en: activerecord: attributes: article: article_category: Category availability: Is article available? availability_short: avail. deposit: Deposit fc_price: FoodCoop price fc_price_desc: Price including taxes, deposit and Foodcoop-charge. fc_price_short: FC price fc_share: FoodCoop margin fc_share_short: FC margin gross_price: Gross price manufacturer: Manufacturer name: Name note: Note order_number: Order number order_number_short: Nr. origin: Origin price: Price (net) supplier: Supplier tax: VAT unit: Unit unit_quantity: Unit quantity unit_quantity_short: U.Q. units: Units article_category: description: Import names name: Name article_price: deposit: Deposit price: Price (net) tax: VAT unit_quantity: Unit quantity bank_account: balance: Balance bank_gateway: Bank gateway description: Description iban: IBAN name: Name bank_gateway: authorization: Authorization-Header name: Name unattended_user: Unattended user url: URL bank_transaction: amount: Amount date: Date external_id: External ID financial_link: Financial link iban: IBAN reference: Referenz text: Description delivery: date: Delivery date note: Note supplier: Supplier document: created_at: Created at created_by: Created by data: Data mime: MIME type name: Name financial_transaction: amount: Amount created_on: Date financial_transaction_class: Financial transaction class financial_transaction_type: Financial transaction type note: Note ordergroup: Ordergroup user: Entered by financial_transaction_class: ignore_for_account_balance: Ignore for account balance name: Name financial_transaction_type: bank_account: Bank Account name: Name financial_transaction_class: Financial transaction class name_short: Short Name group_order: ordergroup: Ordergroup price: Order sum updated_by: Last ordered by group_order_article: ordered: Ordered quantity: Amount received: Received result: Amount tolerance: Tolerance total_price: Sum unit_price: Price/Unit group_order_invoice: name: Group order invoice links: delete: delete invoice download: download invoice invoice_date: date of group order invoice generate: generate invoice generate_with_date: set & generate payment_method: Credit tax_number_not_set: Tax number not set in configs invoice: amount: Amount attachment: Attachment created_at: Created at created_by: Created by date: Billing date delete_attachment: Delete attachment deliveries: Stock delivery deposit: Deposit charged deposit_credit: Deposit returned financial_link: Financial link net_amount: Amount adjusted for refund note: Note number: Number orders: Order paid_on: Paid on supplier: Supplier mail_delivery_status: created_at: Time email: Email message: Message order: boxfill: Fill boxes after closed_by: Settled by created_by: Created by end_action: End action end_actions: auto_close: Close the order auto_close_and_send: Close the order and send it to the supplier auto_close_and_send_min_quantity: Close the order and send it to the supplier if the minimum quantity has been reached no_end_action: No automatic action ends: Ends at name: Supplier note: Note pickup: Pickup starts: Starts at status: Status supplier: Supplier transport: Transport costs transport_distribution: Transport costs distribution transport_distributions: articles: Distribute the costs among the number of received articles ordergroup: Every ordergroup pays the same amount price: Distribute the costs among the order sum skip: Do not distribute the costs updated_by: Last edited by order_article: article: Article missing_units: Missing units missing_units_short: Missing quantity: Desired amount quantity_short: Desired units_received: Received units units_received_short: Received units_to_order: Ordered units units_to_order_short: Ordered update_global_price: Globally update current price order_comment: text: Add comment to this order ... ordergroup: account_balance: Account balance available_funds: Available credit break: "(Last) break" break_until: until contact: Contact contact_address: Address contact_person: Contact person contact_phone: Phone customer_number: Customer number description: Description ignore_apple_restriction: Ignore order stop by apple points restriction last_order: Last order last_user_activity: Last activity name: Name user_tokens: Members stock_article: available: Available price: Price quantity: In stock quantity_available: Available quantity quantity_available_short: Avail. quantity_ordered: Ordered stock_taking: date: Date note: Note supplier: address: Address contact_person: Contact person customer_number: Customer number customer_number_short: Cust.nr. delivery_days: Delivery days email: Email fax: Fax iban: IBAN is_subscribed: subscribed? min_order_quantity: Minimum order quantity min_order_quantity_short: Min. quantity name: Name note: Note order_howto: How to order phone: Phone phone2: Phone 2 shared_sync_method: How to synchronize url: Homepage supplier_category: name: Name description: Description financial_transaction_class: Financial transaction class bank_account: Bank account task: created_by: Created by created_on: Created at description: Description done: Done? due_date: Due date duration: Duration name: Activity required_users: People required user_list: Responsible users workgroup: Workgroup user: email: Email first_name: First name iban: IBAN last_activity: Last activity last_login: Last login last_name: Last name name: Name nick: Username ordergroup: Ordergroup password: Password password_confirmation: Repeat password phone: Telephone workgroup: one: Workgroup other: Workgroups workgroup: description: Description name: Name role_admin: Administration role_article_meta: Article database role_finance: Finances role_invoices: Invoices role_orders: Order management role_pickups: Pickup days role_suppliers: Suppliers user_tokens: Members errors: has_many_left: is still associated with a %{collection}! models: article: attributes: name: taken: name is already taken taken_with_unit: name