- content_for :javascript do :javascript $(function() { // create List for search-feature (using list.js, http://listjs.com) var listjsResetPlugin = ['reset', {highlightClass: 'btn-primary'}]; var listjsDelayPlugin = ['delay', {delayedSearchTime: 500}]; new List(document.body, { valueNames: ['name'], engine: 'unlist', plugins: [listjsResetPlugin, listjsDelayPlugin], // make large pages work too (as we don't have paging - articles may disappear!) page: 10000, indexAsync: true }); $('input').keydown(function(event){ if(event.keyCode == 13) { event.preventDefault(); return false; } }); }); %table.ordered-articles.table.table-striped %thead %tr %th .input-append = text_field_tag :article, params[:article], placeholder: (heading_helper Article, :name), class: 'delayed-search resettable search-query' %th= heading_helper Article, :order_number %th= t('.amount') %th= heading_helper Article, :unit %th= t('.net') %th= t('.gross') %th= heading_helper Article, :tax %th= heading_helper Article, :deposit %th{:colspan => "2"} - unless @order.closed? .btn-group = link_to t('.add_article'), new_order_order_article_path(@order), remote: true, class: 'btn btn-small' = link_to '#', data: {toggle: 'dropdown'}, class: 'btn btn-small dropdown-toggle' do %span.caret %ul.dropdown-menu %li= link_to t('.add_article'), new_order_order_article_path(@order), remote: true %li= link_to t('.edit_transport'), edit_transport_finance_order_path(@order), remote: true %tbody.list#result_table - for order_article in @articles.select { |oa| oa.units > 0 } = render :partial => "order_article_result", :locals => {:order_article => order_article} %tr %td{ colspan: 10 } The following were not ordered - for order_article in @articles.select { |oa| oa.units == 0 } = render :partial => "order_article_result", :locals => {:order_article => order_article} - if @order.transport %tr %td{ colspan: 5 }= heading_helper Order, :transport %td{ colspan: 3, data: {value: @order.transport} }= number_to_currency(@order.transport) %td= link_to t('ui.edit'), edit_transport_finance_order_path(@order), remote: true, class: 'btn btn-mini' unless order_article.order.closed?