en: shared: articles_by_articles: ordergroup: 'Order Group' ordered: 'Ordered (Amount + Tolerance)' received: 'Received' price: 'Total Price' articles_by_groups: name: 'Name' units: 'Amount' units_desc: 'Distributed Units' fc_price: 'FC-Price' fc_price_desc: 'Price including taxes, deposit and Foodcoop-Charge' unit_quantity: 'Unit Quantity' unit_quantity_desc: 'Unit Quantity' unit: 'Unit' price: 'Total Price' group_form_fields: title: 'Weekly Jobs' search_user: 'Search User' user_not_found: 'No User found' search: 'Search ...' group: description: 'Description' contact: 'Contact' address: 'Address' access: 'Access to' members: 'Members' weekly_job: 'Weekly Job' no_weekly_job: 'No Weekly Job defined' apple_limit: 'Applepoints order limit' deactivated: 'decativated' activated: 'activated' loginInfo: profile: 'Profile' edit_profile: 'Edit Profile' homepage_title: 'Visit Foodcoop Homepage' # duplicate from de.layouts.header logout: 'Logout' help: 'Help' feedback: title: 'Feedback' desc: 'Found a bug? Suggestions? Review?' open_orders: title: 'Current Orders' not_enough_apples: 'Attention your order group has to little apple points to place an order!' supplier: 'Supplier' ending: 'Ending' who_ordered: 'Who ordered?' total: 'Sum' total_sum: 'Total Sum' no_open_orders: 'There are not current orders' workgroup_members: title: 'Members of the groups' memberships: current_members: drop: 'remove' no_members: '%{group} has no members.' members: title: 'Members of %{group}' desc: 'Here you can manage members of the group or invite a new Foodcoop-Member into the group %{link}.' invite: 'invite' already_members: 'Are already Members' no_members_yet: 'Are not Members yet' invite_someone: 'Invite Someone' non_members: add: 'add'