en: group_orders: archive: title: 'Orders of %{group}' desc: 'View all %{link} here.' open_orders: 'current orders' title_open: 'Completed/not accounted' title_closed: 'Accounted' form: title: 'Orders' note: 'Note' created_by: 'Created by' ending: 'End' min_quantity: 'Minimum quantity' sum_amount: 'Current amount' last_update: 'Last ordered' funds: 'Credit' name: 'Mame' price: 'Price' unit: 'Unit' unit_missing: 'Missing units' amount: 'Amount' tolerance: 'Tolerance' available: 'Available' sum: 'Sum' units: 'Units' units_full: 'Filled units' total_units: 'Total units' total_tolerance: 'Total tolerance' manufacturer: 'Manufacturer' total_sum_amount: 'Total amount' available_funds: 'Available credits' new_funds: 'New account balance' action_save: 'Save order' cancel: 'or cancel' index: title: 'Orders overview' funds: title: 'Credit' account_balance: 'Account balance' open_orders: 'Current orders' finished_orders: 'Unaccounted orders' available_funds: 'Available credit' finished_orders: title: 'Unaccounted orders' total_sum: 'Total sum' closed_orders: title: 'Closed orders' more: 'more..' order: title: 'Articles' # other fields reference group_orders.form orders: &orders supplier: 'Suppliers' ending: 'End' sum: 'Sum' show: <<: *orders title: 'Your orderresult for %{order}' note: 'Note' order_sum: 'Order sum' not_ordered: 'You didn’t order' closed_by: 'Accounted by %{user}' comment: 'Comment' articles: title: 'Article overview' show_hide: 'Show/hide articles not ordered' edit_order: 'Edit order' name: 'Name' units: 'Units' unit_price: 'Unit price' ordered: 'Ordered' ordered_title: 'Amount + tolerance' order_open: 'Available' # or 'order open'? order_not_open: 'Received' # or 'order not open'? order_nopen_title: 'Considering current orders of all groups' # can this be simpler? total_price: 'Total price' sum: 'Sum' not_ordered_msg: 'You didn’t place an order yet' order_now: 'This is your chance!' order_closed_msg: 'Sorry, this order is closed.' comments: title: 'Comments' switch_order: title: 'Current orders' remaining: '%{remaining} remaining' # used by controller create: &create notice: 'The order was saved.' error_stale: "Someone else has ordered in the meantime, couldn't update the order." error_general: "The order couldn’t be updated due to a bug." update: <<: *create errors: no_member: 'You are not a member of a order group.' closed: 'This order is already closed.' notfound: 'Incorrect URL, this is not your order.'