: 'Unity Quan.' price_short: 'Price' submit: 'Delete/update all' upload: title: '%{supplier} / upload articles' body: >

The file has to be a text file with the ending '.csv' The first line will be ignored when imported

The fields have to be separated with semicolons (';') and the text enclosed by double quotation marks ("text...").

As character set UTF-8 is demanded. Correct order of the column:

fields: status: 'Status (x=skip)' season_amount: 'Scaled amount' season_price: 'Scaled price' file_label: 'Please choose a compatible file' submit: 'Upload file' parse_upload: title: '%{supplier} / upload article' body: >

Please check the imported articles.

Note: at the moment there is no check for duplicate articles.

submit: 'Save new articles for %{supplier}' # used by controller update_all: notice: 'All articles and prices are updated' error_invalid: 'Articles are incorrect. Please check your input.' error_update: "There was an error when updating the article '%{article}' on: %{msg}" update_selected: notice_destroy: 'All selected articles have been deleted' notice_unavail: 'All selected articles have been made unavailable' notice_avail: 'All selected articles have been made available ' notice_noaction: 'No action selected!' error_nosel: 'You have selected no articles' parse_upload: notice: '%{count} articles analysed succesfully.' error_parse: '%{msg} ... in line %{line}' create_from_upload: notice: '%{count} new articles were saved' error_invalid: 'Articles are faulty' sync: shared_alert: '%{supplier} is not linked to an external database' notice: 'The catalog is up to date' # used by model model: error_in_use: '%{article} can not be deleted because the article is part of a current order!' error_nosel: 'You have selected no articles'