class AppleBar BAR_MAX_WITH = 600 def initialize(ordergroup) @ordergroup = ordergroup @group_avg = ordergroup.avg_jobs_per_euro.to_f @global_avg = Ordergroup.avg_jobs_per_euro end def length_of_global_bar BAR_MAX_WITH / 2.0 end def length_of_group_bar length = (@group_avg / @global_avg) * length_of_global_bar length > BAR_MAX_WITH ? BAR_MAX_WITH : length end # Show group bar in following colors: # Green if higher than 100 # Yellow if lower than 100 an higher than stop_ordering_under option value # Red if below stop_ordering_under, the ordergroup isn't allowed to participate in an order anymore def group_bar_color if apples >= 100 "#78b74e" else if FoodsoftConfig[:stop_ordering_under].present? and apples >= FoodsoftConfig[:stop_ordering_under] 'yellow' else 'red' end end end def mean_order_amount_per_job (1/@global_avg).round end def apples @apples ||= @ordergroup.apples end def with_restriction? FoodsoftConfig[:stop_ordering_under].present? end end