require 'roo' # Foodsoft-file import class FoodsoftFile # parses a string from a foodsoft-file # returns two arrays with articles and outlisted_articles # the parsed article is a simple hash def self.parse(file, options = {}) filepath = file.is_a?(String) ? file : file.to_path filename = options.delete(:filename) || filepath fileext = File.extname(filename) options[:csv_options] = {col_sep: ';', encoding: 'utf-8'}.merge(options[:csv_options]||{}) s =, options.merge({extension: fileext})) row_index = 1 s.each do |row| if row_index == 1 # @todo try to detect headers; for now using the index is ok elsif !row[2].blank? article = {:order_number => row[1], :name => row[2], :note => row[3], :manufacturer => row[4], :origin => row[5], :unit => row[6], :price => row[7], :tax => row[8], :deposit => (row[9].nil? ? "0" : row[9]), :unit_quantity => row[10], :article_category => row[13]} status = row[0] && row[0].strip.downcase == 'x' ? :outlisted : nil yield status, article, row_index end row_index += 1 end row_index end end