and unit are already taken supplier: attributes: shared_sync_method: included: is not a valid option for this supplier task: attributes: done: exclusion: finished tasks may not be repeated models: article: Article article_category: Category bank_account: Bank account bank_gateway: Bank gateway bank_transaction: Bank transaction delivery: Delivery financial_transaction: Financial transaction financial_transaction_class: Financial transaction class financial_transaction_type: Financial transaction type invoice: Invoice order: Order order_article: Order article order_comment: Order comment ordergroup: one: Ordergroup other: Ordergroups stock_article: Stock article stock_taking: Stock taking supplier: Supplier supplier_category: Supplier category task: Task user: User workgroup: Workgroup admin: access_to: access to base: index: all_ordergroups: All ordergroups all_users: All users all_workgroups: All workgroups created_at: created at first_paragraph: Here you can administer Foodsoft groups and users. groupname: group name members: members name: name new_ordergroup: New ordergroup new_user: New user new_workgroup: New workgroup newest_groups: newest groups newest_users: newest users title: Administration type: type username: username bank_accounts: form: title_edit: Edit bank account title_new: Add new bank account bank_gateways: form: title_edit: Edit bank gateway title_new: Add new bank gateway configs: list: key: Key title: Configuration list value: Value show: submit: Save title: Configuration tab_layout: pdf_title: PDF documents tab_messages: emails_title: Sending email tab_payment: schedule_title: Ordering schedule group_order_invoices: Group order invoices tab_security: default_roles_title: Access to default_roles_paragraph: By default every member of the foodcoop has access to the following areas. tab_tasks: periodic_title: Periodic tasks tabs: title: Configuration update: notice: Configuration saved. confirm: Are you sure? finances: index: bank_accounts: Bank accounts first_paragraph: Here you can manage the financial transaction classes and the corresponding financial transaction types. Every financial transaction has a type, which you have to select at every transaction, if you created more than one type. The financial transaction classes can be use to group the financial transaction types and will be shown as additional columns in the account overview, if there have been created more than one. new_bank_account: Add new bank account new_financial_transaction_class: Add new financial transaction class new_bank_gateway: Add new bank gateway title: Finances transaction_types: Financial transaction types supplier_categories: Supplier categories new_supplier_category: New supplier category transaction_types: name: Name new_financial_transaction_type: Add new financial transaction type financial_transaction_classes: form: title_edit: Edit financial transaction class title_new: Add new financial transaction class financial_transaction_types: form: name_short_desc: The short name is mandatory for financial transaction types which should be automatically assignable in bank transactions. If there are multiple bank accounts, the preferred target account for bank transfers can be selected. title_edit: Edit financial transaction type title_new: Add new financial transaction type mail_delivery_status: destroy_all: notice: All email problems were deleted index: destroy_all: Delete all email problems title: Email problems ordergroups: destroy: error: 'Ordergroup could not be marked as deleted: %{error}' notice: Ordergroup was marked as deleted edit: title: Edit ordergroup form: first_paragraph: You can invite new members %{url}. here: here index: first_paragraph: Here you can add %{url}, and edit or delete groups. new_ordergroup: Add new ordergroup new_ordergroups: new ordergroups second_paragraph: 'Consider the difference between group and ordergroup: An ordergroup has an account and can order food. In a %{url} (for example ''sorting group''), members coordinate with each other via tasks and messages. Users can only be in one ordergroup, but can be in multiple workgroups.' title: Ordergroups workgroup: workgroup new: title: Create ordergroup show: confirm: Are you sure? edit: Edit group/members title: Ordergroup %{name} search_placeholder: name ... users: controller: sudo_done: You are now logged in as %{user}. Be careful, and do not forget to log out when done! destroy: error: 'User could not be deleted: %{error}' notice: User was deleted edit: title: Edit user form: create_ordergroup: Create ordergroup with the same name and add user. send_welcome_mail: Send a welcome mail to the user. index: first_paragraph: Here you can %{url}, edit and delete users. new_user: Create new user new_users: create new show_deleted: Show deleted users title: User admin new: title: Create new user restore: error: 'User could not be restored: %{error}' notice: User was restored show: confirm_sudo: If you continue, you will take on the identity of %{user}. Do not forget to log out when you're done! groupabos: Group subscriptions member_since: Member since %{time} person: Person preference: Preferences show_email_problems: Show email problems sudo: Take on identity users: show_email_problems: Show email problems workgroups: destroy: error: 'Workgroup could not be deleted: %{error}' notice: Workgroup was deleted edit: title: Edit workgroup form: first_paragraph: You can invite new members %{url}. here: here index: first_paragraph: Here you can create %{url}, edit and delete them. new_workgroup: Create new workgroup new_workgroups: new workgroups ordergroup: ordergroup second_paragraph: 'Consider the difference between a workgroup and an ordergroup: an %{url} has an account and can order food. In a workgroup (for example ''sorting group''), members coordinate with each other via tasks and messages. Users can only be in one ordergroup, but can be in multiple