%h1= _("Your result for") + " #{@order.name}" #element_navigation = link_to_unless @order.previous == @order, _("Previous order"), :action => "my_order_result", :id => @order.previous | = link_to _("Overview"), :controller => 'ordering' | = link_to_unless @order.next == @order, _("Next order"), :action => "my_order_result", :id => @order.next // Order summary .left_column{:style => "width:45em"} .box_title %h2=_ "Summary" .column_content %table %tr{:valign => "top"} %td{:style => "width:50%"} %p = _("Name") + ":" %b=h @order.name | = _("Supplier") + ":" %b=h @order.supplier ? @order.supplier.name : _("nonexistent") - unless @order.note.empty? %p = _("Note") + ":" =h @order.note %p = _("End") + ":" %b=h format_time(@order.ends) %p = _("Order value") + ":" - if @order_value %b=h number_to_currency(@order_value) - else %b -- %p - if @finished = @order.booked ? _("Cleared by") + " #{@order.updated_by.nick}" : "" + _("Order isn't balanced yet") + "" = link_to _("read/add comments"), "#comments" // directly switch to active orders .right_column{:style => "width:23em;"} .box_title %h2= _("Running orders") .column_content %table - @current_orders.each do |order| %tr %td= link_to order.name, :action => 'order', :id => order %td= "("+ time_ago_in_words(order.ends) + ")" if @order.ends // Article box .single_column{:style => "clear:both; width:70em;"} .box_title %h2=_ "Overview of articles" .column_content#result - if @finished // order is finished, show results ... - unless @groupOrderResult.nil? = render :partial => "finished_order_result" - else =_ "You haven't ordered" - else // order isn't finished yet, show ordered articles - if @group_order %p= link_to("Bestellung ändern", :action => "order", :id => @order) if @order.current? = render :partial => 'unfinished_order_result' %br/ = link_to_top - else = _("You haven't ordered yet.") = link_to _("Order now"), :action => "order", :id => @order // Comments box - if @finished .single_column{:style => "width:70em;"} .box_title %h2=_ "Comments" .column_content#comments = render :partial => 'shared/comments' %p = link_to_remote _("New comment"), :url => {:action => 'newComment', :id => @order}, | :before => "Element.show('loader')", | :success => "Element.hide('loader')" | #newComment = link_to_top