en: orders: state: open: open finished: finished closed: closed group_orders: messages: not_enough_apples: > You need at least %{stop_ordering_under} apples to order. Currently your order group has only %{apples} apples. views: pagination: first: "«" last: "»" previous: "‹" next: "›" truncate: "..." date: abbr_day_names: - Su - Mo - Tu - We - Th - Fr - Sa abbr_month_names: - - Jan - Feb - Mar - Apr - May - Jun - Jul - Aug - Sep - Oct - Nov - Dec day_names: - Sunday - Monday - Tuesday - Wednesday - Thursday - Friday - Saturday formats: default: ! '%d/%m/%Y' long: ! '%e %B %Y' short: ! '%e %b' month_names: - - January - February - March - April - May - June - July - August - September - October - November - December order: - :day - :month - :year datetime: distance_in_words: about_x_hours: one: about one hour other: about %{count} hours about_x_months: one: about one month other: about %{count} months about_x_years: one: about one year other: about %{count} years almost_x_years: one: almost one year other: almost %{count} years half_a_minute: half a minute less_than_x_minutes: one: less than one minute other: less then %{count} minutes less_than_x_seconds: one: less than a second other: less than %{count} seconds over_x_years: one: more then a year other: more than %{count} year x_days: one: one day other: ! '%{count} days' x_minutes: one: one minute other: ! '%{count} minutes' x_months: one: one month other: ! '%{count} months' x_seconds: one: eine Sekunde other: ! '%{count} seconds' prompts: day: day hour: hours minute: minutes month: months second: seconds year: years errors: &errors general: 'A problem has occured.' general_msg: 'A problem has occured: %{msg}' general_again: 'A problem has occured. Please try again.' format: ! '%{attribute} %{message}' messages: accepted: has to be accepted blank: has to be filled confirmation: does not match the confirmation empty: has to be entered equal_to: has to be exactly %{count} even: has to be an even number exclusion: is not available greater_than: has to be greater than %{count} greater_than_or_equal_to: has to be greater than or equal to %{count} inclusion: is not a valid value invalid: is invalid less_than: has to be less than %{count} less_than_or_equal_to: has to be less than or equal to %{count} not_a_number: is not a number not_an_integer: must be a whole number odd: must be odd record_invalid: ! 'validation failed: %{errors}' taken: is already taken taken_with_deleted: is already taken (deleted group) too_long: is too long (no more than %{count} characters) too_short: is too short (use more than %{count} characters) wrong_length: is the wrong length (has to have exactly %{count} characters) template: body: ! 'Please check the following fields:' header: one: ! 'Could not save %{model}: an error.' other: ! 'Could not save %{model}: %{count} errors.' number: currency: format: delimiter: . format: ! '%n %u' precision: 2 separator: ! '.' significant: false strip_insignificant_zeros: false unit: € format: delimiter: . precision: 2 separator: ! ',' significant: false strip_insignificant_zeros: false human: decimal_units: format: ! '%n %u' units: billion: one: billion other: billions million: million quadrillion: one: quadrillion other: quadrillions thousand: thousand trillion: trillion unit: '' format: delimiter: '' precision: 1 significant: true strip_insignificant_zeros: true storage_units: format: ! '%n %u' units: byte: one: byte other: bytes gb: GB kb: KB mb: MB tb: TB percentage: format: delimiter: '' precision: format: delimiter: '' support: array: last_word_connector: ! ' and ' two_words_connector: ! ' and ' words_connector: ! ', ' time: am: morning formats: default: ! '%A, %d %B %Y, %H:%M' long: ! '%A, %d %B %Y, %H:%M' short: ! '%d %B, %H:%M' pm: afternoon # remove these aliases after 'activemodel' and 'activerecord' namespaces are removed from Rails repository activemodel: errors: <<: *errors activerecord: errors: <<: *errors has_many_left: 'is still associated with a %{collection}!' models: article: Article supplier: Supplier user: User workgroup: Workgroup ordergroup: Ordergroup task: Task message: Message article_category: Article category stock_article: Stock article delivery: Delivery stock_taking: Stock taking financial_transaction: Financial transaction order: Order order_comment: Order comment order_article: Order article invoice: Invoice attributes: article: availability: 'Is article available?' price: price gross_price: gross price unit: unit unit_quantity: unit quantity tax: VAT deposit: deposit article_category: article category stock_article: price: Price user: password: Password first_name: First name financial_transaction: amount: amount note: note helpers: select: prompt: please select submit: create: "save %{model}" update: "save changes" message: create: 'send message' invite: create: send invitation application: sort_by: 'Sort by %{text}' edit_user: 'Edit user' show_google_maps: 'Show it on Google maps' # long names in simple_form.labels.workgroup role_admin: 'Admin' role_finance: 'Finance' role_suppliers: 'Suppliers' role_article_meta: 'Articles' role_orders: 'Orders' write_message: 'Write message' deliveries: show_invoice: 'Show invoice' new_invoice: 'New invoice' orders: order_pdf: 'Create PDF' option_choose: 'Choose supplier/stock' option_stock: 'Stock' tasks: required_users: '%{count} members are still needed!' # general user-interface ui: close: 'Close' edit: 'Edit' delete: 'Delete' show: 'Show' save: 'Save' or_cancel: 'or cancel' marks: close: 'x'