workgroups.' title: Workgroups new: title: Create workgroup show: confirm: Are you sure? edit: Edit group/members title: Workgroup %{name} workgroups: members: members name: name supplier_categories: form: title_new: Add supplier category title_edit: Edit supplier category application: controller: error_authn: Authentication required! error_denied: You are not allowed to view the requested page. If you think you should, ask an administrator to give you appropriate permissions. If you have access to multiple user accounts, you might want to %{sign_in}. error_denied_sign_in: sign in as another user error_feature_disabled: This feature is currently disabled. error_members_only: This action is only available to members of the group! error_minimum_balance: Sorry, your account balance is below the minimum of %{min}. error_token: Access denied (invalid token)! article_categories: create: notice: Category was stored destroy: error: 'Category could not be deleted: %{message}' edit: title: Edit category index: new: Add new category title: Article categories new: title: Add new category update: notice: Category was updated articles: article: last_update: 'last updated: %{last_update} | gross: %{gross_price}' articles: confirm_delete: Do you really want to delete all selected articles? option_available: Make articles available option_delete: Delete article option_not_available: Make articles unavailable option_select: Select action ... price_netto: Price unit_quantity_desc: Unit quantity unit_quantity_short: U.Q. controller: create_from_upload: notice: "%{count} new articles were saved." error_invalid: There are errors in articles error_nosel: No articles selected error_parse: "%{msg} ... in line %{line}" error_update: 'An error occured when updating article ''%{article}'': %{msg}' parse_upload: no_file: Please select a file to upload. notice: "%{count} articles were succesfully analysed." sync: notice: Catalog is up to date shared_alert: "%{supplier} is not linked to an external database" update_all: notice: All articles and prices were updated. update_sel: notice_avail: All selected articles were set to be available. notice_destroy: All selected articles were deleted. notice_noaction: No action specified! notice_unavail: All selected articles were set to be unavailable. update_sync: notice: All articles and prices were updated. destroy_active_article: drop: delete note: "%{article} is used in current orders and can not be deleted Please first ... the article from orders %{drop_link}." edit_all: note: 'Mandatory fields are: name, unit, (net) price and order number.' submit: Update all articles title: Edit all articles from %{supplier} warning: 'Warning: all articles will be updated!' form: title_edit: Edit article title_new: Add new article import_search_results: action_import: import already_imported: imported not_found: No articles found index: change_supplier: Change supplier ... download: Download articles edit_all: Edit all ext_db: import: Import article sync: Synchronise import: category: Directly import into category placeholder: Search by name ... restrict_region: Restrict to region only title: Import article new: New article new_order: Create new order search_placeholder: Name ... title: Articles from %{supplier} (%{count}) upload: Upload articles model: error_in_use: "%{article} can not be deleted because the article is part of a current order!" error_nosel: You have selected no articles parse_upload: body: "
Please verify the articles.
Warning, at the moment there is no check for duplicate articles.
" submit: Process upload title: Upload articles sync: outlist: alert_used: Warning, %{article} is used in an open order. Please remove it from the order first. body: 'The following articles were removed from the list and will be deleted:' body_ignored: one: One article without order number was skipped. other: "%{count} articles without order number were skipped." body_skip: No articles to delete. title: Remove from list ... price_short: Price submit: Synchronize all title: Synchronize articles with external database unit_quantity_short: Unit quantity update: body: 'Every article is shown twice: old values are gray, while the text fields contain updated values. Differences with the old articles are marked yellow.' title: Update ... update_msg: one: One article needs to be updated. other: "%{count} articles need to be updated." upnew: body_count: one: There is one new article to add. other: There are %{count} articles to add. title: Add new ... upload: fields: reserved: "(Reserved)" status: Status (x=skip) file_label: Please choose a compatible file options: convert_units: Keep current units, recompute unit quantity and price (like synchronize). outlist_absent: Delete articles not in uploaded file. sample: juices: Juices nuts: Nuts organic: Organic supplier_1: Nuttyfarm supplier_2: Brownfields supplier_3: Greenfields tomato_juice: Tomato juice walnuts: Walnuts submit: Upload file text_1: 'Here you can upload a spreadsheet to update the articles of %{supplier}. Excel (xls, xlsx) and OpenOffice (ods) spreadsheets are accepted, as well as comma-separated files (csv, columns separated by ";" with utf-8 encoding). Only the first sheet will be imported, and columns must be in the following order:' text_2: The rows shown here are examples. When there is an "x" in the first column, the article is outlisted and will be removed. This allows you to edit the spreadsheet and quickly remove many articles at once, for example when articles become unavailable with the supplier. The category will be matched to your Foodsoft category list (both by category name and import names). title: Upload articles of %{supplier} bank_account_connector: confirm: Please confirum the code %{code}. fields: email: E-Mail pin: PIN password: Password tan: TAN username: Username config: hints: applepear_url: Website where the apple and pear system for tasks is explained. charge_members_manually: