# encoding: utf-8 class ArticlesController < ApplicationController before_filter :authenticate_article_meta, :find_supplier def index if params['sort'] sort = case params['sort'] when "name" then "articles.name" when "unit" then "articles.unit" when "article_category" then "article_categories.name" when "note" then "articles.note" when "availability" then "articles.availability" when "name_reverse" then "articles.name DESC" when "unit_reverse" then "articles.unit DESC" when "article_category_reverse" then "article_categories.name DESC" when "note_reverse" then "articles.note DESC" when "availability_reverse" then "articles.availability DESC" end else sort = "article_categories.name, articles.name" end @articles = Article.undeleted.where(supplier_id: @supplier, :type => nil).includes(:article_category).order(sort) @articles = @articles.where('articles.name LIKE ?', "%#{params[:query]}%") unless params[:query].nil? @articles = @articles.page(params[:page]).per(@per_page) respond_to do |format| format.html format.js { render :layout => false } end end def new @article = @supplier.articles.build(:tax => FoodsoftConfig[:tax_default]) render :layout => false end def create @article = Article.new(params[:article]) if @article.valid? and @article.save render :layout => false else render :action => 'new', :layout => false end end def edit @article = Article.find(params[:id]) render :action => 'new', :layout => false end # Updates one Article and highlights the line if succeded def update @article = Article.find(params[:id]) if @article.update_attributes(params[:article]) render :layout => false else render :action => 'new', :layout => false end end # Deletes article from database. send error msg, if article is used in a current order def destroy @article = Article.find(params[:id]) @article.mark_as_deleted unless @order = @article.in_open_order # If article is in an active Order, the Order will be returned render :layout => false end # Renders a form for editing all articles from a supplier def edit_all @articles = @supplier.articles.undeleted end # Updates all article of specific supplier def update_all invalid_articles = false begin Article.transaction do unless params[:articles].blank? # Update other article attributes... @articles = Article.find(params[:articles].keys) @articles.each do |article| unless article.update_attributes(params[:articles][article.id.to_s]) invalid_articles = true unless invalid_articles # Remember that there are validation errors end end raise ActiveRecord::Rollback if invalid_articles # Rollback all changes end end end if invalid_articles # An error has occurred, transaction has been rolled back. flash.now.alert = I18n.t('articles.controller.error_invalid') render :edit_all else # Successfully done. redirect_to supplier_articles_path(@supplier), notice: I18n.t('articles.controller.update_all.notice') end end # makes different actions on selected articles def update_selected raise I18n.t('articles.controller.error_nosel') if params[:selected_articles].nil? articles = Article.find(params[:selected_articles]) Article.transaction do case params[:selected_action] when 'destroy' articles.each(&:mark_as_deleted) flash[:notice] = I18n.t('articles.controller.update_sel.notice_destroy') when 'setNotAvailable' articles.each {|a| a.update_attribute(:availability, false) } flash[:notice] = I18n.t('articles.controller.update_sel.notice_unavail') when 'setAvailable' articles.each {|a| a.update_attribute(:availability, true) } flash[:notice] = I18n.t('articles.controller.update_sel.notice_avail') else flash[:alert] = I18n.t('articles.controller.update_sel.notice_noaction') end end # action succeded redirect_to supplier_articles_url(@supplier, :per_page => params[:per_page]) rescue => error redirect_to supplier_articles_url(@supplier, :per_page => params[:per_page]), :alert => I18n.t('errors.general_msg', :msg => error) end # lets start with parsing articles from uploaded file, yeah # Renders the upload form def upload end # parses the articles from a csv and creates a form-table with the parsed data. # the csv must have the following format: # status | number | name | note | manufacturer | origin | unit | clear price | unit_quantity | tax | deposit | scale quantity | scale price | category # the first line will be ignored. # field-seperator: ";" # text-seperator: "" def parse_upload begin @articles = Array.new articles, outlisted_articles = FoodsoftFile::parse(params[:articles]["file"]) no_category = ArticleCategory.new articles.each do |row| # fallback to Others category category = (ArticleCategory.find_match(row[:category]) or