# encoding: utf-8 module OrdersHelper def update_articles_link(order, text, view) link_to text, order_path(order, view: view), remote: true end def order_pdf(order, document, text) link_to text, order_path(order, document: document, format: :pdf), title: I18n.t('helpers.orders.order_pdf') end def options_for_suppliers_to_select options = [[I18n.t('helpers.orders.option_choose')]] options += Supplier.all.map {|s| [ s.name, url_for(action: "new", supplier_id: s)] } options += [[I18n.t('helpers.orders.option_stock'), url_for(action: 'new', supplier_id: 0)]] options_for_select(options) end def units_history_line(order_article) if order_article.order.open? nil else units_info = "#{order_article.units_to_order} #{OrderArticle.human_attribute_name :units_to_order, count: order_article.units_to_order}" units_info += ", #{order_article.units_billed} #{OrderArticle.human_attribute_name :units_billed_short, count: order_article.units_billed}" unless order_article.units_billed.nil? units_info += ", #{order_article.units_received} #{OrderArticle.human_attribute_name :units_received_short, count: order_article.units_received}" unless order_article.units_received.nil? end end # can be article or article_price # icon: `false` to not show the icon # soft_uq: `true` to hide unit quantity specifier on small screens # sensible in tables with multiple columns calling `pkg_helper` def pkg_helper(article, options={}) return nil if article.unit_quantity == 1 uq_text = "× #{article.unit_quantity}".html_safe uq_text = content_tag(:span, uq_text, class: 'hidden-phone') if options[:soft_uq] if options[:icon].nil? or options[:icon] pkg_helper_icon(uq_text) else pkg_helper_icon(uq_text, tag: :span) end end def pkg_helper_icon(c=nil, options={}) options = {tag: 'i', class: ''}.merge(options) if c.nil? c = " ".html_safe options[:class] += " icon-only" end content_tag(options[:tag], c, class: "package #{options[:class]}").html_safe end def article_price_change_hint(order_article, gross=false) return nil if order_article.article.price == order_article.price.price title = "#{t('helpers.orders.old_price')}: #{number_to_currency order_article.article.price}" title += " / #{number_to_currency order_article.article.gross_price}" if gross content_tag(:i, nil, class: 'icon-asterisk', title: j(title)).html_safe end def receive_input_field(form) order_article = form.object units_expected = (order_article.units_billed or order_article.units_to_order) * 1.0 * order_article.article.unit_quantity / order_article.article_price.unit_quantity input_classes = 'input input-nano units_received' input_classes += ' package' unless order_article.article_price.unit_quantity == 1 input_html = form.text_field :units_received, class: input_classes, data: {'units-expected' => units_expected}, disabled: order_article.result_manually_changed?, autocomplete: 'off' if order_article.result_manually_changed? input_html = content_tag(:span, class: 'input-prepend intable', title: t('.field_locked_title', default: '')) { button_tag(nil, type: :button, class: 'btn unlocker') { content_tag(:i, nil, class: 'icon icon-unlock') } + input_html } end input_html.html_safe end end