# Capistrano tasks for enabling/disabling foodsoft plugins in the Gemfile # # Please note that the foodsoft plugins should be present already in the # Gemfile, either commented out or not. # # To automatically enable the desired plugins on deployment, create the # file `config/plugins.yml` in the shared directory, containing the # key `enabled` with a list of enabled plugin names (without foodsoft_). # Then add to your `config/deploy.rb`: # before 'bundler:install', 'enable_plugins:auto' desc 'Enable only the foodsoft plugins, cap enable_plugins PLUGINS=wiki,messages' task :enable_plugins do on roles(:app), in: :groups do unless env['PLUGINS'].nil? enable_foodsoft_plugins(ENV['PLUGINS'].split(/,\s*/)) else raise 'You need to set the PLUGINS environment variable to enable specific plugins' end end end namespace :enable_plugins do desc 'Enable the foodsoft plugins specified in shared/config/plugins.yml, if it exists (key `enabled`).' task 'auto' do on roles(:app), in: :groups do text = capture :cat, shared_path.join('config/plugins.yml'), '||true' if text plugins = YAML.load(text) enable_foodsoft_plugins(plugins['enabled']) if plugins && !plugins['enabled'].nil? end end end end # need to run in role def enable_foodsoft_plugins(plugins) gemfile = capture :cat, release_path.join('Gemfile') gemfile.gsub! /^\s*(#)?\s*(gem\s+(['"])foodsoft_(.*?)\3)/ do |c| (plugins.index($4) ? '' : '#') + $2 end upload! StringIO.new(gemfile), release_path.join('Gemfile') # since we updated the Gemfile, we need to run bundler in non-deployment mode new_bundle_flags = fetch(:bundle_flags).split(/\s+/) new_bundle_flags.reject! {|o| o=='--deployment'} new_bundle_flags << '--no-deployment' set :bundle_flags, new_bundle_flags.join(' ') end