# frozen_string_literal: true class OrderCollectiveDirectDebitXml attr_reader :xml_string def initialize(group_orders) batch_booking = group_orders.count > 1 ? true : false begin sdd = SEPA::DirectDebit.new( # Name of the initiating party and creditor, in German: "Auftraggeber" # String, max. 70 char #TODO: needed from config name: FoodsoftConfig[:name], # OPTIONAL: Business Identifier Code (SWIFT-Code) of the creditor # String, 8 or 11 char #TODO: needed - config bic: FoodsoftConfig[:group_order_invoices][:bic], #'BANKDEFFXXX', # International Bank Account Number of the creditor # String, max. 34 chars #TODO: needed iban: FoodsoftConfig[:group_order_invoices][:iban], #'DE87200500001234567890', # Creditor Identifier, in German: Gläubiger-Identifikationsnummer # String, max. 35 chars #TODO: needed - config creditor_identifier: FoodsoftConfig[:group_order_invoices][:creditor_identifier], #'DE98ZZZ09999999999' ) rescue StandardError => e raise "SEPA Direct Debit XML could not be created: #{e.message}" end group_orders.each do |group_order| # Second: Add transactions sdd.add_transaction( # Name of the debtor, in German: "Zahlungspflichtiger" # String, max. 70 char #TODO: From ordergroup name: group_order.ordergroup.name, #Ende zu Ende Referenz reference: 'NOTPROVIDED', # OPTIONAL: Business Identifier Code (SWIFT-Code) of the debtor's account # String, 8 or 11 char #TODO: needed where does it come from? bic: group_order.ordergroup.sepa_account_holder.bic, # International Bank Account Number of the debtor's account # String, max. 34 chars #TODO: needed iban: group_order.ordergroup.sepa_account_holder.iban, # Amount # Number with two decimal digit #TODO: needed comesfrom group_order.price amount: group_order.price, # OPTIONAL: Currency, EUR by default (ISO 4217 standard) # String, 3 char currency: 'EUR', # OPTIONAL: Instruction Identification, will not be submitted to the debtor # String, max. 35 char #TODO: is this neccessary? #instruction: '12345', # OPTIONAL: Unstructured remittance information, in German "Verwendungszweck" # String, max. 140 char #TODO: invoice_number + supplier remittance_information: "#{group_order.group_order_invoice.invoice_number} #{group_order.order.supplier.name}", # Mandate identifikation, in German "Mandatsreferenz" # String, max. 35 char #TODO: get it from fsconfig? rather from SEPA mandate_id: group_order.ordergroup.sepa_account_holder.mandate_id, # Mandate Date of signature, in German "Datum, zu dem das Mandat unterschrieben wurde" # Date #TODO: neccessary?? if yes, get it from ordergroup mandate_date_of_signature: group_order.ordergroup.sepa_account_holder.mandate_date_of_signature, # Local instrument, in German "Lastschriftart" # One of these strings: # 'CORE' ("Basis-Lastschrift") # 'COR1' ("Basis-Lastschrift mit verkürzter Vorlagefrist") # 'B2B' ("Firmen-Lastschrift") local_instrument: 'CORE', # Sequence type # One of these strings: # 'FRST' ("Erst-Lastschrift") # 'RCUR' ("Folge-Lastschrift") # 'OOFF' ("Einmalige Lastschrift") # 'FNAL' ("Letztmalige Lastschrift") #TODO: selectable and default RCUR sequence_type: group_order.group_order_invoice.sepa_sequence_type || 'RCUR', # OPTIONAL: Requested collection date, in German "Fälligkeitsdatum der Lastschrift" # Date #TODO: two weeks from now? requested_date: Time.zone.today + 2.days, # OPTIONAL: Enables or disables batch booking, in German "Sammelbuchung / Einzelbuchung" # True or False batch_booking: batch_booking ) # Last: create XML string end @xml_string = sdd.to_xml # Use schema pain.008.001.02 end end