When you keep track of who received what elsewhere (e.g. on paper), and you don't want to enter this into Foodsoft, select this. You'll need to charge member accounts manually (using "Add new transactions"). You still need to settle orders in the balancing screen, but this will not charge any member accounts. contact: email: General contact email address, shown on website as well as some forms. street: Address, typically this will be your delivery and pick-up location. currency_space: Whether to add whitespace after the currency symbol. currency_unit: Currency symbol for displaying prices. custom_css: To modify the layout of this site, you can enter style modifications using the cascading stylesheets (CSS) language. Leave blank for the default style. email_from: Emails will appear to be from this email address. Leave empty to use the foodcoop's contact address. email_replyto: Set this when you want to receive replies from emails sent by Foodsoft on a different address than the above. email_sender: Emails will appear to be sent from this email address. To avoid emails sent being classified as spam, the webserver may need to be registered in the SPF record of the email address's domain. use_automatic_invoices: A listing of the invoice items is made without explicit display of VAT and the invoice receives the necessary addition regarding the small business regulation §19 (applies to Germany) payment_method: Payment type is declared on the order group invoice vat_exempt: A listing of the invoice items is made without explicit display of VAT and the invoice contains the necessary addition regarding the German Kleinunternehmerregelung §19 UStG (attention! FoodCoop marge not included in nvoice). help_url: Documentation website. homepage: Website of your foodcoop. ignore_browser_locale: Ignore the language of user's computer when the user has not chosen a language yet. minimum_balance: Members can only order when their account balance is above or equal to this amount. name: The name of your foodcoop. order_schedule: boxfill: recurr: Schedule for when the box-fill phase starts by default. time: Default time when the box-fill phase of the ordering starts. ends: recurr: Schedule for default order closing date. time: Default time when orders are closed. initial: Schedule starts at this date. page_footer: Shown on each page at the bottom. Enter "blank" to disable the footer completely. pdf_add_page_breaks: order_by_articles: Put each article on a separate page. order_by_groups: Put each ordergroup on a separate page. pdf_font_size: Base font size for PDF documents (12 is standard). pdf_page_size: Page size for PDF documents, typically "A4" or "letter". price_markup: Percentage that is added to the gross price for foodcoop members. stop_ordering_under: Members can only order when they have at least this many apple points. tasks_period_days: Number of days between two periodic tasks (default 7, which is a week). tasks_upfront_days: For how many days in advance you would like to schedule periodic tasks. tax_default: Default VAT percentage for new articles. tolerance_is_costly: Order as much of the member tolerance as possible (compared to only as much needed to fill the last box). Enabling this also includes the tolerance in the total price of the open member order. distribution_strategy: How articles should be distributed after an order has been received. use_apple_points: When the apple point system is enabled, members are required to do some tasks to be able to keep ordering. use_automatic_invoices: When an order is settled, invoices for the individual order groups are automatically sent by mail payment_method: Payment Method for group order invoices use_boxfill: When enabled, near end of an order, members are only able to change their order when increases the total amount ordered. This helps to fill any remaining boxes. You still need to set a box-fill date for the orders. use_iban: When enabled, supplier and user provide an additonal field for storing the international bank account number. use_nick: Show and use nicknames instead of real names. When enabling this, please check that each user has a nickname. use_self_service: When enabled, members are able to use selected balancing functions on their own. webstats_tracking_code: Tracking code for web analytics (like Piwik or Google analytics). Leave empty for no tracking. keys: applepear_url: Apple system help URL charge_members_manually: Charge members manually contact: city: City country: Country email: Email phone: Phone street: Street zip_code: Postcode tax_number: Tax number currency_space: add space currency_unit: Currency custom_css: Custom CSS default_locale: Default language default_role_article_meta: Articles default_role_finance: Finance default_role_invoices: Invoices default_role_orders: Orders default_role_pickups: Pickup days default_role_suppliers: Suppliers disable_invite: Disable invites disable_members_overview: Disable members list email_from: From address email_replyto: Reply-to address email_sender: Sender address help_url: Documentation URL homepage: Homepage ignore_browser_locale: Ignore browser language minimum_balance: Minimum balance name: Name order_schedule: boxfill: recurr: Box fill after time: time ends: recurr: Order ends time: time initial: Schedule start page_footer: Page footer pdf_add_page_breaks: Page breaks pdf_font_size: Font size pdf_page_size: Page size price_markup: Foodcoop margin stop_ordering_under: Minimum apple points tasks_period_days: Period tasks_upfront_days: Create upfront tax_default: Default VAT time_zone: Time zone tolerance_is_costly: Tolerance is costly distribution_strategy: Distribution strategy distribution_strategy_options: first_order_first_serve: First distribute to those who ordered first no_automatic_distribution: No automatic distribution use_apple_points: Apple points group_order_invoices: use_automatic_invoices: Send