en: deliveries: suppliers_overview: 'Supplier overview' invoice_amount: 'Invoice amount' invoice_net_amount: 'Invoice net amount' edit: title: 'Edit suppliers' form: remove_article: 'Remove article from delivery' add_article: 'Add stock article to delivery' note_new_article: 'When an article is not yet in the inventory, you have to %{new_link} it first.' note_new_article_link: 'create' new_article: title: 'Create new stock article' search: 'Search for articles in the %{supplier} catalogue' index: title: '%{supplier}/deliveries' confirm_delete: 'Are you sure?' new_delivery: 'Create new delivery for %{supplier} ' new: title: 'New delivery from %{supplier}' show: title: 'Show delivery' title_articles: 'Article' article: 'Article' unit: 'Unit' amount: 'Amount' price: 'Netprice' sum: 'Sum' sum_net: 'Net sum' sum_gross: 'Gross sum' sum_diff: 'Gross - adjusted invoice ammount' stock_change: remove_article: 'Remove articles from delivery' # used by controller create: notice: 'Delivery was created. Please don’t forget to create invoice!' update: notice: 'Delivery was updated.' destroy: notice: 'Delivery was deleted.'