en: finance: index: title: 'Finances' unpaid_invoices: 'Unpaid invoices' show_all: 'Show all' date: 'Date' amount: 'Amount' supplier: 'supplier' last_transactions: 'Last Transactions' group: 'Group' note: 'Note' open_transactions: 'Open Transactions' end: 'End' amount_fc: 'Amount(FC)' clear: 'To account' everything_cleared: 'Great, everything is accounted...' balancing: close: notice: 'Order was accounted succesfully, the balance of the account was updated.' alert: 'An error occured while accounting: %{message}' close_direct: notice: 'Order was closed' alert: 'Order can not be closed: %{message}' index: title: 'Closed Orders' new: alert: 'Attention, order was already accounted' title: 'Accounting %{name}' summary: 'Summary' invoice: 'Invoice' notes_and_journal: 'Notes/Protocol' comment_on_transaction: 'Here you can put a comment with your accounting' edit_note: 'Edit note' comments: 'Comments' create_invoice: 'Create invoice' confirm_order: 'Close order' view_options: 'Viewing options' edit_order: 'Edit order' groups_overview: 'Overview of groups' articles_overview: 'Overview of articles' confirm: title: 'Close order' first_paragraph: 'When the order is closed, all group accounts will be updated.
The accounts will be charged as follows:' clear: 'Close' or_cancle: 'or back to accounting' summary: duration: 'From %{starts} till %{ends}' net_amount: 'Net amount:' gross_amount: 'Gross amount:' fc_amount: 'FC-amount:' groups_amount: 'Group amounts:' fc_profit: 'FC Profit' without_extra_charge: 'Without extra charge:' with_extra_charge: 'With extra charge:' changed: 'Data was changed!' reload: 'Reload summary' orders: name: 'Name' end: 'End' state: 'State' last_edited_by: 'Last edited by' cleared: 'Accounted (%{amount})' clear: 'Accounting' close: 'Close directly' confirm: 'Really want to put the order on closed?' no_closed_orders: 'At the moment there are not closed orders' order_article: confirm: 'Are you sure?' invoice: invoice_number: 'Invoice number:' invoice_date: 'Invoice date:' invoice_amount: 'Invoice amount:' minus_refund_calculated: '- refund calculated:' plus_refund_credited: '+ refund credited:' refund_adjusted_amount: 'refund adjusted amount:' edit: 'Edit invoice' new: 'Create new invoice' group_order_articles: group: 'Group' units: 'Units' total: 'Total costs' add_group: 'Add group' total_fc: 'Sum (FC-Price)' edit_results_by_articles: article: 'Article' number: 'Number' amount: 'Amount' amount_per_unit: 'Unit quantity' net: 'Net' gross: 'Gross' tax: 'Tax' refund: 'Refund' add_article: 'Add article' financial_transactions: create: notice: "The Transaction was saved." create_collection: notice: "All Transactions were saved." alert: "An Error occured: %{error}" ordergroup: remove: "Remove" remove_group: "Remove group" transactions: date: "Date" who: "Who" note: "Note" amount: "Amount" index: title: "Account statement for %{name}" new_transaction: 'Create new transaction' balance: 'Balance of account: %{balance}' last_updated_at: '(last updated at %{when})' search_placeholder: 'Search ..' new_collection: title: "Updating more accounts" sidebar: 'Here you can update more accounts at the same time. For example all transfers of the order group from one account statement' new_ordergroup: 'Add new order group' ordergroup: 'Order group' note: 'Note' amount: 'Amount' save: "Save transaction" new: title: "New transaction" paragraph: 'Here you can credit/distract the order group %{name} money.' group_order_articles: form: amount_change_for: 'Change amount for %{article}' ordergroups: ordergroups: name: "Name" account_balance: "Account Balance" new_transaction: "New transaction" account_statement: "Account statement" index: title: "Manage accounts" new_transaction: "Add new transactions" search_placeholder: 'Search ..' invoices: edit: title: "Edit invoice" form: linked: "This invoice is linked to a %{what_link}." delivery: "delivery" order: "order" index: title: "Invoices" action_new: "Create new invoice" invoices: delivery: "Delivery" confirm_delete: "Are you sure?" new: title: "Create new invoice" back: "Back" show: title: "Invoice %{number}" linked: "This invoice is linked to a %{what_link}." delivery: "delivery" back: "Back" order_articles: edit: title: 'Update article' new: title: 'Add delivered article to order' # used by controller create: notice: 'Invoice was created' update: notice: 'Invoice was updated'