automatically via mail after oder settlement payment_method: Payment method separate_deposits: Separate deposits on invoice vat_exempt: This foodcoopis VAT exempt use_boxfill: Box-fill phase use_iban: Use IBAN use_nick: Use nicknames use_self_service: Use self service webstats_tracking_code: Tracking code tabs: applications: Apps foodcoop: Foodcoop language: Language layout: Layout list: List messages: Messages others: Other payment: Finances security: Security tasks: Tasks deliveries: add_stock_change: how_many_units: 'How many units (%{unit}) to deliver? Stock article name: %{name}.' create: notice: Delivery was created. Please don’t forget to add an invoice! destroy: notice: Delivery was deleted. edit: title: Edit delivery form: confirm_foreign_supplier_reedit: The stock article %{name} was successfully saved. However, it belongs to a different supplier than this delivery. Would you like to edit the stock article again? create_from_blank: Create new article create_stock_article: Create stock article title_fill_quantities: 2. Set delivery quantities title_finish_delivery: 3. Finish delivery title_select_stock_articles: 1. Select stock articles index: confirm_delete: Are you sure? new_delivery: 'Create new delivery for %{supplier} ' title: "%{supplier}/deliveries" invoice_amount: Invoice amount invoice_net_amount: Invoice net amount new: title: New delivery from %{supplier} show: sum: Sum sum_diff: Gross - adjusted invoice amount sum_gross: Gross sum sum_net: Net sum title: Show delivery title_articles: Articles stock_article_for_adding: action_add_to_delivery: Add to delivery action_edit: Edit action_other_price: Copy stock_change_fields: remove_article: Remove article from delivery suppliers_overview: Supplier overview update: notice: Delivery was updated. documents: group_order_invoice_pdf: ordergroup: contact_phone: 'Phone: %{contact_phone}' contact_address: 'Adress : %{contact_address}' customer_number: 'Customer number: %{customer_number}' name: 'Ordergroup: %{ordergroup}' filename: Invoice%{number} invoicee: Invoicee invoicer: Invoicer invoice_date: 'Invoice date: %{invoice_date}' invoice_number: 'Invoice number: %{invoice_number}' markup_included: incl Foodcoop Marge on gross price %{marge}% payment_method: 'Payment_method: %{payment_method}' small_business_regulation: As a small entrepreneur in the sense of §19 para. 1 of the Umsatzsteuergesetz (UStG), no value added tax is charged. sum_to_pay: Total sum sum_to_pay_net: Total sum (net) sum_to_pay_gross: Total sum (gross) table_headline: 'The following items will be charged for the order:' tax_excluded: excl. MwSt. tax_included: incl. VAT %{tax}% tax_number: 'Tax number: %{number}' title: Invoice for order at %{supplier} vat_exempt_rows: - Name - Quantity - Unit price - Total price no_price_markup_rows: - Name - Quantity - Unit price (net) - Total price (net) - VAT - Total price (gross) price_markup_rows: - Name - Quantity - Unit price (net) - Total price (net) - VAT - Total price (gross) incl. foodcoop margin order_by_articles: filename: Order %{name}-%{date} - by articles title: 'Order sorted by articles: %{name}, closed at %{date}' order_by_groups: filename: Order %{name}-%{date} - by group sum: Sum title: 'Order sorted by group: %{name}, closed at %{date}' order_fax: filename: Order %{name}-%{date} - Fax rows: - Order Number - Amount - Name - Unit quantity - Unit - Price/Unit - Subtotal total: Total order_matrix: filename: Order %{name}-%{date} - sorting matrix heading: Article overview (%{count}) title: 'Order sorting matrix: %{name}, closed at %{date}' errors: check_tax_number: Please check whether the foodcoop's tax number is set correctly. general: A problem has occured. general_again: A problem has occured. Please try again. general_msg: 'A problem has occured: %{msg}' internal_server_error: text1: An unexpected error has occured. Sorry! text2: We've been notified. If this remains a problem, please tell us so. title: Internal server error not_found: text: This page does not appear to exist, sorry! title: Page not found feedback: create: notice: Your feedback was sent successfully. Thanks a lot! new: first_paragraph: Found a bug? Suggestions? Ideas? Reviews? We are happy to hear any feedback. second_paragraph: Please be aware that the Foodsoft Team is only responsible for the maintenance of the software. For questions regarding the organisation of your Foodcoop, please contact the appropriate contact person. send: Send title: Give feedback finance: balancing: close: alert: 'An error occured while accounting: %{message}' notice: Order was settled succesfully, the balance of the account was updated. settings_not_set: No emails with order group invoices sent. Please check the settings. Tax number set? close_all_direct_with_invoice: notice: '%{count} orders have been settled.' close_direct: alert: 'Order can not be settled: %{message}' notice: Order was settled. confirm: clear: Settle first_paragraph: 'When the order is settled, all group accounts will be updated.Here you can write a message to the members of your Foodcoop. If you'd like others to contact you, please enable it in your %{profile_link}.
" ph_name: Name ... ph_ordergroup: Ordergroup ... profile_link: options title: Users workgroups: edit: invite_link: here invite_new: You can invite new members %{invite_link}. title: Edit group index: body: "Editing a group is only available to members of the group.
If you want to join a group, please send the members a message.
Here you can invite someone who isn't part of the foodcoop to join your ordergroup %{group}. After the invitation is accepted, the person will be able to add (and remove) articles to your order.
This is a great way to introduce someone to the foodcoop, or to order with multiple people in the same household.
" title: Invite person new: action: Send invite body: "Here you can add a person to the group %{group}, who is not yet a member of the foodcoop.
