require 'yaml' # General FoodSoft module for application configuration and global methods. # # This library needs to be loaded in environment.rb through require 'foodsoft'. # module FoodSoft private @@foodcoops = @@database = @@foodsoft = @@subdomain = public # Loads the configuration file config/foodsoft.yml, ..foodcoops.yml and ..database.yml def self.load_configuration # load foodcoops-config @@foodcoops = YAML::load("#{RAILS_ROOT}/config/foodcoops.yml")) # load database-config @@database = YAML::load("#{RAILS_ROOT}/config/database.yml")) # load foodsoft-config @@foodsoft = YAML::load("#{RAILS_ROOT}/config/foodsoft.yml")).symbolize_keys # validates the parsed data self.validate rescue => e # raise "Failed to load configuration files: #{e.message}" end def self.subdomain=(subdomain) @@subdomain = subdomain end def self.subdomain return @@subdomain end def self.format_time(time = raise "FoodSoft::time_format has not been set!" unless @@foodcoops[subdomain]["time_format"] time.strftime(@@foodcoops[subdomain]["time_format"]) unless time.nil? end def self.format_date(date = raise "FoodSoft: date_format has not been set!" unless @@foodcoops[subdomain]["date_format"] date.strftime(@@foodcoops[subdomain]["date_format"]) unless date.nil? end def self.format_date_time(time = "#{format_date(time)} #{format_time(time)}" unless time.nil? end def self.format_currency(decimal) "#{self.getCurrencyUnit} %01.2f" % decimal end # Returns the set host, otherwise returns nil def self.getHost return @@foodcoops[subdomain]["host"] end def self.getFoodcoopName raise 'foodcoopName has not been set!' unless @@foodcoops[subdomain]["name"] return @@foodcoops[subdomain]["name"] end def self.getFoodcoopContact raise "contact has not been set!" unless @@foodcoops[subdomain]["contact"] return @@foodcoops[subdomain]["contact"].symbolize_keys end def self.getFoodcoopUrl return @@foodcoops[subdomain]["base_url"] end def self.getHelp raise 'foodsoftHelp has not been set!' unless @@foodcoops[subdomain]["help_url"] return @@foodcoops[subdomain]["help_url"] end # Returns the email sender used for system emails. def self.getEmailSender raise 'FoodSoft::emailSender has not been set!' unless @@foodcoops[subdomain]["email_sender"] return @@foodcoops[subdomain]["email_sender"] end # Returns the price markup. def self.getPriceMarkup raise "FoodSoft::priceMarkup has not been set!" unless @@foodcoops[subdomain]["price_markup"] return @@foodcoops[subdomain]["price_markup"] end # Returns the local decimal separator. def self.getDecimalSeparator if (separator = LocalizationSimplified::NumberHelper::CurrencyOptions[:separator]) return separator else logger.warn('No locale configured through plugin LocalizationSimplified') return '.' end end # Returns the local currency unit. def self.getCurrencyUnit if (unit = LocalizationSimplified::NumberHelper::CurrencyOptions[:unit]) return unit else logger.warn('No locale configured through plugin LocalizationSimplified') return '$' end end # Returns the delocalized version of the string, i.e. with the decimal separator local character properly replaced. # For example, for the locale "de-DE", the comma character "," will be replaced with the standard separator ".". def self.delocalizeDecimalString(string) if (string && string.is_a?(String) && !string.empty?) separator = getDecimalSeparator if (separator != '.' && string.index(separator)) string = string.sub(separator, '.') end end return string end # Return the specific database def self.get_database raise 'databse for foodcoop has not been set' unless @@database[subdomain] return @@database[subdomain] end # Foodsoft-Config begins # Returns an array with mail-adresses for the exception_notification plugin def self.get_notification_config raise 'FoodSoft::errorRecipients has not been set!' unless @@foodsoft[:notification] return @@foodsoft[:notification].symbolize_keys end # returns shared_lists database connection def self.get_shared_lists_config raise "sharedLists database config has not been set" unless @@foodsoft[:shared_lists] return @@foodsoft[:shared_lists] end # returns a string for an integrity hash for cookie session data def self.get_session_secret raise "session secret string has not been set" unless @@foodsoft[:session_secret] return @@foodsoft[:session_secret] end # returns units-hash for automatic units-conversion # this hash looks like {"KG" => 1, "500g" => 0.5, ...} def self.get_units_factors raise "units has not been set" unless @@foodsoft[:units] @@foodsoft[:units] end # validates the yaml-parsed-config-file def self.validate raise "Price markup is not a proper float. please use at least one decimal place" unless @@foodcoops.each {|fc| fc["price_markup"].is_a?(Float)} raise "Error recipients aren't set correctly. use hyphen for each recipient" unless @@foodsoft[:error_recipients].is_a?(Array) end end # Automatically load configuration file: FoodSoft::load_configuration # Makes "number_to_percentage" locale aware. module ActionView module Helpers module NumberHelper alias_method :foodsoft_old_number_to_percentage, :number_to_percentage # Returns the number in the localized percentage format. def number_to_percentage(number, options = {}) foodsoft_old_number_to_percentage(number, :precision => 1, :separator => FoodSoft::getDecimalSeparator) end end end end