<% # Use this class instead of FPDF when you need PDF header/footer. # Used by template matrixPdf.rfpdf. class PDF < FPDF def Header SetFont('Arial', 'B', 15) Cell(80) Cell(30, 10, @title, 0, 0, 'C') Ln(20) end def Footer SetY(-15) SetFont('Arial', 'I', 8) Cell(0, 10, 'Seite ' + PageNo().to_s + ' | ' + @title + ' | powered by FoodSoft', 0, 0, 'C') end end MAX_ARTICLES_PER_PAGE = 15 #how many articles shoud written on a page pdf=PDF.new pdf.SetAuthor(FoodSoft.getFoodcoopName) @starts = @order.starts.strftime('%d.%m.%Y').to_s @ends = @order.ends.strftime('%d.%m.%Y').to_s @title = replace_UTF8(@order.name.to_s) + " | beendet am " + @ends @order_articles = @order.order_article_results pdf.SetTitle(@title) pdf.SetFont('Arial','B',10) pdf.SetFillColor(235) pdf.AliasNbPages() pdf.AddPage() pdf.Cell(25,7,'Bestellstart: ',1) pdf.Cell(40,7,@starts,1) pdf.Ln() pdf.Cell(25,7,'Bestellende: ',1) pdf.Cell(40,7,@ends,1) pdf.Ln() pdf.Ln() #list all articles total_num_articles = 0 index = 0 token = Array.new pdf.SetFont('Arial','B',9) pdf.Cell(10,6,'Index',1,0,'L',1) pdf.Cell(20,6,replace_UTF8('Kürzel'),1,0,'L',1) pdf.Cell(80,6,'Name',1,0,'L',1) pdf.Cell(20,6,'Einheit',1,0,'L',1) pdf.Cell(15,6,'Gebinde',1,0,'L',1) pdf.Cell(10,6,'Preis',1,0,'L',1) #pdf.Cell(30,6,'Produktgruppe',1,0,'L',1) pdf.Cell(12,6,'Menge',1,0,'L',1) pdf.Ln() pdf.SetFont('Arial','',9) for article in @order_articles index += 1 # convert the name to correct UTF8 name = replace_UTF8(article.name.to_s) if name.length > 11 token[index] = name[0..3] + '..' + name[-3..-1] else token[index] = name[0..6] end if index%2 == 0 # every second row gets a background color pdf.Cell(10,6,index.to_s,1,0,'L',1) pdf.Cell(20, 6, token[index],1,0,'L',1) pdf.Cell(80, 6, name, 1,0,'L',1) pdf.Cell(20, 6, replace_UTF8(article.unit.to_s), 1,0,'L',1) pdf.Cell(15, 6, article.unit_quantity.to_s, 1,0,'L',1) pdf.Cell(10, 6, number_to_currency(article.gross_price, :unit => "").to_s, 1,0,'L',1) #pdf.Cell(30, 6, article.category.to_s, 1,0,'L',1) pdf.Cell(12, 6, article.units_to_order.to_s, 1,0,'L',1) else pdf.Cell(10,6,index.to_s,1) pdf.Cell(20, 6, token[index], 1) pdf.Cell(80, 6, name, 1) pdf.Cell(20, 6, replace_UTF8(article.unit.to_s), 1) pdf.Cell(15, 6, article.unit_quantity.to_s, 1) pdf.Cell(10, 6, number_to_currency(article.gross_price, :unit => "").to_s, 1) #pdf.Cell(30, 6, article.category.to_s, 1) pdf.Cell(12, 6, article.units_to_order.to_s, 1) end pdf.Ln() total_num_articles += 1 end #****************** start with matrix num_site = -1 while ((num_site + 1) * MAX_ARTICLES_PER_PAGE < total_num_articles) do # page generator num_site += 1 pdf.AddPage('L') # 'L' means landscape pdf.SetFont('Arial','',9) pdf.Cell(40,5,'',1,0,'L',1) # show tokens articleNum = 0 j = 1 index.times do articleNum += 1 #check, if the article should be written on the current page if ( articleNum > (MAX_ARTICLES_PER_PAGE * num_site) && articleNum <= (MAX_ARTICLES_PER_PAGE * (num_site+1))) pdf.Cell(16, 5, token[j], 1,0,'L',1) end j += 1 end pdf.Ln() group_index = 0 for group_order_result in @order.group_order_results group_index += 1 pdf.SetFont('Arial','B',10) # make bold group_index%2 == 0 ? pdf.Cell(40,5, replace_UTF8(group_order_result.group_name[0..20]),1,0,'L',1) : pdf.Cell(40,5, replace_UTF8(group_order_result.group_name[0..21]),1) pdf.SetFont('Arial','',9) # show quantity results articleNum = 0 j = 1 for article in @order_articles articleNum += 1 #check, if the article should be written on the current page if ( articleNum > (MAX_ARTICLES_PER_PAGE * num_site) && articleNum <= (MAX_ARTICLES_PER_PAGE * (num_site+1))) # get the OrderGroupResult for this article groupResult = GroupOrderArticleResult.find(:first, :conditions => ['order_article_result_id = ? AND group_order_result_id = ?', article.id, group_order_result.id]) if group_index%2 == 0 groupResult ? pdf.Cell(8,5,groupResult.quantity.to_s,1,0,'L',1) : pdf.Cell(8, 5, '--', 1,0,'L',1) pdf.Cell(8,5,"",1,0,'C',1) else groupResult ? pdf.Cell(8,5,groupResult.quantity.to_s,1) : pdf.Cell(8, 5, '--', 1) pdf.Cell(8, 5, "", 1,0,'C') end end j += 1 end pdf.Ln() end end # page generator %> <%= pdf.Output %>