" success: User was invited successfully. js: ordering: confirm_change: Modifications to this order will be lost when you change the order. Do you want to lose the changes you made and continue? trix_editor: file_size_alert: The file is to large! The supported file size is 512Mb! layouts: email: footer_1_separator: "--" footer_2_foodsoft: 'Foodsoft: %{url}' footer_3_homepage: 'Foodcoop: %{url}' footer_4_help: 'Help: %{url}' help: 'Help' foodsoft: Foodsoft footer: revision: revision %{revision} header: feedback: desc: Found a bug? Suggestions? Ideas? Review? title: Feedback help: Help logout: Logout ordergroup: My ordergroup profile: Edit profile reference_calculator: Reference Calculator logo: "foodsoft" lib: render_pdf: page: Page %{number} of %{count} login: accept_invitation: body: "You are invited to be part of the foodcoop %{foodcoop} as a member of the group %{group}.
If you want to participate, please fill in this form.
Naturally, your information wll not be shared with third parties for any reason. You can decide how much of your personal information should be visible for everyone. 'All' means all Foodcoop-members. Please note that the administrators do have access to your information.
" submit: Create a Foodsoft account title: Invitation to %{name} controller: accept_invitation: notice: Congratulations, your account was created. You can login now. error_group_invalid: The group in which you were invited doesn’t exist anymore. error_invite_invalid: Your invite is not valid (anymore). error_token_invalid: Invalid or expired token. Please try again. reset_password: notice: If your email is registered here, you will receive a message with a link to reset your password. You may need to check your spam folder. update_password: notice: Your password was updated. You can login now. forgot_password: body: "No problem, you can choose a new password.
Please fill in the email address with which you are registered here. Then you will receive an email with further instructions.
" submit: Request new password title: Forgot password? new_password: body: "Please fill in the new password for %{user}
" submit: Save new password title: New password mailer: dateformat: "%d %b" feedback: header: "%{user} wrote at %{date}:" subject: Feedback for Foodsoft group_order_invoice: subject: Order group invoice for %{group} at %{supplier} text: | Dear order group %{group}, The collective order at %{supplier} has just been settled and invoices have been created for the respective order groups. Attached you will find your invoice. Best regards from %{foodcoop} from_via_foodsoft: "%{name} via Foodsoft" invite: subject: Invitation to the Foodcoop text: | Hi! %{user} <%{mail}> has invited you to join the group "%{group}". To accept the invitation and to join the foodcoop please follow this link: %{link} This link works only once and expires on %{expires}. Greetings, your Foodsoft Team! negative_balance: subject: Negative account balance text: | Dear %{group}, Your account balance has dropped below zero due to a booking on %{when}: %{balance} There was a charge of %{amount} for "%{note}" by %{user}. Please deposit your account as soon as possible. Kind regards from %{foodcoop}. not_enough_users_assigned: subject: '"%{task}" still needs people!' text: | Dear %{user}, The Task '%{task}' of your working group is due on %{when}, and could use some more contributors! If you haven’t assigned yourself to this task yet it’s your chance now: %{workgroup_tasks_url} Your Tasks: %{user_tasks_url} order_result: subject: 'Order closed: %{name}' text0: | Dear %{ordergroup}, The order for "%{order}" has been closed by %{user} on %{when}. text1: | It can be presumable be picked up on %{pickup}. text2: | The following articles have been ordered for your ordergroup: text3: |- o Total sum: %{sum} You can view the order online: %{order_url} Kind regards from %{foodcoop}. order_received: subject: 'Order delivery registered: %{name}' text0: | Dear %{ordergroup}, the order for "%{order}" has been received. abundant_articles: Received too much scarce_articles: Received too little article_details: | o %{name}: -- Ordered: %{ordered} x %{unit} -- Received: %{received} x %{unit} order_result_supplier: subject: New order for %{name} text: | Hi! Foodcoop %{foodcoop} would like to place an order. Please find a PDF and spreadsheet attached. Kind regards, %{user} %{foodcoop} reset_password: subject: New password for %{username} text: | Hi %{user}, You have (or someone else has) requested a new password. In order to choose a new password follow this link: %{link} This link works only once and expires on %{expires}. If you don't want to change your password, just ignore this message. Your password hasn't been changed yet. Greetings, your Foodsoft Team! upcoming_tasks: nextweek: 'Tasks for the next week:' subject: Tasks are due! text0: | Dear %{user}, You are asigned to the task "%{task}". This task is due by tomorrow (%{when})! text1: | My tasks: %{user_tasks_url} Kind regards from %{foodcoop}. welcome: subject: Welcome to the Foodcoop text0: | Dear %{user}, a new Foodsoft account has been created for you. text1: | In order to choose a new password follow this link: %{link} This link works only once and expires on %{expires}. You can always use "Forgot password?" to get a new link. Kind regards from %{foodcoop}. messages_mailer: foodsoft_message: footer: | Reply: %{reply_url} See message online: %{msg_url} Messaging options: %{profile_url} footer_group: | Sent to group: %{group} model: delivery: each_stock_article_must_be_unique: Each stock article must not be listed more than once. financial_transaction: foodcoop_name: Foodcoop financial_transaction_type: no_delete_last: At least one financial transaction