= f.input :first_name = f.input :last_name = f.input :email -# need :required because :use_nil option on user model validators break the required mark = f.input :nick, required: true if FoodsoftConfig[:use_nick] -# You can control password autocompletion by passing `password_autocomplete` to this partial. -# Possible values: undefined/nil, true, false, 'store-only' -# see also https://github.com/foodcoops/foodsoft/wiki/Form-autocompletion - password_autocomplete = nil unless defined?(:password_autocomplete) - password_html = autocomplete_flag_to_password_html(password_autocomplete) = f.input :password, :required => f.object.new_record?, input_html: password_html = f.input :password_confirmation, :required => f.object.new_record?, input_html: password_html = f.input :phone = f.simple_fields_for :settings_attributes do |s| = s.simple_fields_for :profile, defaults: { inline_label: true } do |profile| = profile.input 'language', as: :select, collection: available_locales, required: false, selected: f.object.settings.profile['language'] .settings .settings-group = s.simple_fields_for :profile, defaults: { inline_label: true } do |profile| %div{class: 'control-group h_wrapper'} %h5{class: 'controls'} = t 'simple_form.labels.settings.settings_group.privacy' = profile.input 'phone_is_public', as: :boolean, label: false, input_html: { checked: f.object.settings.profile['phone_is_public'] } = profile.input 'email_is_public', as: :boolean, label: false, input_html: { checked: f.object.settings.profile['email_is_public'] } - if FoodsoftConfig[:use_nick] = profile.input 'name_is_public', as: :boolean, label: false, input_html: { checked: f.object.settings.profile['name_is_public'] } .settings-group %div{class: 'control-group'} %h5{class: 'controls'} = t 'simple_form.labels.settings.settings_group.messages' = s.simple_fields_for :notify, defaults: { inline_label: true, label: false } do |notify| = notify.input 'order_finished', as: :boolean, input_html: { checked: f.object.settings.notify['order_finished'] } = notify.input 'negative_balance', as: :boolean, input_html: { checked: f.object.settings.notify['negative_balance'] } = notify.input 'upcoming_tasks', as: :boolean, input_html: { checked: f.object.settings.notify['upcoming_tasks'] }