# Foodsoft configuration default: &defaults # If you wanna serve more than one foodcoop with one installation # Don't forget to setup databases for each foodcoop. See also MULTI_COOP_INSTALL multi_coop_install: false # If multi_coop_install you have to use a coop name, which you you wanna be selected by default # Please use basic characters for scope names, matching /[-a-zA-Z0-9_]+/ default_scope: 'f' # name of this foodcoop name: FC Test # foodcoop contact information (used for FAX messages) contact: street: Grüne Straße 103 zip_code: "10997" city: Berlin country: Deutschland email: foodsoft@foodcoop.test phone: "030 323 23249" # Homepage homepage: http://www.foodcoop.test # foodsoft documentation URL help_url: https://github.com/foodcoops/foodsoft/wiki/Doku # documentation URL for the apples&pears work system applepear_url: https://github.com/foodcoops/foodsoft/wiki/%C3%84pfel-u.-Birnen # custom foodsoft software URL (used in footer) #foodsoft_url: https://github.com/foodcoops/foodsoft # URL to redirect to after logging out # logout_redirect_url: https://foodcoop.test # Default language #default_locale: en # By default, foodsoft takes the language from the webbrowser/operating system. # In case you really want foodsoft in a certain language by default, set this to true. # When members are logged in, the language from their profile settings is still used. #ignore_browser_locale: false # Default timezone, e.g. UTC, Amsterdam, Berlin, etc. #time_zone: Berlin # Currency symbol, and whether to add a whitespace after the unit. #currency_unit: € #currency_space: true # price markup in percent price_markup: 2.0 # default vat percentage for new articles tax_default: 7.0 # tolerance order option: If set to false, article tolerance values do not count # for total article price as long as the order is not finished. tolerance_is_costly: false # Ordergroups, which have less than 75 apples should not be allowed to make new orders # Comment out this option to activate this restriction #stop_ordering_under: 75 # Comment out to completely hide apple points (be sure to comment stop_ordering_under) #use_apple_points: false # ordergroups can only order when their balance is higher than or equal to this # not fully enforced right now, since the check is only client-side #minimum_balance: 0 # how many days there are between two periodic tasks #tasks_period_days: 7 # how many days upfront periodic tasks are created #tasks_upfront_days: 49 # default order schedule, used to provide initial dates for new orders # (recurring dates in ical format; no spaces!) #order_schedule: # ends: # recurr: FREQ=WEEKLY;INTERVAL=2;BYDAY=MO # time: '9:00' # # reference point, this is generally the first pickup day; empty is often ok # #initial: # When use_nick is enabled, there will be a nickname field in the user form, # and the option to show a nickname instead of full name to foodcoop members. # Members of a user's groups and administrators can still see full names. use_nick: false # Most plugins can be enabled/disabled here as well. Messages and wiki are enabled # by default and need to be set to false to disable. Most other plugins needs to # be enabled before they do anything. #use_wiki: true #use_messages: true # When enabled only administrators can access the member list. #disable_members_overview: true # Base font size for generated PDF documents #pdf_font_size: 12 # Page size for generated PDF documents #pdf_page_size: A4 # Some documents (like group and article PDFs) can include page breaks # after each sublist. #pdf_add_page_breaks: true # Alternatively, this can be set for each document. #pdf_add_page_breaks: # order_by_groups: true # order_by_articles: true # Page footer (html allowed). Default is a Foodsoft footer. Set to `blank` for no footer. #page_footer: <a href="http://www.foodcoop.test/">FC Test</a> is supported by <a href="http://www.hoster.test/">Hoster</a>. # Custom CSS to add #custom_css: 'body { background-color: #fcffba; }' # Custom fields for invoice, odergroup, supplier and user. # Check out https://github.com/plataformatec/simple_form for details about the supported options. #custom_fields: # user: # - name: address # label: Address # - name: birthday # label: Birthday # as: date_picker # Uncomment to add tracking code for web statistics, e.g. for Matomo. (Added to bottom of page) #webstats_tracking_code: | # <!-- Matomo --> # ...... # email address to be used as sender email_sender: foodsoft@foodcoop.test # domain to be used for reply emails #reply_email_domain: reply.foodcoop.test # If your foodcoop uses a mailing list instead of internal messaging system #mailing_list: list@example.org #mailing_list_subscribe: list-subscribe@example.org # Config for the exception_notification plugin notification: error_recipients: - admin@foodcoop.test feedback_recipients: - support@foodcoop.test sender_address: "\"Foodsoft Error\" <foodsoft@foodcoop.test>" email_prefix: "[Foodsoft]" # http config for this host to generate links in emails (uses environment config when not set) #protocol: http #host: localhost #port: 3000 #script_name: "/" # Access to sharedlists, the external article-database. # This allows a foodcoop to subscribe to a selection of a supplier's full assortment, # and makes it possible to share data with several foodcoops. Using this requires installing # an additional application with a separate database. #shared_lists: # adapter: mysql2 # host: localhost # database: sharedlists_development # username: root # password: # encoding: utf8 # socket: /opt/lampp/var/mysql/mysql.sock # # Instead of defining all details here, you can also point to an entry in database.yml. #shared_lists: shared_lists # default to allow automatically adding new articles on sync only when less than 200 articles in total #shared_supplier_article_sync_limit: 200 development: <<: *defaults test: <<: *defaults production: <<: *defaults