type must exist. group_order: stock_ordergroup_name: Stock (%{user}) invoice: invalid_mime: has an invalid MIME type (%{mime}) membership: no_admin_delete: Membership can not be withdrawn as you are the last administrator. order_article: error_price: must be specified and have a current price price user: no_ordergroup: no ordergroup group_order_article: order_closed: Order is closed and cannot be modified navigation: admin: config: Configuration finance: Finances home: Overview mail_delivery_status: Email problems ordergroups: Ordergroups title: Administration users: Users workgroups: Workgroups articles: categories: Categories stock: Stock suppliers: Suppliers/articles title: Articles dashboard: Dashboard finances: accounts: Manage accounts balancing: Account orders bank_accounts: Bank Accounts home: Overview invoices: Invoices title: Finances foodcoop: Foodcoop members: Members ordergroups: Ordergroups orders: archive: My Orders manage: Manage orders ordering: Place order! pickups: Pickup days title: Orders tasks: Tasks workgroups: Workgroups number: percentage: format: strip_insignificant_zeros: true order_articles: edit: stock_alert: The price of stock articles cannot be changed! title: Update article new: title: Add delivered article to order ordergroups: edit: title: Edit ordergroups index: title: Ordergroups model: error_single_group: "%{user} is already a member of another ordergroup" invalid_balance: is not a valid number orders: articles: article_count: 'Ordered articles:' prices: Net/gross price prices_sum: 'Sum (net/gross price):' units_full: Full units units_ordered: Units ordered create: notice: The order was created. edit: title: 'Edit order: %{name}' edit_amount: field_locked_title: The distribution of this article among the ordergroups was changed manually. This field is locked to protect those changes. To redistribute and overwrite those changes, press the unlock button and change the amount. field_unlocked_title: The distribution of this article among the ordergroups was changed manually. When you change the amount, those manual changes will be overwritten. edit_amounts: no_articles_available: No articles to add. set_all_to_zero: Set all to zero fax: amount: Amount articles: Articles delivery_day: Delivery day heading: Order for %{name} name: Name number: Number to_address: Shipping address finish: notice: The order has been closed. form: ignore_warnings: Ignore warnings prices: Prices (net/FC) select_all: Select all stockit: In stock title: Article index: action_end: Close action_receive: Receive confirm_delete: Do you really want to delete the order? confirm_end: Do you really want to close the order %{order}? There is no going back. new_order: Create new order no_open_or_finished_orders: There are currently no open or closed orders. orders_finished: Closed orders_open: Open orders_settled: Settled not_closed: Order not yet settled title: Manage orders model: close_direct_message: Order settled without charging member accounts. error_boxfill_before_ends: must be after the box-fill date (or remain empty) error_closed: Order was already settled error_nosel: At least one article must be selected. You may want to delete the order instead? error_starts_before_boxfill: must be after the start date (or remain empty) error_starts_before_ends: must be after the start date (or remain empty) notice_close: 'Order: %{name}, until %{ends}' stock: Stock warning_ordered: 'Warning: articles marked red have already been ordered within this open order. If you uncheck them here, all existing orders of these articles will be deleted. To proceed, confirm below.' warning_ordered_stock: 'Warning: Articles marked red have already been ordered/purchased within this open stock order. If you uncheck them here, all existing orders/purchases of these articles will be deleted and it will not be accounted for them. Confirm below to proceed.' new: title: Create new order receive: add_article: Add article consider_member_tolerance: consider tolerance notice: 'Order received: %{msg}' notice_none: No new articles to receive paragraph: If the ordered and received amount are the same, the corresponding fields can be empty. It's still good practice to enter all fields, since this provides an easy way to verify that all articles have been checked. rest_to_stock: rest to stock submit: Receive order surplus_options: 'Distribution options:' title: Receiving %{order} send_to_supplier: notice: The order has been sent to the supplier. show: action_end: Close! amounts: 'Net/gross sum:' articles: Article overview articles_ordered: 'Ordered articles:' comments: title: Comments comments_link: Comments confirm_delete: Do you really want to delete the order? confirm_end: |- Do you really want to close the order %{order}? There is no going back. confirm_send_to_supplier: The order has been sent to the supplier already on %{when}. Do you really want to send it again? create_invoice: Add invoice description1_order: "%{state} order from %{supplier} opened by %{who}," description1_period: pickup: and can be picked up on %{pickup} starts: open from %{starts} starts_ends: open from %{starts} until %{ends} description2: "%{ordergroups} ordered %{article_count} articles, with a total value of %{net_sum} / %{gross_sum} (net / gross)." group_orders: 'Group orders:' search_placeholder: articles: Search for articles... default: Search for articles... groups: Search for ordergroups... search_reset: Reset search send_to_supplier: Send to supplier show_invoice: Show invoice sort_article: Sorted in articles sort_group: Sorted in groups stock_order: Stock Order title: 'Order: %{name}' warn_not_closed: Warning, order is not yet settled. state: closed: settled finished: closed open: open received: received update: notice: The order was updated. update_order_amounts: msg1: "%{count} articles (%{units} units) updated" msg2: "%{count} (%{units}) using tolerance" msg4: "%{count} (%{units}) left over" pickups: document: empty_selection: At least one order must be selected. filename: Pickup for %{date} invalid_document: Invalid document type title: Pickup for %{date} index: article_pdf: Article PDF group_pdf: Group PDF matrix_pdf: Matrix PDF title: Pickup days sessions: logged_in: Logged in! logged_out: Logged out! login_invalid_email: Invalid email address or password login_invalid_nick: Invalid username or password new: forgot_password: Forgot password? login: Login nojs: Attention, cookies and javascript have to be activated! Please switch off %{link}. noscript: NoScript title: Foodsoft login shared: articles: ordered: Ordered ordered_desc: Number of articles as ordered by member (amount + tolerance) received: Received received_desc: Number of articles that (will be) received by member articles_by: price: Total price price_sum: Sum group: access: Access to activated: activated apple_limit: Apple points order limit break: from %{start} to %{end} deactivated: deactivated group_form_fields: search: Search ... search_user: Search user user_not_found: No user found open_orders: no_open_orders: There are no current orders not_enough_apples: Attention your ordergroup has too few apple points to place an order! title: Current orders total_sum: Total sum who_ordered: Who ordered? order_download_button: article_pdf: Article PDF download_file: Download file fax_csv: Fax CSV fax_pdf: Fax PDF fax_txt: Fax text group_pdf: Group PDF matrix_pdf: Matrix PDF title: Download task_list: accept_task: Accept task done: Done done_q: Done? mark_done: Mark task as done reject_task: Reject task who: Who is doing it? who_hint: "(How much are still needed?)" user_form_fields: contact_address_hint: The address of your ordergroup. If you update this, it changes for other members of the ordergroup as well. messagegroups: Join or leave message groups workgroup_members: title: Group memberships simple_form: error_notification: default_message: Errors were found. Please check the form. hints: article: unit: e.g. KG or 1L or 500g article_category: description: comma-separated list of category names recognised at import/synchronisation order_article: units_to_order: If you change the total amount of delivered units, you also have to change individual group amounts by clicking on the article name. They will not be automatically recalculated and so ordergroups may be accounted for articles that were not delivered! update_global_price: Also update the price of future orders stock_article: copy: name: Please modify edit_stock_article: price: "Suppliers of the external database are displayed here.
You can import external suppliers by subscribing (see below).
A new supplier will be created and connected to the external database.
" subscribe: Subscribe subscribe_again: Subscribe again supplier: Supplier title: External lists show: last_deliveries: Recent deliveries last_orders: Last orders new_delivery: New delivery show_deliveries: Show all update: notice: Supplier was updated tasks: accept: notice: You have accepted the task archive: title: Task archive create: notice: Task has been created destroy: notice: Task has been deleted edit: submit_periodic: Save recurring task title: Edit task title_periodic: Edit recurring task warning_periodic: "Warning: This task is part of a group of recurring tasks. When saving it will be excluded from the group and it will be converted to a regular task." error_not_found: No workgroup found form: search: hint: Search for user noresult: No user found placeholder: Search ... submit: periodic: Save recurring task index: show_group_tasks: Show group tasks title: Tasks title_non_group: Tasks for all! nav: all_tasks: All tasks archive: Completed tasks (archive) group_tasks: Group tasks my_tasks: My tasks new_task: Create new task pages: Pages new: submit_periodic: Create recurring task title: Create new task repeated: Task is recurring set_done: notice: The state of the task has been updated show: accept_task: Accept task confirm_delete_group: Really delete this and all subsequent tasks? confirm_delete_single: Are you sure you want to delete the task? confirm_delete_single_from_group: Are you sure you want to delete this task (and keep related recurring tasks)? delete_group: Delete task and subsequent edit_group: Edit recurring hours: "%{count}h" mark_done: Mark task as done reject_task: Reject task title: Show task update: notice: Task has been updated notice_converted: Task has been updated and was converted to a non-repeating task. user: more: Nothing to do? %{tasks_link} are tasks for sure. tasks_link: Here title: My tasks title_accepted: Accepted tasks title_open: Open tasks workgroup: title: Tasks for %{workgroup} title_all: All group tasks ui: actions: Actions back: Back cancel: Cancel close: Close confirm_delete: Do you really want to delete %{name}? confirm_restore: Do you really want to restore %{name}? copy: Copy delete: Delete download: Download edit: Edit marks: close: "×" success: move: Move or_cancel: or cancel please_wait: Please wait... restore: Restore save: Save search_placeholder: Search ... show: Show views: pagination: first: "«" last: "»" next: "›" previous: "‹" truncate: "..." workgroups: edit: title: Edit workgroup error_last_admin_group: The last group with admin rights may not be deleted error_last_admin_role: Admin role for the last group with admin rights cannot be withdrawn index: title: Workgroups update: notice: Workgroup was updated time: formats: foodsoft_datetime: "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M"