no_category) # creates a new article and price article = @supplier.articles.build(:name => row[:name], :note => row[:note], :manufacturer => row[:manufacturer], :origin => row[:origin], :unit => row[:unit], :article_category => category, :price => row[:price], :unit_quantity => row[:unit_quantity], :order_number => row[:number], :deposit => row[:deposit], :tax => (row[:tax] or FoodsoftConfig[:tax_default])) # stop parsing, when an article isn't valid unless article.valid? raise I18n.t('articles.controller.error_parse', :msg => article.errors.full_messages.join(", "), :line => (articles.index(row) + 2).to_s) end @articles << article end flash.now[:notice] = I18n.t('articles.controller.parse_upload.notice', :count => @articles.size) rescue => error redirect_to upload_supplier_articles_path(@supplier), :alert => I18n.t('errors.general_msg', :msg => error.message) end end # creates articles from form def create_from_upload begin Article.transaction do invalid_articles = false @articles = [] params[:articles].each do |_key, article_attributes| @articles << (article = @supplier.articles.build(article_attributes)) invalid_articles = true unless article.save end raise I18n.t('articles.controller.error_invalid') if invalid_articles end # Successfully done. redirect_to supplier_articles_path(@supplier), notice: I18n.t('articles.controller.create_from_upload.notice', :count => @articles.size) rescue => error # An error has occurred, transaction has been rolled back. flash.now[:error] = I18n.t('errors.general_msg', :msg => error.message) render :parse_upload end end # renders a view to import articles in local database # def shared # build array of keywords, required for ransack _all suffix params[:q][:name_cont_all] = params[:q][:name_cont_all].split(' ') if params[:q] # Build search with meta search plugin @search = @supplier.shared_supplier.shared_articles.search(params[:q]) @articles = @search.result.page(params[:page]).per(10) render :layout => false end # fills a form whith values of the selected shared_article # when the direct parameter is set and the article is valid, it is imported directly def import @article = SharedArticle.find(params[:shared_article_id]).build_new_article(@supplier) @article.article_category_id = params[:article_category_id] unless params[:article_category_id].blank? if params[:direct] and not params[:article_category_id].blank? and @article.valid? and @article.save render :action => 'create', :layout => false else render :action => 'new', :layout => false end end # sync all articles with the external database # renders a form with articles, which should be updated def sync # check if there is an shared_supplier unless @supplier.shared_supplier redirect_to supplier_articles_url(@supplier), :alert => I18n.t('articles.controller.sync.shared_alert', :supplier => @supplier.name) end # sync articles against external database @updated_articles, @outlisted_articles, @new_articles = @supplier.sync_all # convert to db-compatible-string @updated_articles.each {|a, b| a.shared_updated_on = a.shared_updated_on.to_formatted_s(:db)} if @updated_articles.empty? && @outlisted_articles.empty? && @new_articles.empty? redirect_to supplier_articles_path(@supplier), :notice => I18n.t('articles.controller.sync.notice') end @ignored_article_count = @supplier.articles.where(order_number: [nil, '']).count end # Updates, deletes articles when sync form is submitted def update_synchronized begin Article.transaction do # delete articles if params[:outlisted_articles] Article.find(params[:outlisted_articles].keys).each(&:mark_as_deleted) end # Update articles if params[:articles] params[:articles].each do |id, attrs| Article.find(id).update_attributes! attrs end end # Add new articles if params[:new_articles] params[:new_articles].each do |attrs| article = Article.new attrs article.supplier = @supplier article.availability = true if @supplier.shared_sync_method == 'all_available' article.availability = false if @supplier.shared_sync_method == 'all_unavailable' article.save! end end end # Successfully done. redirect_to supplier_articles_path(@supplier), notice: I18n.t('articles.controller.update_sync.notice') rescue ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid => invalid # An error has occurred, transaction has been rolled back. redirect_to supplier_articles_path(@supplier), alert: I18n.t('articles.controller.error_update', :article => invalid.record.name, :msg => invalid.record.errors.full_messages) rescue => error redirect_to supplier_articles_path(@supplier), alert: I18n.t('errors.general_msg', :msg => error.message) end end end